Showing posts with label Freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freedom. Show all posts

Saturday, February 17, 2024

False Teachers

 False Teachers

A Lesson on False Teachers in the Last Days

"But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not" ---2 Peter 2

Paul also tells us that there will be false teachers in these last days. (1 Tim. 1: 1-15, 2 Tim 4:2-4, 2 Timothy 3:1-9)

Jesus says the deception will be so bad that even the elect would be deceived if it was possible. (Matt. 24:24)

So, it's important for us to have tools in our pocket to help us.

1. The Holy Spirit will teach us and lead us into all truth. If you are saved and listen to the Holy Spirit. He will impress upon you that something isn't right. (John 16:13)

This doesn't mean the teacher who speaks false things is not saved. A person can be saved and be in error on a subject. Just because we are saved doesn't mean we have it all straight in our minds. 

Pray and ask the Lord to show us what's up. (1 John 2:27, James 1:5) We want to judge rightly and respond rightly. We want to be Spirit led, but we need to learn what that means. It takes time and a relationship with God to hear His voice. "My sheep know my voice" Do you know Him? (John 10:1-19)

2. What does the teacher do with Jesus? We are talking about spiritual teachers here. Not the guy teaching you math.

The scriptures give us an easy way to determine false teachers.

They will not say that Jesus is THE Lord. They might admit he is God, but not confess Him as Lord.

It says that "No one  can say Jesus is the Lord without the Holy Spirit and no believer will say anything bad about Jesus. (1 Cor 12:3)

If they do not have the Holy Spirit, then they are not saved.

It also says to test the spirits to see if they are of God. The test is whether they claim that Jesus came in the flesh. Basically, do they teach that Jesus is God, became human and died to save us rising from the dead.
This is a major clue. If they can't say that Jesus is the Lord, they probably aren't saved. So, you should pray to the Lord to lead you to a teacher He wants you to hear from. (1 John 4:1-6)

Realize that the demons of hell know who Jesus is. But, they will not confess Him as Lord. They are in rebellion.

Realize that there are false teachers who aren't saved, and false teachings or doctrines that can come from saved people.

They might teach 90% truth. But in this one area. They are a little off. Is it a salvation issue?

Rejecting Jesus as Lord is major. Believing in infant baptism, or a pre-trib rapture or some other doctrines is not. Understand the difference between salvation issues, and doctrinal differences. Rejecting Christ, is a salvation issue. Going trick or treating is not.

3. A works based doctrine.

Every religion on earth teaches some kind of works based doctrine. That humans need to do this or that in order to reach God and be saved.

But, in Christianity God Himself came down and did it all for us. It is finished  all we have to do is accept it, then have a relationship with the Lord, which He also does through sanctification and His Spirit.

Paul fought the works based doctrine his whole ministry. People want to add some work to salvation. To either obtain it or maintain it.

The demons of hell will gladly keep us struggling with worrying about our sin. Trying to do better while attacking others who disobey. They love nothing more than a bunch of pharisees who burn people at the stake of judgment.

You are saved by grace through faith. Let the Holy Spirit guide and work on you. Give others love, grace and mercy as well. 

We are not saved by Works. (Eph. 2:8-10)

4.  No tough times.

This one is difficult. Jesus said that in this world we will have tribulation. We will have times of trouble. 

He promises to be with us through it. And there are things we can do to make those times better like prayer, faith, spiritual warfare, praise, thanks, abiding, dying to self, giving and serving.

There are things we can do to make it worse, like running from God, turning to fleshly remedies like booze, drugs and sex, turning to false beliefs, bitterness and anger, among other things.

In Jeremiah, God told Jeremiah that He was going to judge Israel His people.
Now let's not focus on what they did. Let's focus on the fact that God let tribulation fall on His people, and that it worked to cleanse the body and drive out those who did not know God.

Jeremiah taught that God was going to let the King of Babylon take over Israel. And if the people trusted Him, God would be with them.

