Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Hearing From God

 Hearing From God

A Word on How God Communicates With Us


Hearing from God is one of the most simplest, and natural things there is.

He does it. We cannot force it. It's not through our effort that we hear from Him. He's God. He created us. He is all powerful.

But, we have become unnatural. We are fallen. We are depraved, and everything screams this truth.

So we must make an effort to hear. We must understand what is happening. Or we will forget, dismiss or make explanations, and excuses.

At the moment of birth God seeks to connect with us. Often as children we have no trouble believing or knowing God. We remember the one who made us and was with us in the womb. But, as we get older and Sin has grown in us, and Satan has worked on us. It gets harder and harder for us to hear God, until we turn to Him and give our lives to Him, and He saves us.

Then, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us. He starts working on us. He molds us and shapes us into the likeness of His Son. But, even then we are hard of hearing from God. So, we must realize the various methods He might use to reach out.

Gods Word:
The Bible is used by God to speak to His people. It does this in 3 ways. First is the literal word. When God promises something in His Word He means it. We see the verses and learn from them. We use the stories and symbols to understand things in our life.
Second, is personal. You read a verse and God quickens it or brings it to life and it speaks to your need.
3rd, He brings a verse or song to our remembrance that speaks to us. This happens when you are not reading the Word. Some situation pops up in life and then a verse comes to your mind which relates to the event.

Secular movies and books:
A lot of religious people who don't really know God will reject this. But, I have had God speak to me through a movie or book.  Some phrase or sentence just comes to life and is relevant for me or something going on. I have had my heart broken or realize I need to do something or fix something.

Wake up singing: 
I often wake up with a song in my mind. It can be a praise song. Sometimes it's an 80s song or secular song I haven't heard in years. But, I know it's from God. Often it speaks of love or let's me know He is with me. You can turn many secular songs into praise songs by changing a word, or focusing on God.

Deja Vu:
Have you ever had deja vu? That feeling that you've been somewhere before? Often I have prayed and tried to figure out what it means. The answer I get is that God is telling us that He has already been there before us. He is with us. It's also often remembered from a dream.

It is an aha moment. A bolt from the blue that opens up spiritual significance.  I often get revelations when my mind is wandering and it's just random. Then, boom!  I understand the entire situation. Whatever it is. This can happen when reading the Word. But, it can also happen at other times.

Inspiration is similar to revelation but it is more creative and involves physical worldly type stuff. We suddenly receive the solution to a problem, etc It might come after prayer. I will have a problem, then pray about it, and inevitably I'll figure it out.

His presence:
God speaks to us through His presence. We can feel Him near and it comforts us. We know He is there, and we smile at the fact.

He calls your name:
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night because someone said your name? This happened to Samuel in the scriptures. When this happens, listen and pray.  Sometimes you'll recognize the voice as a person you know. Pray for that person. Sometimes it's a voice you know, but have never physically met. I always remember the verse. "I have called you by name you are mine" (Isa 43:1-3)
It comforts me to know that I am His, and He knows my name.

Memory verses:
God will bring verses to our remembrance when we need them in order to speak to us.

This is referring to your history.
God has done things for us in the past. He often reminds us of this when we need it, in order to strengthen our faith to trust Him.
Also, this speaks of the importance of getting children in church. Because when they are older and in trouble God can use long dead memories from childhood, to draw us to Him.

The Bible says that the primary way God speaks to us and seeks to save us us through his servant's preaching. He gives a word, and an obedient servant preaches on it, and you hear the word, and God brings it to life in your mind.

In the Bible God used a donkey to speak to Baalam. He used ravens to feed Elijah. God can and does use anything or anyone to speak to us whenever He wants to. And when He does. We know it's God. We can try to weasel out of it but we know. (Numbers 22)

Visions and dreams
Sometimes we might see something or have a dream and it strikes us, and sticks with us. We know it's God.

Similitude of God.
The scriptures speak of the Similitude of God. It refers to similarities. We see things that are similar to something else and it jumps out at us. It's typically involving spiritual things. Analogies. 

Life patterns:
Sometimes things will happen. Like I will read a book about the Brooklyn Bridge. Then, an hour later some random TV show will have a character on the Brooklyn Bridge. Then an hour later a news report will mention the Brooklyn Bridge. Sometimes all these things will happen in one hour. And I would think I'm crazy, except my wife sees them too.  She calls them "God Winks". I take them as God telling us we are right where we are supposed to be. It's often called Synchronicity.

Signs and wonders:
These can come in many different ways. But when it happens you know God is there talking to you.
Often a family member will die. Then you might notice a butterfly or bird, or song, and you know it is speaking of your departed loved one. You know they are there. God is comforting you, and trying to draw you to Himself.

Broken life:
When our life falls apart, God is there. We might not feel Him. But He is there. This is when He is closest. He wants us to turn to Him so He can save us and help us.

Telling the Future:
Often God speaks to me before something happens. For example, I was at church and God started pointing out the peeling paint. Later that day, the church called and asked if I'd be interested in doing some painting.  I didn't need to pray. God had already told me to do the job. It led to many blessings.

Thinking of God:
The Bible teaches that because of our fallen state, humans do not seek God.
So, what that means is that if you are seeking God or spiritual things, it is because He is calling you. Turn to Him. Ask Him to save you and know Him. Confess Jesus as your Lord.

Sometimes God will put a burden on our heart. We feel we must pray for someone, or call them or visit them. The burden will bother us until we do the thing.

The Still Small Voice: 
He speaks to us in a voice we must learn to listen for. He speaks to us through His Spirit, and we must know Him to hear and understand. Not that God cannot speak in a booming voice. He can, but He seems to desire for us to focus on Him. He doesn't really try to compete with the noise of life. We can listen for Him, and know.

God is trying to have a relationship with each of us. Turn to Him and ask. He is communicating with you. Trust Him. These are not the only ways God can speak to us. Do not put God in a box. 


Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called “The Future is Coming” and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

Follow Him on Medium: https://chris-bunton.medium.com/

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 Photos by the Author

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