Monday, October 9, 2023

Samson's Grace

 Samson's Grace

A Word on Faith and Grace


Let’s look at Samson. (Judges 13:1-Judges 16:31)  He is one of the Bible characters, whose entire life proves that it is all about God.

     Samson was born by promise, and was made a Nazarite at birth. His parents obeyed the Word of the Lord given to them by the angel. Samson did nothing at all. It was all done for him and without his power; much like our salvation. We are called by God, we hear His Word about Jesus Christ, passed down to us through the elders, and we believe, confessing Him as Lord. It’s that simple.
     Samson lived a sinful life, yet God was with him. His source of power was not his hair. God was his source of power. His hair is a picture of something that grows, which is not controlled by man, other than the power to cut it off. Faith grows, and God works in our lives, as long as we continue to have faith in Him, despite our sinful actions.
     He waged war against the enemies of God who were oppressing the people. Remember, God let the Philistines take over Israel, because of their falling away from God. But, when they turned to God, He raised up Samson to fight their enemies. Samson was sinful, Israel was sinful, and the Philistines were sinful. The difference lies in who turned to and trusted God, and the promises God has made. When we trust God and turn to Him, He is with us no matter what. But, when we turn away from Him, the enemy can take over. This has nothing to do with sinful behavior. It has to do with whether you are turning to God, because only God can fix our sinfulness, and failures. Abiding in Him, leads to growth, like Samson’s hair. It grows and we don’t even notice.
     Samson was tricked by Delilah which allowed the Philistines the ability to overcome him. Samson already had Delilah sexually, this was not the first time he had seen her, or been with her, as the story implies. So, sex was not the reason he gave up his secret. He gave up his secret, because he became convinced of his invincibility, and trusted something or someone other than God. His secret is God. His hair is the works God has done for Him and the faith He had in God. Samson gave up the one thing that kept him safe; the one thing that kept Him alive and prospered him. The particulars are irrelevant. Samson stopped trusting God. He stopped abiding in Him.
     He was captured and tortured and locked up. Much like Israel, who had lost faith in God, and turned from Him. The enemy was able to overcome him. This led to Samson, and Israel being broken, which led to the crying out to God, which is what we should do when we are being broken. Our pride makes us believe we can do it alone. Pride must be broken. Samson’s hair began to grow back. His faith began to grow in that rock bottom place.
      And after he was broken, he cried out to God, and God gave him a tremendous victory. God did not abandon Him. Samson did not lose his salvation. God was always there, waiting for Samson to cry out in faith, and God moved in a mighty way. God fulfilled his own purpose through Samson, which was the destruction of the enemy, and setting His people free. That is God’s purpose always; to defeat the enemy and set us free in Him.
      Remember, “ALL things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)  So, no matter what, remember that you are called, and abide in Christ. Pray, praise, speak faith, confess your sins to Him, and watch Him work. Follow the Holy Spirit as He guides you, and you will see things moving and happening. Eventually one day you will look up and you will be different, and it will be just like growing hair. It’ll be slow and steady, and without your help. Then, you will see that it was all God. You will see that He loves you, and that everything is Ok, and your faith will grow.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming AddictionHis newest book is called "The Future is Coming" and is a collection of dystopian short stories.  Photo by the Author. A small courtyard near the Capitol Building in Washington D. C.

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Photo by the Author. A small courtyard near the Capitol Building in Washington D. C.

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