Showing posts with label Encouragement.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Encouragement.. Show all posts

Monday, September 11, 2023

Lessons From Eden

 Lessons From Eden

A Lesson on God's Character and Spiritual Truth


“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…”  These words begin the Holy Bible and the book of Genesis. There are so many lessons that can be gleaned from the book of creation, but here is a taste of its life giving truth. (Gen.1:1-Gen. 3:24)

1. God is God. He is the Creator and Lord. He knows what’s best. He is not surprised by anything. Everything that comes to us must pass through His hands, good or bad. It all comes by Him. Seek Him to learn why. Pray to Him, ask for Truth and Wisdom. Trust Him and wait for Him to teach you. (Gen. 1:1, John 14:26, Jam. 1:5, Rom. 8:28, Job 1:1-22, 2:1-13, Luke 22:31-32, Prov. 3:5-8)

2. God loves us. He provided for all our needs, and wants a relationship with us. We know this because we desire to seek spiritual things. We seek the divine and justice, in a world where there is none. He calls us. He draws us to Himself. (Gen 1:26-31, Gen. 2:18-25, Gen. 3:8-9, John 3:16, John 6:44)

3. God created us to have a purpose, each of us. We have work to do that God has given us. That work will involve serving others in some way, protecting, taking care of, healing, providing, leading, comforting, helping, and that extends to the environment around us. He places us where we are, and is willing to guide us further if we seek Him, and start working where we are in faith. (Gen. 2:15)

4. God wants our needs met. He provided healthy food, water, and bodies. In the Garden, He gave us peace, love, fruitful procreation and companionship. This is God’s ultimate will for us. Anything other than this is something God does not desire but is the result of this fallen world, our enemy, or choices we’ve made; or a combination of many things. Seek Him. (Gen. 1:27-31, Gen. 2:18, Matt. 6:25-34)

5. God wants us to rule; Not only the world, but our lives through Him; to stand up and fight for good; and to oppose evil. We are to protect the creation with love, and have victorious lives; all of this is done through His guidance. (Gen. 1:28-31, Gen. 2:15, Prov. 3:5-8, Phil. 4:13, Rom. 8:31-39, 1 John 4:4)

6. God gave us freewill, because He loves us and wants us to freely love Him. But, we are fallen, and the Plague of Sin has rushed upon us. It infects us, so that we are filthy and follow evil ways. We are totally corrupted, and are headed for death and eternal separation because of this plague upon us and the choices we have made. (Gen. 1:26-31, Gen.2:15-17, Gen. 3:1-24, Rom. 1:1-32, Rom. 2:9-26, Rev. 20:11-15)

7. God seeks us. He draws us to Himself to be cleansed of the Plague of Sin, and to have a relationship with Him that heals us on all levels. We can choose to listen and turn to Him or turn away. The door is open through Jesus Christ, whose blood washes away the Plague of Sin, and His resurrection brings new life. (Gen. 3:8-9, Gen 3:21, John 6:44, 1 Pet. 2:18-25, Rev. 3:20-22, Eph. 1:3-14, Col. 1:9-20, Rom. 10:9-10)

Just ask God. Seek Him.


Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming AddictionHis newest book is called "The Future is Coming" and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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Saturday, July 29, 2023

Our Dirty Feet

 Our Dirty Feet.

A lesson on confessing our sins by Chris Bunton

As followers of Christ, we live and walk in this filthy world. We see things, we feel things, we think things, and we do things that are sinful. It’s a fact. It says in 1 John 1:10 ”  If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.” So, if you cannot admit that you sin, then you do not know Christ.

Jesus is the Word. “The Word is not in you.” if you cannot admit your sinfulness.

We still sin as saved people but we are not viewed by God as sinners. He sees Christ, not us. Our sins are never brought back up. That’s what “we do not sin” means. Our sins are not imputed on us. We are righteous. (1 John 3:9)

In the Gospel of John, when Jesus began to wash the disciples feet. Peter was appalled. He could not let the God of the universe. The Holy One of Israel, do this for him. We often feel that way. We cannot bring ourselves to let God take care of us. (John 13)

Jesus said “if I do not wash you. Then you can have no part with me.” (John 13: 8-9)

Jesus is referring to the washing away of sin. He is talking about being washed in His blood and getting saved. When we are saved; our sins, past, present and future are gone.

Peter sort of understood, and told Jesus to wash ALL of him. Peter wanted to make sure he was with Christ. He wanted to show that he was all in.

But Jesus knew that Peter was already washed. He knew Peter was already saved. 

Peter had been called, and accepted the call. Peter believed, and had already confessed Jesus as God, and his Lord. He had turned to God. Salvation was not the issue. ( Matt. 16: 13-19)

Next Jesus says, “all you need is for me to wash your feet.” (Verse 10)

 As we walk in this world we get dirty, and we need to be washed. Not for salvation, but as a means of removing the filth of this world, so we don’t spread it every where. So, we don’t carry it with us. So, it doesn’t begin to impact our lives. So, we can feel better. Often talking about something with God or another person can help us.

So, how does this happen?

