Thursday, July 13, 2023

Of Pearls and Swine

 Of Pearls and Swine

“ Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine. Lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.”---Matt. 7:6
      Like an oyster, in the deepest darkest depths of the sea, where you cannot breathe and have no control over life. In the place where there are monsters dwelling in the chaos, lurking and seeking to devour. It is in this place; in these difficult trials of life, where we learn. We grow pearls of wisdom. God has us here for His purpose.
      Like gritty sand, in the oyster’s body, the trials of life come and you cannot remove them. They grind and rub, and irritate as you learn to deal with it. You deal by accepting layer upon layer of truth around the grit until it forms a pearl of wisdom. You learn. You grow. You are thankful for what you have received in the deep dark times. As the Lord said, “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. “
      However, our lives are full of swine. Beings who consume anything and everything. Beings who wallow in their own filth, never realizing what they do. They will not hear your pearls of wisdom. They will ridicule you, and destroy your precious understanding. Like swine, they delight in destroying and rending anything of real value and beauty. They sling mud and filth on every precious thing. They snort their opinions to any who would hear them.
     If you let them, they will destroy the dreams you have been given. They will crush the Word, placed in your heart. They will drag you down to where they are. Whether it’s a subtle comment they spout at you. Or something they were “Just Joking” about. Or perhaps that rant they always spew. Do not let them drag you down.  The words they release into the air have power. They will settle into the dark places of your mind and do their work to derail you and destroy you. The negativity will start to grow.
      Speak against it! Tell yourself good positive things. Remind yourself of what’s important and what matters most. Turn to God and cast out those demons. Get away from those swine, and lessen the impact they have on you. Pray for them and love them, but refuse to be dragged into their hate. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. The enemy uses any tool, including the swine he has deceived, to steal, kill and destroy you. Fight the fight of faith.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called “The Future is Coming” and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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Sunday, July 9, 2023

God's Heart


God's Heart

“This people draw near to me with their mouth, and honor me with their lips; but their heart is far from me...”--- (Matt. 15:8)

     Do we follow God’s Heart? Or do we waste time singing songs that He’s not even listening to?  (Amos 5:22-24) This is a very important question. Are we real? Or are we playing church? Are we welcoming? Or are we doing another church program? God plainly says that He will not listen to our worship. He wants us to do Justice and Mercy. (Matt.25)
    So, where is God’s heart? Does God’s heart want us to worry about obeying the Law? Does He want us in bondage to making sure we follow every ordinance of man and God, and making sure everyone else does to? Is that God’s heart? Is it in rules and regulations? Even though His law is good, like all things from God, I think we can see from scripture that His heart is not all about Laws.
     God’s Heart at this time, toward us, seems to be the salvation of mankind. From the moment Adam fell, God has been working to restore man to a right relationship with Himself. He has worked to save us, individually, and collectively. The entire Bible speaks of it, and it doesn’t matter what language you read it in. If you remove Jesus Christ, as the redeemer of Humanity, you lose the whole thing.
     Wouldn’t it seem true that God’s Heart would lie, where His Son is? Wouldn’t it be true that since He sent His Son to die a terrible death for us that His heart might lay there? That He left glory, and came to Earth Himself, and mingled with us, and healed us, and ate with us that His heart might be toward us? But, we think it’s all about Law.
     He raised up a people for Himself, in order to have a beachhead, whereby He could invade this Satan controlled world. He worked to get those people to turn to Him and serve Him, in the desire of His heart; which is saving Humans, waging the war, and showing the world that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Then, He turned to the rest of mankind, not as an afterthought, but as part of the original plan. Could His heart lie here?
     We could speak of David, who was a man after God’s own heart. But, why was He called that? He was called that because of Faith, because He was quick to turn to God, and because He was diligent in growing the Kingdom. We see Solomon who built the Temple of God, Which is a house of prayer for ALL nations. And that house of prayer is Jesus Christ, who rose for our justification. He died and rose for us. Wouldn’t you think God’s heart would lie here? And then He rose into heaven, alive, and gave His last commandment, to go forth into all nations. Why? To get them saved!  That’s the whole point.
     So, when believers think that they honor or serve God, by sitting in the four walls of a church singing songs, and condemning people who do not want to come and sit with them, their heart is far from Him. That was not why he came. When we condemn people for not obeying the rules, He is far from us. That is not why He came. He came to save us. And that is the work that ALL believers should be doing. Our gifts are for that purpose. We are to be preaching the Gospel, and telling people about Him; leading people to be saved. We do this as a church body, and as individuals.
     He doesn’t listen to our words of worship, if we are not doing justice and mercy. If we are not spreading the Gospel, and helping people, then He is not listening to our worship. Our hearts are far from Him. If we rise up, and help people, waging the war, and spreading the Gospel. God will move in our lives. He will grow us, and feed us and teach us. Through this we will begin to truly obey Him, and we will be following His law, and then finally, we will be worshipping Him. Because it will be a true worship for who He is and for what he has done for us. It will be Him worshipping Himself through us, just as He works through us when we let Him. It won’t be about standing in a big room singing the same songs, week after week, in order for our friends to see that we showed up.
     He’s not listening, if we do not do justice and mercy. Our hearts are not with Him, and our lips are false if we are not chasing after the things of His heart. Do we believe or not? Is He not able to lead us, and teach us? Do we need the next great Bible study?  Don’t we know enough to go do the work yet? Or do we need a sharper sword to kill other believers with?
     Go do the work. Go fight the fight. He is with us, as we give ourselves to Him and do the work. He works through us, because when we give ourselves to Him, He makes us a pure vessel. Not by our works, not because we “act’ like Christians, but because He has saved us, and is working in and through us. Quit acting, like a Christian, you are a Christian because you have turned to Him, and confessed Jesus as your Lord and believe He rose from the dead (Romans 10:9-10) 
     Now, follow after the things of His heart, and watch what He does.
Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois.

