Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts

Monday, September 11, 2023

Lessons From Eden

 Lessons From Eden

A Lesson on God's Character and Spiritual Truth


“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…”  These words begin the Holy Bible and the book of Genesis. There are so many lessons that can be gleaned from the book of creation, but here is a taste of its life giving truth. (Gen.1:1-Gen. 3:24)

1. God is God. He is the Creator and Lord. He knows what’s best. He is not surprised by anything. Everything that comes to us must pass through His hands, good or bad. It all comes by Him. Seek Him to learn why. Pray to Him, ask for Truth and Wisdom. Trust Him and wait for Him to teach you. (Gen. 1:1, John 14:26, Jam. 1:5, Rom. 8:28, Job 1:1-22, 2:1-13, Luke 22:31-32, Prov. 3:5-8)

2. God loves us. He provided for all our needs, and wants a relationship with us. We know this because we desire to seek spiritual things. We seek the divine and justice, in a world where there is none. He calls us. He draws us to Himself. (Gen 1:26-31, Gen. 2:18-25, Gen. 3:8-9, John 3:16, John 6:44)

3. God created us to have a purpose, each of us. We have work to do that God has given us. That work will involve serving others in some way, protecting, taking care of, healing, providing, leading, comforting, helping, and that extends to the environment around us. He places us where we are, and is willing to guide us further if we seek Him, and start working where we are in faith. (Gen. 2:15)

4. God wants our needs met. He provided healthy food, water, and bodies. In the Garden, He gave us peace, love, fruitful procreation and companionship. This is God’s ultimate will for us. Anything other than this is something God does not desire but is the result of this fallen world, our enemy, or choices we’ve made; or a combination of many things. Seek Him. (Gen. 1:27-31, Gen. 2:18, Matt. 6:25-34)

5. God wants us to rule; Not only the world, but our lives through Him; to stand up and fight for good; and to oppose evil. We are to protect the creation with love, and have victorious lives; all of this is done through His guidance. (Gen. 1:28-31, Gen. 2:15, Prov. 3:5-8, Phil. 4:13, Rom. 8:31-39, 1 John 4:4)

6. God gave us freewill, because He loves us and wants us to freely love Him. But, we are fallen, and the Plague of Sin has rushed upon us. It infects us, so that we are filthy and follow evil ways. We are totally corrupted, and are headed for death and eternal separation because of this plague upon us and the choices we have made. (Gen. 1:26-31, Gen.2:15-17, Gen. 3:1-24, Rom. 1:1-32, Rom. 2:9-26, Rev. 20:11-15)

7. God seeks us. He draws us to Himself to be cleansed of the Plague of Sin, and to have a relationship with Him that heals us on all levels. We can choose to listen and turn to Him or turn away. The door is open through Jesus Christ, whose blood washes away the Plague of Sin, and His resurrection brings new life. (Gen. 3:8-9, Gen 3:21, John 6:44, 1 Pet. 2:18-25, Rev. 3:20-22, Eph. 1:3-14, Col. 1:9-20, Rom. 10:9-10)

Just ask God. Seek Him.


Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming AddictionHis newest book is called "The Future is Coming" and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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