Showing posts with label Encouragement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Encouragement. Show all posts

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Are You a Hypocrite?

 Are You a Hypocrite?

A Word on Hypocrisy



Calling someone a hypocrite, or saying "Don't judge me", are the sword and shield, which people use to defend their actions. So, let us look at hypocrisy and figure out what is going on.
     First, If a person feels the need to use these terms such as “You’re a hypocrite or don’t judge me”   They should stop for a minute and ask themselves. Who is it that is judging me?  Is it the person outside?  Or is there something deep inside of me, which makes me feel like what I am doing is wrong, so I must blame others?  Which is it?  Why is it there?
     Second, we are all hypocrites to some degree. We often tell our children not to do things that we ourselves have done in the past or currently do. We tell children not to cuss, even when they have heard us cuss. We do it because we do not want little Johnnie to yell something bad at Grandma’s house. We do it because we do not want to hurt Grandma. We are hypocrites.
     Is it wise to say, “Sure Johnnie, you can go out and drink and drive with your high school buddies.  After all, I did it, and I really wouldn’t wanna be a hypocrite.” Then, little Johnnie becomes a drunk and dies in a car wreck 10 years later, because you allowed it, without saying a word.   But, at least you kept your integrity, I guess. Sure Johnnie might do it anyway, but at least you tried to stop him. Parenting in this manner, by letting kids do anything they want to do so we can avoid hypocrisy, would be insane.
     Third, why does hypocrisy always surround moral issues? If we were at a picnic and I told you that someone poisoned the water cooler and I drank from it and got sick. You would call me a hero for protecting you and your family. However, if I told you that being a drunk ruined my life and the lives of many people around me. You would call me a hypocrite and say, “don’t judge!!”  Is it me who is judging you or is it something inside of you, poking at your heart?
     Why are generalizations allowed in hypocrisy? If I say that Jesus died to save us from Hell, and we should turn to Him, confessing Him as Lord, asking Him to save us and work in our lives. I am called a hypocrite because I am a Christian. Not because of anything, I have taught personally, but just because I am a Christian. Are all Christian’s hypocrites?
     A hypocrite is someone who tells people to do things they do not do themselves. Therefore, searching for some other bad thing another person does, in order to make you feel better, does not make the other person a hypocrite. It makes them a sinner like you and me. They are only a hypocrite if it is the same thing you are doing; and if they tell you that you should not do it. For example: a thief telling someone not to steal would be a hypocrite. But, dredging up the fact that your sister cheats on her husband, when she says you’re a drunk, doesn’t make her a hypocrite. It makes her a sinner like you.
     Finally, the hypocrisy of the speaker does not change the truth of the message. If a man is terribly over weight and he points at you with a chicken leg he is eating, and tells you… “You better watch what you eat and eat healthy. Don’t eat too much and make sure you exercise” Is he a hypocrite? Yes! However, his message is true nonetheless.
     God can use many methods to bring a warning or message into our lives. He once used a donkey to tell a prophet he was wrong. We must listen to the message and not look at the messenger. God will often use the foolish things to confound the wise. (1 Cor. 1:25-31) He might use a homeless man to open the eyes of a lawyer. But, what if the lawyer refused to listen, because the man was homeless?
      Calling someone a hypocrite or saying “Don’t Judge Me” is a defense mechanism that Satan has given humans, in order to keep you from escaping his control of your life. It’s quite an ancient phrase and was even used in Sodom against Lot, when he asked the people not to rape the travelers. (Gen. 19:7-9) Ask Jesus to save you and help you. Even saved people can have demonic influences in their lives. Learn to recognize the difference between the demonic and the Holy Spirit. You would be very surprised to learn how many believers listen to a Spirit of Fear, or some other entity and not the Holy Spirit.  Ask the Lord to help.
     Am I saying that we should obey everything that people tell us to do in our lives? No. But, evaluate the message. Do not just discard it because of who the messenger is; because it is very easy to find fault with every messenger. If you cannot find fault with the messenger, then Satan will place many other excuses into your mind or my mind that will work just fine to help us avoid listening and evaluating.
     I am Chris Bunton and I am a hypocrite. I ask God to forgive me, save me and help me to overcome. Now, how about you?


Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming AddictionHis newest book is called "The Future is Coming" and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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 Photo by the Author, The Ceiling of The National Museum of the American Indian in Washington D.C.

Friday, July 14, 2023

8 Ways to Stay Clean and Sober


As addicts we need to totally change our lives, in order to be free of addictions and the temptations to reuse.            