Photo by the writer.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

God Takes Care Of Us


God Takes Care of Us


     God has protected and taken care of me in so many ways in my life. I could write a book telling of all the things. Not only has He provided, but He has assured me of the promise of His provision. Often times, when I have encountered trouble in my life, I have been concerned about what was going to happen to me. In those times I turned to Him and asked Him, and He answered. I can tell you that His assurance is often more valuable than the actual provision. His assurance is His Word, which we believe by faith, and it is spirit. The provision is of this world. The assurance is eternal.

     One time I was facing a very large bill, that would take years to pay off; and at the same time I was facing the loss of a job. I was confused and had no idea what I was going to do. I did not know what the future held.

      I went to a local wooded area, which is what I do when I want to be alone with God.  I lay down on the ground in the leaves. Then, I looked up at the sky through the canopy above; and prayed to the Lord, pouring out my concerns to Him.

     After I finished praying, I noticed a squirrel sitting on a branch looking down at me. Then, the squirrel came right down out of the tree, and walked over to me with a purpose. He stopped and sat looking at me. I did not move or breathe. He sat so close I could have grabbed him if I wanted to. He just sat there chewing and looking at me. Then, he turned and walked away.

     At that moment, it was impressed upon my spirit from the Lord, as if to say, “I take care of this squirrel, I feed the birds, I fed Elijah with the birds of the air, and the people with manna. I can take care of you.”

     When these types of events occur, they break my heart wondering why I ever doubted God. He provides, and takes care of me in every way. He took care of me during this time as well. You must also realize that my life at this time was not perfect. I was not living well for God. Of course, I was trying to live right, and letting Him work. But, I was not a Mr. Goody Two Shoes, by any stretch of the imagination.

      But, that’s the thing. It is Gods goodness that brings people to Him. The evil in our lives hurts us, and He wants us to turn to Him, to be cleansed, and saved and healed, and taken care of, so we can grow in Him. “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly.”  God accepts you where you are, cleans you, saves you and works in your life to change you into what He created you to be. Do not let anything keep you from turning to God. Just do it. No matter how bad you are. Let Him remove what He wants to remove; when He wants to remove it. He is the Great Physician. He is the Carpenter. He is the Shepherd. He knows what He is doing. We don’t.