In 1st John it says to confess our sins and He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness. We pray and confess our sins to God, and He forgives. As we do this, we find that He works to help us overcome, more and more. Sometimes, it doesn’t feel like He hears us. But, we must believe that He does. Sometimes, prayers of confession can be a struggle. (1 John 1:9)

In James, it says to confess our sins one to each other, and pray for each other. This can be very difficult when you have no one you can trust or you fear repercussions. This is why it’s fine to simply confess to the Lord. There are some churches where gossip will destroy you. The purpose of confessing, is to heal and get cleansed. It is not to allow humans the chance to destroy your life. (James 5:16)

But, you must do as the Holy Spirit leads you. If you feel that you need to publicly confess, or confess to others, then do it. But, you must weigh the amount of damage you might cause, and do it in a way that does not hurt others. We are called to Love.

This is Foot Washing, as it pertains to spiritual matters. Of course, there’s the act of washing others feet in reality. This is a very humbling experience, the Lord can use it to grow us.

Turn to God. He is with us.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet, and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has written a book of poetry called "Against the Man" and a book on Addiction Recovery called "Made Free: Overcoming Addiction"
He can be followed at Medium.

Photo by Author. Feet in the sand at Gulf Shores, Alabama.

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Thursday, July 6, 2023

God Takes Care Of Us


God Takes Care of Us


     God has protected and taken care of me in so many ways in my life. I could write a book telling of all the things. Not only has He provided, but He has assured me of the promise of His provision. Often times, when I have encountered trouble in my life, I have been concerned about what was going to happen to me. In those times I turned to Him and asked Him, and He answered. I can tell you that His assurance is often more valuable than the actual provision. His assurance is His Word, which we believe by faith, and it is spirit. The provision is of this world. The assurance is eternal.

     One time I was facing a very large bill, that would take years to pay off; and at the same time I was facing the loss of a job. I was confused and had no idea what I was going to do. I did not know what the future held.

      I went to a local wooded area, which is what I do when I want to be alone with God.  I lay down on the ground in the leaves. Then, I looked up at the sky through the canopy above; and prayed to the Lord, pouring out my concerns to Him.

     After I finished praying, I noticed a squirrel sitting on a branch looking down at me. Then, the squirrel came right down out of the tree, and walked over to me with a purpose. He stopped and sat looking at me. I did not move or breathe. He sat so close I could have grabbed him if I wanted to. He just sat there chewing and looking at me. Then, he turned and walked away.

     At that moment, it was impressed upon my spirit from the Lord, as if to say, “I take care of this squirrel, I feed the birds, I fed Elijah with the birds of the air, and the people with manna. I can take care of you.”

     When these types of events occur, they break my heart wondering why I ever doubted God. He provides, and takes care of me in every way. He took care of me during this time as well. You must also realize that my life at this time was not perfect. I was not living well for God. Of course, I was trying to live right, and letting Him work. But, I was not a Mr. Goody Two Shoes, by any stretch of the imagination.

      But, that’s the thing. It is Gods goodness that brings people to Him. The evil in our lives hurts us, and He wants us to turn to Him, to be cleansed, and saved and healed, and taken care of, so we can grow in Him. “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly.”  God accepts you where you are, cleans you, saves you and works in your life to change you into what He created you to be. Do not let anything keep you from turning to God. Just do it. No matter how bad you are. Let Him remove what He wants to remove; when He wants to remove it. He is the Great Physician. He is the Carpenter. He is the Shepherd. He knows what He is doing. We don’t.

     I remember another time, when I was facing trouble. It was one of many major problems in my life; and once again I was devastated and facing destruction. But, I turned and prayed to the Lord.

     I was sitting in my truck. It was raining. It was one of those gloomy days that always seem to pop up when your life is a wreck. I started praying. And you must understand, when I pray alone, I just talk to God. It’s not some formal prayer. I just talk to Him. He wants us to have a relationship, and to be real with Him.

     I was smoking, so I had the window cracked to let the smoke out. I was asking God, “What am I going to do?” When at that moment a rain drop landed right on the edge of the lowered window, and splashed me right in the eye.

     It shocked me for a moment and an impression came upon me from the Lord. “As I control this rain drop, and guide it as I will. I can guide these problems toward or away. I can curse or bless, with the troubles or the rain.”

      I was broken hearted again, and asked Him to forgive me for all my sins during my life. In these times when He is near He brings me such peace and joy, and He fulfills what He speaks to me. I praised God; which is real praise and real worship. A spontaneous response to God, because you know Him, and He worships Himself through you, to give Himself Glory for His mighty deeds.

     As I said, I have not always lived for God, and even today I sin. But, when I turned to Him and asked Him to save me He did, and He has been faithful. I no longer smoke, and many of the things that I did, such as drinking, sexual immorality, and violence; God has worked to remove those things from my life, and to heal me, and bless me, and guide me, as he sees fit.

     We cannot cleanse ourselves. We must turn to Him, and let Him cleanse us and do the work in us. He will guide and help. First, turn to him and ask Him to save you, confessing Jesus as your Lord. Understand that if you feel led to ask to be saved, it is because God is calling you. He wants you. Normal people in normal life do not seek God for real. They only do it because God is calling them. Have faith and trust Him. Always turn to Him and let no one or nothing drive you away, or push you down or make you feel like God doesn’t want you. He is always ready. Just ask Him in Jesus name and watch Him work.
Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois.
Photo by the writer,  sunset over Gulf Shores, Alabama