It is my belief that God created us, and that addiction is not a surprise to Him. Actually, He created everything associated with addiction, but the purpose was originally for good. It was to get us addicted to, and derive pleasure from the good things. It was to help us to be devoted to God, and the things that benefit our lives.   But, we are fallen and our love and devotion to good things, becomes used for evil and twisted.         

So, as addicts we must replace our bad addictions, with good things. We must devote ourselves to things that do not harm us. By doing this it will help us avoid temptations, controlling influences, and give us a stepping place to be free of everything, except for what we choose to be devoted to.    

Addiction is not always based on chemicals we consume. Gambling, Sex addictions, Food addictions, are not caused by chemicals you take. They are from chemicals produced in the brain, that bring pleasure in some way.   Even the drugs we take influence those chemicals already in our brain. That’s where the battle must occur.

I am in no way simplifying or belittling the struggle we as addicts face. I’m not saying that simply painting pictures, or going to church, or exercising will cure us. I’m saying these things are tools to a better life, and a distraction from the gnawing desire of what we crave. Then, over time the craving gets less and less. It has helped me.     

So, let’s begin. These are things we can become addicted or devoted to that will help us take the focus off of our current addictions and give us purpose, and hope. The first thing is;

     God– Become addicted to God, the things of God and serving Him as He calls you.  This goes along with any 12 step program, but what I’m saying is that we really let God have more of an influence in our life. He calls you to a relationship with Him. This has worked for millions, and is the real foundation of AA, and the 12 step programs. Ask God to save you and heal you through Jesus Christ. Then walk a spiritual path, with Him working in your life. Addict yourself to it. I have done it and God works in my life daily.

     Travel– I use travel as a form of healing. When I was a drunk, I had no money or real desire to see the world. When I was in prison I could not see the world. But, now I see it. I use travel to remain excited about life, and to not have a reason to use. Start traveling locally. Go to a new restaurant, museums, parks, and the next town over. Then start planning better trips. Start close, so you will not get discouraged with costs, or the inability to go. Become addicted to exploring and freedom. But, remember you are still an addict and need to avoid triggers.

     Health and Fitness– Become addicted to health and fitness. Eat right, try new diets and join a gym. Start running, walking, and cycling. Grow your own healthy food. Go to farmer’s markets and get fresh organic food. Study herbs, and alternative medicines to avoid the pharmaceuticals. Get addicted to it. Not steroids, but health and life. It’s a life style change that will help you decide to stay clean, because you’ve worked too hard to be healthy. I’ve come to a place in my life, where I try my best to take no meds that are not natural. You can do it.

     Athletics– Get addicted to sports. Not just watching them, but playing them. Pick a sport you can do, and go all in. Team sports will help you remain accountable. Individual sports will help you to be responsible for yourself and increase will power. Basketball, swimming, rock climbing, softball, tennis, marathons, there are tons of sports to choose from. I went with running. Study it, practice it, and get better and better. Addict yourself to it, and let it heal you. This can be done with other things mentioned here. You can travel to play your sport. You can be healthy for your sport. You can talk to God while performing your sport. Get addicted to it.

     Outdoors– Get addicted to the outdoors. Get in love with God’s creation. Go hiking, camping, mountain biking, rock climbing, kayaking, or just go out there and sit and meditate.  I can tell you that many of the greatest breakthroughs I have had in my healing have come from being in the woods, alone with God.

     Serve others– Get addicted to helping others. Join groups that are making a difference. Help others with addiction or who have worse troubles than you. You have come through much, use it to help others. Save the planet, save animals. Give yourself to God and others. Watch what happens to you and your life. Often times when we try to heal others, we find ourselves healed in the process. But, remember that when you are dealing with people it can tempt you to use. You should avoid helping other addicts till you are strong enough. Just get away from that mess. Serve in other ways that is not a trigger.

     Start a Business– Get addicted to the excitement of entrepreneurship. Study, go to school, and get a job in the field you love or feel called to, then start your own business so you can provide for yourself and your family. The effort and success will benefit you in many ways, and give you reasons to stay clean. If school and jobs are not an option, then just go out and make it happen. Do not be tied down by fear and controlling influences. Get addicted to success and being financially free. Learn a trade.

     Art– Get addicted to creating art. Embrace your creative side and let it heal you. Travel to see art. Buy art. Make art. Go to school for art. Try all the various art forms, painting, music, writing, architecture, cooking, acting, or any other art form that speaks to you. The desire to create can help you avoid things that prevent you from creating.       

This is a list of things you can do to change your life and help give you a purpose and a focus that is not drug oriented. But, be aware that drugs and alcohol can easily be involved with all these things, and they can just as easily destroy them. I used alcohol with many of these things camping, writing, and travel or food. But, it destroyed me and kept me from them. I would drink while writing, but after a few drinks I could no longer write, and it eventually kept me from it.            