The false teachers taught that God would not let them suffer tribulation. They taught that they were not going to face wrath. That God would deliver them, OUT OF TROUBLE. They stood in the pulpit and taught that God would deliver them from Great Tribulation.
Now, understand that this is a picture of the Last days. The king of Babylon is the Anti-Christ and Satan who will make war with the saints and overcome them. (Rev. 13:7, Daniel 7:25)

This is done to weed out the saved and unsaved. To cleanse the temple or body. He allows tribulation to come on His people. Even if it's great tribulation, to weed out the tares.

Realize, that yes God delivers us from trouble. But, sometimes He allows trouble for a higher purpose.

Our response to both, is the same. Realize He is with us, trust Him, and draw closer to Him.

Realize that Tribulation, even great tribulation is not God's Wrath.  God's wrath is Hell and the Lake of Fire. God's wrath is poured out in one day.

Understand that I am not saying that God kills babies or gives us cancer to teach us a lesson. Those things exist because of death, the fall, a corrupted world, and Satan. The enemy wants us to blame God for these things. That gets us to be angry at God and turn away from Him. It keeps us from praying and drawing close to God if we think he did it to us. That is Satan's plan. To keep us away from God.

The solution is always the same, turn to God and draw closer to Him. We will learn from the trouble, and we can use it to help others.

5. Not building the kingdom.
Satan won't build God's Kingdom. A teacher of the Lord, should be teaching, preparing and sending the saints out to preach the Gospel, serve others and God, building the Kingdom. That's our purpose as believers. To build the kingdom.

False teachers, will keep you in your pew singing pretty songs and scratching your itching ears with some new teaching.  For what? 

A true teacher teaches what the Holy Spirit leads them to teach. He readies the saints for the battle and growing the kingdom. We all have our part, in different ways, but we will be led to go and build the kingdom.

A church sitting in pews doing nothing is not a threat to the enemy.

Pray the Lord will help you to escape this deadness. And show you what to do and where to go.

Always, turn to the Lord and He will direct you. When you notice a problem ask Him and be willing to step out in faith, to make changes or do things He calls us to do.

With technology we are surrounded by false teachings and teachers. It can travel the world. Fake pictures and videos edited. Media services telling us propaganda. Governments lying, corporations lying, preachers lying, and its everywhere.

Turn to God, and listen to Him. He is Truth. He is the way.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called “The Future is Coming” and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Sin Vs. Love

 Sin vs. Love

A Word on our relationship with God.

The Bible plainly shows in Matthew 25, what Christ will ask when He returns.

He doesn't ask, "Did you watch porn?"

He doesn't ask "Did you have sex before marriage, or did you have an abortion"

He doesn't ask "Did you vote right, or did you go to church or did you obey leaders and pay what you owe?"


He asks if you visited prisoners? Did help you the poor? Did you clothe the naked? Did you give a cool drink to the thirsty? Did you love your neighbor? Did you love? Show kindness and compassion? Did you reconcile people to God?

I can hear you squirming in your seat dying to say..."yeah...but"


Jesus died for our sins and rose for our justification. If you are saved then you are in Him and are dead to sins.  It is not held against you. Do the dead sin? No. Paul explains this in Romans.

That means that you have power over it. But, it also means that it is irrelevant to your eternity. You are washed. You are hid in Christ.  (Col. 3:1-3)

You confess your sins and God forgives you, and works to help you overcome. But, it's dead. (1 John 1:1-10)

Those sins can open doors to the enemy to destroy us and ruin our lives. 


But, all things work together for our good. God will use that destruction to help us. God will use it to grow us. He is not trying to hurt us but gives a hope and a future. (Romans 8: 28)

And we still are saved forever.


Our willingness to have a relationship with Christ and let the Holy Spirit, love through us is what we are called to do. (Eph 2:8-10)

Our service and our love is a reflection of our relationship with God.

When you read Matthew 25. It's obvious that the people thought they were saved. But, they never knew the King, so they never did the compassionate loving things God desired.

They never knew Him.

It's not about works. It's about who you know and who you have a relationship with.

