10 virgins
Before we start, there are certain things
we cannot prove. Bible prophecy is one of them. We can read the verses,
and have beliefs and faith, but until it happens we cannot state it as
Ministries have been ruined, friendships
destroyed, reputations crushed, simply because of a different
interpretation of Bible prophecy.
That is not what God desires.
We do not know exactly how God is going to fulfill the prophecies in His Word. The Pharasees thought they knew and were wrong.
Second, I do not believe in a Pre-tribulation rapture. My view reflects this. I will no longer argue about such things.
I think that believers will be here until Christ returns and we will be ruptured when He comes. My view is a Pre-Wrath view, or near to it. It is what the Apostles believed. Just before God pours out His wrath.
Before he comes we will endure lots of trouble.
The parable of the 10 virgins shows that there will be people prepared for his coming and those who are not. ( Matt. 25:1-13)
All the virgins have lamps, but they do not all have oil.
The 5 virgins with oil says to go buy oil.
people believe that the oil is the Holy Spirit, but it plainly shows in Acts 8:8-24 that the Holy Spirit cannot be purchased. Also, Jesus says the Holy Spirit is given to those who ask. It's not bought. (Luke 11:13)
The oil, is faith.
you must take this in context. First, all people are given a measure of
faith so they can be saved. (Romans 12:3)
It is believed by some, that people do not have faith until they get it from God, or hear the Word..."Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." (Romans 10:17) This verse is referring to faith in Jesus Christ. You cannot believe in Christ until you have been told of Him.
All humans have faith. When you sit down in a chair you have faith it will support you. That is faith. "It is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1)
All humans have faith, but faith does not save you. You must put your faith in the right place. Which is Jesus Christ.
He calls you. This is Grace. This is hearing the Word (Romans 10:17) Then, you turn to Him (Repent) and give yourself to Him. Confessing Jesus is The Lord. (Romans 10:9-10)
This is salvation. this must be understood to understand the parable of the 10 virgins.
First understand that 5 virgins are wise and 5 are fools. Fools are always people who do not believe in God. The 5 foolish virgins have no faith in God. They have not put their faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. They have a measure of faith, but not in Christ.
All the virgins slept while the bridegroom tarried. We currently wait for Him.
When He comes the fools are told to go purchase oil. How do you purchase faith? You give yourself to Jesus Christ. You are bought with a price. You buy a pearl of great price. You purchase your salvation by giving yourself to the Lord. Then, as you grow in Christ your faith grows as well. So, as time goes on you have more oil in your lamp.
So, understand that these foolish virgins are in the Church. But, they were never saved. They are there for business or politics, or tradition, or any number of reasons, but they never gave themselves to Christ and are not saved.
So, as the day of Christ's return draws near, trouble will get worse and worse. Persecution and tribulations will arise and these foolish virgins will not have the faith to endure, because they never knew Him. They are like the seed among the thorns. They are as tares among the wheat.
They will fall away and form the Apostate Church. They will think they are saved, and will think they do God's service when they kill the real believers.
Then, when Christ returns, they will learn that they never had oil. They were never saved, They never knew Him.
And He will confess that he never knew them, "Depart..." He will say. "But, Lord did we not do wonderful WORKS?" He will say "I never knew you"
Don't be a foolish virgin who thinks they are saved by works. Give yourself to Christ alone, and know Him as Lord.
Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from
Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has
written a poetry eBook called “
Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “
Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ a collection of dystopian short stories.“
The Future is Coming” and his latest book “
The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.