A person can be tempted while doing these things. Art often links to drug use. Sports, involves drinking. Business might cause you to be led into a business meeting where there is alcohol. But, if you use these things in conjunction with other methods of sobriety such as 12 step programs or rehab, they can benefit you. The key is to stay away from situations that will lead you to use, and destroy the life you are trying to build.            
I currently use all of these methods in my life. My life has become full of goodness and focused on so much that I simply cannot use. I would lose everything. I would not be able to focus. These things give me more reasons to say no. They give me more reasons to get up every day and stay sober. God has helped me and opened my eyes to these things.           

Remember, that these things must be a part of a lifestyle change. They cannot be like a diet, where you are just trying to lose a few pounds. You must decide to be new, and give yourself to God, and make changes for real. If you just want to get a little straight, you will be craving your old life, the whole time you are struggling to stay sober. You must decide that the new life is better for you, and be happy about it. You must decide to hate your old life. You must get addicted to the good things.            

You must wake up to God. You must wake up to life, and hate the death that once controlled you. You must realize that God is healing you, even if you can’t see it right now. That is faith. You must wake up to the child you once were before the poisons took over your life. Remember that free child who had hopes and dreams? Now, go find that little one. That’s the real you. Get addicted to the real you.        

This is the link to my addiction recovery book. It’s an Ebook. It tells my story of addiction and recovery, along with my views on how to stay clean.
Made Free: Overcoming Addiction

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois.

Photo by the writer.

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Sunday, July 9, 2023

God's Heart


God's Heart

“This people draw near to me with their mouth, and honor me with their lips; but their heart is far from me...”--- (Matt. 15:8)

     Do we follow God’s Heart? Or do we waste time singing songs that He’s not even listening to?  (Amos 5:22-24) This is a very important question. Are we real? Or are we playing church? Are we welcoming? Or are we doing another church program? God plainly says that He will not listen to our worship. He wants us to do Justice and Mercy. (Matt.25)
    So, where is God’s heart? Does God’s heart want us to worry about obeying the Law? Does He want us in bondage to making sure we follow every ordinance of man and God, and making sure everyone else does to? Is that God’s heart? Is it in rules and regulations? Even though His law is good, like all things from God, I think we can see from scripture that His heart is not all about Laws.
     God’s Heart at this time, toward us, seems to be the salvation of mankind. From the moment Adam fell, God has been working to restore man to a right relationship with Himself. He has worked to save us, individually, and collectively. The entire Bible speaks of it, and it doesn’t matter what language you read it in. If you remove Jesus Christ, as the redeemer of Humanity, you lose the whole thing.
     Wouldn’t it seem true that God’s Heart would lie, where His Son is? Wouldn’t it be true that since He sent His Son to die a terrible death for us that His heart might lay there? That He left glory, and came to Earth Himself, and mingled with us, and healed us, and ate with us that His heart might be toward us? But, we think it’s all about Law.
     He raised up a people for Himself, in order to have a beachhead, whereby He could invade this Satan controlled world. He worked to get those people to turn to Him and serve Him, in the desire of His heart; which is saving Humans, waging the war, and showing the world that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Then, He turned to the rest of mankind, not as an afterthought, but as part of the original plan. Could His heart lie here?
     We could speak of David, who was a man after God’s own heart. But, why was He called that? He was called that because of Faith, because He was quick to turn to God, and because He was diligent in growing the Kingdom. We see Solomon who built the Temple of God, Which is a house of prayer for ALL nations. And that house of prayer is Jesus Christ, who rose for our justification. He died and rose for us. Wouldn’t you think God’s heart would lie here? And then He rose into heaven, alive, and gave His last commandment, to go forth into all nations. Why? To get them saved!  That’s the whole point.
     So, when believers think that they honor or serve God, by sitting in the four walls of a church singing songs, and condemning people who do not want to come and sit with them, their heart is far from Him. That was not why he came. When we condemn people for not obeying the rules, He is far from us. That is not why He came. He came to save us. And that is the work that ALL believers should be doing. Our gifts are for that purpose. We are to be preaching the Gospel, and telling people about Him; leading people to be saved. We do this as a church body, and as individuals.
     He doesn’t listen to our words of worship, if we are not doing justice and mercy. If we are not spreading the Gospel, and helping people, then He is not listening to our worship. Our hearts are far from Him. If we rise up, and help people, waging the war, and spreading the Gospel. God will move in our lives. He will grow us, and feed us and teach us. Through this we will begin to truly obey Him, and we will be following His law, and then finally, we will be worshipping Him. Because it will be a true worship for who He is and for what he has done for us. It will be Him worshipping Himself through us, just as He works through us when we let Him. It won’t be about standing in a big room singing the same songs, week after week, in order for our friends to see that we showed up.
     He’s not listening, if we do not do justice and mercy. Our hearts are not with Him, and our lips are false if we are not chasing after the things of His heart. Do we believe or not? Is He not able to lead us, and teach us? Do we need the next great Bible study?  Don’t we know enough to go do the work yet? Or do we need a sharper sword to kill other believers with?
     Go do the work. Go fight the fight. He is with us, as we give ourselves to Him and do the work. He works through us, because when we give ourselves to Him, He makes us a pure vessel. Not by our works, not because we “act’ like Christians, but because He has saved us, and is working in and through us. Quit acting, like a Christian, you are a Christian because you have turned to Him, and confessed Jesus as your Lord and believe He rose from the dead (Romans 10:9-10) 
     Now, follow after the things of His heart, and watch what He does.
Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois.