     I remember another time, when I was facing trouble. It was one of many major problems in my life; and once again I was devastated and facing destruction. But, I turned and prayed to the Lord.

     I was sitting in my truck. It was raining. It was one of those gloomy days that always seem to pop up when your life is a wreck. I started praying. And you must understand, when I pray alone, I just talk to God. It’s not some formal prayer. I just talk to Him. He wants us to have a relationship, and to be real with Him.

     I was smoking, so I had the window cracked to let the smoke out. I was asking God, “What am I going to do?” When at that moment a rain drop landed right on the edge of the lowered window, and splashed me right in the eye.

     It shocked me for a moment and an impression came upon me from the Lord. “As I control this rain drop, and guide it as I will. I can guide these problems toward or away. I can curse or bless, with the troubles or the rain.”

      I was broken hearted again, and asked Him to forgive me for all my sins during my life. In these times when He is near He brings me such peace and joy, and He fulfills what He speaks to me. I praised God; which is real praise and real worship. A spontaneous response to God, because you know Him, and He worships Himself through you, to give Himself Glory for His mighty deeds.

     As I said, I have not always lived for God, and even today I sin. But, when I turned to Him and asked Him to save me He did, and He has been faithful. I no longer smoke, and many of the things that I did, such as drinking, sexual immorality, and violence; God has worked to remove those things from my life, and to heal me, and bless me, and guide me, as he sees fit.

     We cannot cleanse ourselves. We must turn to Him, and let Him cleanse us and do the work in us. He will guide and help. First, turn to him and ask Him to save you, confessing Jesus as your Lord. Understand that if you feel led to ask to be saved, it is because God is calling you. He wants you. Normal people in normal life do not seek God for real. They only do it because God is calling them. Have faith and trust Him. Always turn to Him and let no one or nothing drive you away, or push you down or make you feel like God doesn’t want you. He is always ready. Just ask Him in Jesus name and watch Him work.
Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois.
Photo by the writer,  sunset over Gulf Shores, Alabama

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Are You Growing?


Are You Growing?

     What is God working on in your life? Are there things that you know needs to change? Are you praying for God to show you and help you to overcome things in your life? Pray and ask God to show you what He sees about you. Ask Him to reveal to you, your sins and anything wrong; so you can confess them to Him and start working on them.
     Recently, I’ve prayed about anxiety in my life. My mind often runs amok, with all kinds of concerns and accusations. God has given me a means to resolve this, and I am working on it. That is what I am growing into now. That is what I’m working on. God is working too.
     You might have Anger, Pride, Fear, Doubt, Negativity, Addictions, Materialism, Hatred, Gluttony, Lust, or any number of other things. Are you trying to overcome them? Are you giving them to God?
     Are you working on something to improve yourself? It should be spiritual things. But, it could also be learning a new subject. Learning a new hobby? Are you trying new things, new books, new foods and new travels?
      Are you growing? Are you growing straight or crooked? Maybe you need to be tied up straight? Maybe you need pruned, or fertilized? Maybe you need more light or water? Maybe more space to grow? Maybe there are too many weeds, or insects gnawing at your growth?  

     Are you growing? Only live things grow. Pray and ask God to save you and bring you to life in Christ Jesus. Pray for Him to grow you, and let Him show you where and how to work on yourself. Let God grow you.
Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, Poet and blogger from Southern Illinois.

Photo by the writer.

Monday, June 26, 2023

A Terrible Christian

 A Terrible Christian

I’m a terrible Christian. It’s a fact. Other Christians look at me and say “He said what?” or “He believes what?”  Or they might say, “That’s not very Christ-like.” And it’s true. I sin wickedly. But, they do also. They just commit the socially acceptable sins. They commit the churchy sins.