Let God take care of your sins. Focus on serving and loving others. Focus on the relationship with God.

And you will find that those sins you worry about, get less and less. We grow. We build faith. We build our relationship with God. We overcome the sin that so easily besets us. By following the Holy Spirit and doing the service God calls us to do. Not by works, but by His power.

Love covers a multitude of sins. God is love, and He works to drive those things out of us through Love. (1 Peter 4:7-8)


Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called “The Future is Coming” and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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Photos by the author. Cool door in New Harmony, Indiana.

Read more from Chris. HERE.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Confess Our Sins

 Confess Our Sins

A Word on Confession

It says in First John chapter one, to confess our sins and he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

So what does this mean? 

It means don't hide anything from God. You sin. It's a fact. ” If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.” (1 John 1:10) So, if you cannot admit that you sin, then you do not know Christ.
If you honestly cannot think of any sins, then ask God to show you. But, you better hang on. Because God will let you see how bad you really are.

Confess it all to him. Tell him about your addiction, your adultery, your hate, your violence. Tell him about all your filth. Your pride, your unkindness, your false beliefs, your rebellion. Sins of commission and sins of omission. Remember that homeless guy, God wanted you to help but you were too busy?

Confess it.

Because He will forgive you.

But...think about it.

He already forgave us and washed us in His blood when we were saved.

Do we need further washing?

Of course not. He is not referring to that.

He is telling us He will forgive us, because the devil is telling us He won't. 
The enemy whispers into our mind that we have fallen too far. Or that we are not worth it. or that we should be ashamed or fear God. Those are lies.

God loves us and is on our side.

Not only that, but God is telling us that He will wash our feet and make us whole; despite the lies the enemy tells us. (John 13:6-10)

But not only that..God will clean up our life. Meaning that as we keep confessing, and praying. He is working to help us overcome these sins that keep us down.

He is helping us to overcome them, as we give them to him to defeat.
There are things I have prayed over and confessed to Him for years. And I have seen Him molding me, and changing me.

Praise Jesus
He does not leave us. He is with us and works in our lives, as we walk in the Spirit, confessing to Him.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called “The Future is Coming” and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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Photo by the Author

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Saturday, May 20, 2023

What Is Jesus Worth?

 What Is Jesus Worth?

I have been in church and heard a lot of sermons. I've listened to preachers on the radio and TV for decades.

And I can say that I have heard many sermons about how the employee needs to work harder.

"Work as unto the Lord! Work as though Jesus is watching you!"

Is the basic flavor of all these sermons.

"Don't complain about your job. Be thankful you have one. Some people have nothing."


"The Bible teaches you that you should obey authority. That includes your boss..."

That's the gist of thousands of sermons.

But I have never heard a sermon telling employers how to treat workers.

Are there no Christian employers?

We know there are because they let us know.

They have a fish symbol on their business cards. They let employees have Sunday off...etc.

But let's flip the script.

What if Jesus was your employee?  How much is Jesus Worth?

Minimum wage?  One sick day with a doctor's excuse? 

Would you complain that no one wants to work if Jesus showed up every day?

Consider where Jesus said "What you've done unto the least of these my brethren you've done unto me".
Could it refer to your employees? Are they not poor? Are they not "The least of these"?"

What about that big house and new car? All bought by the cheap labor of Jesus at your store....
How much money should we horde off the whip scarred back of Jesus?

Jesus+profits= bass boat.

How much is Jesus Worth?  

Minimum wage? Unpaid sick days?  Can Jesus take his sick kid to the doctor? Can Jesus spend time with his wife and new born baby? Can Jesus not get sexually harassed today? Can Jesus get a mental health day? Can Jesus get insurance or maybe a vision plan? Can Jesus get stuck in traffic and show up late today?

Just asking.
And I'm referring to Jesus the Lord. Not Jesus from Mexico City who cuts your massive lawn.

What is Jesus worth?
Chris Bunton is a writer,poet, and blogger from Southern Illinois.

Photo by the author The Bald Knob Cross of Peace, Alto Pass, Illinois.