Photo by the writer.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Christians Hate Social Media

Christians Hate Social Media.

I have noticed this ever since Social Media became a thing. It is apparent on my Facebook page, conversations I’ve had and in national Christian circles. Christians hate social media.
Maybe hate is too strong of a word. Maybe hate is a sin. Maybe it’s fear. They fear social media. Course, fear is a sin as well.

I know they look at social media. I see them carefully Facebook stalking. But, still there’s this rejection and ridicule of it.

I have many Christian Facebook friends, and they hardly ever post. A few of them do. But, large amounts do not. They never “like” anything. They never comment. They only stay in their small safe circle. The same circle they have at church. Now, if it’s a post that is totally vetted and safe, then you might see some likes. . If it’s a quote from some world famous preacher, or an achievement that reaches the level of 20 “likes”, then you might see a few come out of the closet. But, it’s rare. I see Sasquatch more often. Maybe it’s just me.

I’m under the impression that Christians have a job to do, and that is to spread the Gospel, help others, and bring light into darkness. I believe God has allowed the internet and social media to exist in these last days for that purpose, before the Door is shut. But, where are Christians? My newsfeed should be full of Bible Quotes, and praise videos, at least every Sunday. But I hear crickets.
The scripture says we should encourage each other, and mourn and rejoice with each other. But, silence reigns. I hear that people believe visiting someone face to face is better than online. But, that cannot always happen, and it ends up never happening. At least posting on social media is an attempt to do something.

There are all kinds of excuses and ridicule given from the pulpit to keep the ranks in line. “If you saw it on Facebook it must be true!” is a common tool of ridicule. Things on Facebook have as much chance to be true, as some of the sermons I’ve heard in my life. Is it about the fact that the message is written instead of spoken? God’s Word is a written message. Paul’s Letters were written the same as text messages and Facebook posts. The Holy Spirit can use anything.
Christians talk about how much filth is on social media or how much drama. Well, fix it! Post good positive Godly stuff. You are allowing Satan to own it. This is a war. What are you doing? Hiding in your foxhole? Life is drama. That drama is a chance to serve. It’s a chance to pray. It’s a chance to reach out.

Perhaps this is only in my social circle, but I doubt it. I have seen world renowned preachers speaking the same thing. Maybe preachers are afraid the flock will be exposed to other ideas that might pull them away. Maybe believers are afraid to have arguments, online or not be able to defend their position. We are called to tell the great things God has done for us, to give an account of why we believe and to be a good soldier for Jesus Christ. By studying and stepping out in faith to do these things, we will get better at it, and less afraid. We will see God working, and the chances of other ideas pulling us away becomes less and less, because we see that He is real and we have a relationship with Him. But, when we refuse to serve Him, He is just an idea that other ideas can challenge. Ideas cannot challenge someone we know. A person is real. God is a person, not a concept competing with other concepts. Let the Truth go, and it will defend itself. A caged Lion can only roar. But, if he gets free, He can take down whoever seeks to recapture Him.

Noah was told to build an Ark. While he was building it he preached to those around him trying get them saved. He knew what was coming, and he reached out. In the end he only saved his immediate family. 8 souls.

That is what believers should be doing. We see that the end is coming. We know the door will be shut. We are to be telling others. Even if the only people we save are a few folks on our Facebook page. Maybe God gave you them for that purpose. So, you can reach them. Maybe social media is the only way to get to some folks. The time is coming.

Of course there are wise ways to use social media. There are definite dangers to using it. But, that should not prevent us from doing our job. A cell phone allows us access to the evil social media. But, do you hear Christians condemning cell phones very often? Nope.
Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, blogger and poet from Southern Illinois