     There are so many people who have asked God to save them, and God has saved them. But, then those same people are driven away because they do not obey all the churchy rules. They don’t say the right thing. They don’t go to the right church. They still smoke, drink or chew, or hangout with girls who do. They haven’t read the Bible or can’t find the verses fast enough. But, at some point in their life, they heard God calling them and they prayed to receive Him. They are saved, but church people drive them away.
      I got saved when I was young. Then, I started living like the devil. I was saved, but knew nothing about living a spiritual life. All I knew was that I still sinned, and all the church people were perfect; or at least acted perfect. They never failed. They had perfect families, and perfect teeth. But, I was a failure, even at that age. I was not important to them.
     So, what is wrong with me? My Christian experience has not been perfect. I don’t obey all the rules. Even when I try, I fail in a dozen other ways. I lust. I anger. I hate. I doubt. I want possessions. I’m a glutton. I’m a liar. I’m disobedient. I’m an addict. I’m a rebel.
     I am not that perfect Christian. But, I am saved. He has shown me, and He gives me his perfection, and continues to work on me. I am better than I was, not because of my works but because of His victory. I did not become a mess over night, and I won’t get out of it over night either. Spiritual growth is a process. I am already saved, but I am getting better too. It’s like getting a shot to heal a disease. I am healed, but the scar and symptoms are still going away.
     Those perfect Christians were born in the church and never left. They have not experienced the depths of evil that many of us have experienced. They are the Elder brother. Do not let them drive you away from God. Abide in Him no matter how bad you seem to be. Keep turning to Him and confessing your sin, and asking Him to work, and save. He will.
     We need to stop acting like we are perfect, of our own power. We live in a fallen world that needs God. Christ did not come for perfect people. He came for all of us. Our failure shows that He is working on us. It shows we are human and need God. It shows that we are real.
Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois.

Photo by the author.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Iron Sharpens Iron

 Iron Sharpens Iron

Spiritual Truth by Chris Bunton

“Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” –Proverbs 27:17

    As Christians we often hear or have this belief that we are to always be happy and joyful. That we are to never have a complaint or conflict among brethren, and some believe we should never argue with those who oppose us.
     But, that is really not the truth, nor is it reality. “In this world you will have tribulation.” We will have trouble, we will have conflict, but ultimately we are to realize that Jesus has overcome the world, and we overcome through Him. He works in us and through us. That does not mean everything is always daisies, as some try to maintain. We remind ourselves that He has overcome, and it works to help us, but it does not always remove the tribulation.
     Believers often have disagreements about things in God’s Word. These disagreements can get very heated and even hateful. It’s claimed that this stuff drives people away from Christ. But let me ask you; does it drive people away from football when folks disagree or hate on different teams? Humans argue about politics, we argue about philosophy, we argue about academics, we argue about money, we argue about everything. It’s part of communication and learning. Does it drive us away? People are driven away from Christ, because they have listened to the demons whispering in their ear. Satan will show you all kinds of things that offend you, if it will keep you from getting saved, knowing Christ, growing in faith and serving God.
     Remember, that iron sharpens iron. When this happens, heat is created as friction occurs. Bits of iron fly off, but both pieces become sharper. There will be conflict as God works to teach and improve us. There will be heat. There will be things removed. If not, then are we being changed? How can we grow stronger if we do not have more weight added to the bar we lift?
     As we grow and learn in our spiritual walk, we will encounter challenges. When we express our view from God’s Word, we might encounter resistance. As we speak what God is teaching us, we might face others who disagree. There are people who have seen or gotten different views or who dwell in different stages of growth. They won’t totally agree always.
     As we continue in discussing or arguing these points, we learn. We will get sharper and improve our arguments, or we will finally see that we were flawed in our reasoning, and let God change our minds. How you respond to this, is what matters. Understand that God is working on us, and that we should try to show love and forgiveness to those we disagree with. It’s hard to do this, to be sure, but even that is part of our training.
     Now some people will quit, when they face resistance. When they quit, they cease to grow and learn in that area. You have to have your beliefs and views challenged, or else how do you know if you believe false things?
     Some people act like it’s a sin to argue or debate. It’s not; Jesus and Paul both discussed and debated. Be angry but sin not. The sin comes in how we treat others. It also comes by arguing for the sake of arguing, or never coming to a conclusion. I have debated or discussed things with people and it has been a joy. But, other times it has led to conflict.
     Having your views challenged, sharpens your arguments. This is how you learn to organize your thoughts, and to become a more capable soldier for Christ. We learn among our brethren, how to discuss the truth, and share our values and beliefs. Then, when we face opposition, we can give a proper answer for why we believe. We can lead people to Christ, and not sound like a buffoon. We gain confidence in hearing the Spirit speaking into our hearts, as we serve Him.
     We need more debate and discussion of God’s Word in our churches, so we can grow and learn how to engage the world around us for Christ. It’s not something to fear. Its part of our growth and it is good. It is difficult to deal with growth, and to keep a proper mind about these things. But, we must grow, and it’s better to do it among brethren. That’s what the body of Christ is for.
Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois.
Photo by the author.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

10 Virgins

 10 virgins

Before we start, there are certain things we cannot prove. Bible prophecy is one of them. We can read the verses, and have beliefs and faith, but until it happens we cannot state it as fact.

Ministries have been ruined, friendships destroyed, reputations crushed, simply because of a different interpretation of Bible prophecy.

That is not what God desires.

We do not know exactly how God is going to fulfill the prophecies in His Word.  The Pharasees thought they knew and were wrong.

Second, I do not believe in a Pre-tribulation rapture. My view reflects this. I will no longer argue about such things.

I think that believers will be here until Christ returns and we will be ruptured when He comes. My view is a Pre-Wrath view, or near to it. It is what the Apostles believed. Just before God pours out His wrath.

Before he comes we will endure lots of trouble.  

The parable of the 10 virgins shows that there will be people prepared for his coming and those who are not. ( Matt. 25:1-13)

All the virgins have lamps, but they do not all have oil.

The 5 virgins with oil says to go buy oil.

Some people believe that the oil is the Holy Spirit, but it plainly shows in Acts 8:8-24 that the Holy Spirit cannot be purchased. Also, Jesus says the Holy Spirit is given to those who ask. It's not bought. (Luke 11:13)

The oil, is faith. 

Now, you must take this in context. First, all people are given a measure of faith so they can be saved. (Romans 12:3) 
It is believed by some, that people do not have faith until they get it from God, or hear the Word..."Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." (Romans 10:17)  This verse is referring to faith in Jesus Christ. You cannot believe in Christ until you have been told of Him.

All humans have faith. When you sit down in a chair you have faith it will support you. That is faith. "It is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1)

All humans have faith, but faith does not save you. You must put your faith in the right place. Which is Jesus Christ. 
He calls you.  This is Grace. This is hearing the Word (Romans 10:17)  Then, you turn to Him (Repent) and give yourself to Him. Confessing Jesus is The Lord. (Romans 10:9-10)

This is salvation. this must be understood to understand the parable of the 10 virgins.

First understand that 5 virgins are wise and 5 are fools.  Fools are always people who do not believe in God. The 5 foolish virgins have no faith in God. They have not put their faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. They have a measure of faith, but not in Christ.
All the virgins slept while the bridegroom tarried. We currently wait for Him.
When He comes the fools are told to go purchase oil.  How do you purchase faith?  You give yourself to Jesus Christ.   You are bought with a price. You buy a pearl of great price. You purchase your salvation by giving yourself to the Lord. Then, as you grow in Christ your faith grows as well.  So, as time goes on you have more oil in your lamp.

So, understand that these foolish virgins are in the Church. But, they were never saved. They are there for business or politics, or tradition, or any number of reasons, but they never gave themselves to Christ and are not saved.

So, as the day of Christ's return draws near, trouble will get worse and worse. Persecution and tribulations will arise and these foolish virgins will not have the faith to endure, because they never knew Him. They are like the seed among the thorns. They are as tares among the wheat.

They will fall away and form the Apostate Church. They will think they are saved, and will think they do God's service when they kill the real believers.

Then, when Christ returns, they will learn that they never had oil. They were never saved, They never knew Him.
And He will confess that he never knew them, "Depart..."   He will say.  "But, Lord did we not do wonderful WORKS?"   He will say "I never knew you"

Don't be a foolish virgin who thinks they are saved by works. Give yourself to Christ alone, and know Him as Lord. 


Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Photo by the writer, a winter hill behind Frank Lloyd Wrights Kentuck Knob in Pennsylvania