Showing posts with label Opinion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Opinion. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

There's One Conspiracy

 There's One Conspiracy

There really is only one thing moving behind the scenes.



What is going on in the world? Why are things like this?

Are you a conspiracy theorist or have you seen things that goes on in history or in the news that doesn’t make sense? Things that seem to be connected, but there’s really no rational way they could be.

Have you noticed that we always seem to head in the same direction, like some unseen hand guides the events of the world and history. Something you can’t prove but you can plainly see?

Have you considered the spiritual element?

Have you considered that humans have a spiritual enemy that seeks to rule over us and to dethrone God?

All those connections you cannot seem to make or that make you feel crazy, are easily made when you consider that Satan, Fallen Angels, Unclean Spirits, Demons, and the spirit of antichrist is working behind the scenes. It’s not just humans doing all the work themselves.

You wanna know who “They” are?

This is them.

“They” are spiritual forces of darkness in high places who direct humans to move us in a certain direction. (Eph. 6:12)

Do you see the pantheons of gods in history? Zeus, Odin, Osiris, Hades, Set?

In every part of the world?

This is them. The Fallen Angels. The Nephilim. The gods.

 They have worked since the beginning of the world to bring it under their complete control, and for Satan to be worshiped as the most high god. (Isa. 14:12-20, Ezek. 28:1-19)

They have done the same thing, over and over again throughout history.

They corrupted Adam and Eve telling them that they would be as gods, getting them to doubt God’s Word and Goodness. (Gen. 3)

This allowed them to be able to take dominion of the Earth from Adam.

They now rule behind the scenes, and have for a long time.

Why does this matter?

Because history is one big story of these guys trying to take over and be worshiped.

It is believed the Fallen Angels came to Earth at the time of Jared in the Bible. (Gen. Chapter 5.)

They corrupted humanity, and abused all of nature. (Gen. 6)

They were with human women and giants were born to them. These were the Nephilim.

Mythology also speaks of “gods” like Zeus taking human women, and demi-gods were born.

The ancient gods were the fallen angels, and their offspring. Like all stories it changes over time. Little details change here and there but the core is the same. These “gods” were known all over the world.

When Alexander the Great of Greece invaded Egypt it is said he was amazed that they worshiped the same gods.

The stories of the gods are the same to some extent all over the world.

Could it have been the fallen angels?

How did ancient people come up with the same beliefs all over the world?

Ok, so the fallen angels came to earth and connected with the line of Cain.

St. Augustine says that the fallen ones in the Bible are referring to the line of Cain corrupting the line of Seth. He rejects the idea of fallen angels.

St. Augustine’s view became the common teaching. Helping to hide the truth. But, one must ask. How does two human groups procreating with each other bring out giants? And the Bible teaches there were giants. Goliath was a giant.

I believe it was both. Fallen angels came, giants (demi-gods) were born, and the line of Cain corrupted the line of Seth.

The world was ruined.

So the Flood came and washed it all away.

Now, when you look at this story and read the Biblical texts. What you will find is that the same corruption is going on in the world today, as we race towards destruction.

By the time the Flood came the humans and giants under the direction of the fallen ones, created a world wide trade system. They built huge structures. Globally. It is claimed that they did lots of evil things. Human sacrifice, Cannibalism, Slavery, mixing of animals and humans, if you can imagine an evil thing, it was happening. It’s believed there was science and sorcery of the most vilest types. Were there really ancient aliens? Or were they Nephilim, and humans directed by fallen angels? Could aliens be fallen angels or demons from another dimension of existence, instead of another planet?

 After the Flood only eight humans survived.

Do you think God believed that a flood would destroy angels and demons? Nope.

Do you think God believed a flood would destroy sin? Nope.

Sin is a corrupting plague.

But He washed the Earth clean, and waited to see if the corruption came back. If it does then it must be burned. And that is where the earth is headed. To be burned with fire.(Lev. 13:47-59)

So, what we see after the Flood, is that the whole world is united. They are led to build a tower. This tower was supposed to unite and protect humans from another catastrophe like the Flood.

It is believed that Nimrod was the king that led in the building of the tower. He is a picture of the Anti-Christ to come. He was led to build the tower by the fallen angels and demonic forces it is believed. This tower is a picture of the New World Order being built today. It is also a picture of the technology that is working to unite the world. (Gen. 10 8-9, Gen. 11)

God came down and confused the languages and the people scattered over the Earth.

This is why there are different names for the gods, and for the first king and his family. This is why the mythologies are the same, but different globally.

Satan and the fallen angels were thwarted again. This is the second time they tried to build a global empire to worship Satan and oppose God.

Do you see the pattern?

From this point in history the “gods” directed humans and led them to create massive empires. To control and unite humans again.

God does not want humans united, unless and until we are finally united under Christ.

History is full of kings who claimed to be descendants from gods, who went forth to conquer and united the world under them.

Do you think that’s a coincidence?

Perhaps they really are descended from the Nephilim?

When you look at history, the Bible, prophecy, mythology, and conspiracy with this mindset, you really see some interesting things. Who is really behind the scenes and why?

When we look at the book of Daniel we see an image of a human, which described global kingdoms throughout history. It shows Babylon, Persia, Greek, Roman, and a future (or present) kingdom. But, the entire idol is one idol. Which means that all these kingdoms are not really separate. They are all united and they are led by Satan, the fallen angels and demonic forces. (Daniel Chapter 2)

This is a very simple picture of the ancient world. Controlled by empires and the “gods’. Which brings us to the time of Jesus Christ.

Jesus was killed by the Roman empire and by the religious leaders. Both of whom were controlled by Satan, the fallen angels and demonic forces. Paul plainly states that the “princes of this world” crucified Jesus. He is not talking about the pharisees or Rome. he is referring to demonic princes, described in Daniel. He is talking about Satan and the fallen angels who are principalities and powers in high places. (1 Cor. 2:8, Daniel Chapter 10, Eph. 6:20)

We read in John Chapter 13, that when Jesus gave Judas the sop of bread. Satan entered into him and he went to betray Christ. This plainly shows that demonic forces killed Jesus. They used Judas to betray, They used the religious leaders to condemn, and they used the Roman Empire to execute him.

But, when Jesus was crucified and rose again He broke the power of the Fallen Angels. We see the power of the “gods” being destroyed globally in history throughout the world.


What we see from this point is the same thing as before, Empires growing around the world led by Kings, Priests and Presidents. We see great atrocities committed globally. We see the creation of global economies and corporations. We see international bankers and secret societies coming into being.

We see problems created, then solved by the same people who created them. We see money controlling the world, while billions are kept in poverty and bondage.

We see the world uniting constantly under new empires of commerce and ideology.

The world always heading in the same direction. More control. More connectedness.

All of it directed by those who rule behind the scenes. Those who have ruled from before the Flood.

So, when you discuss conspiracy theories, whether it’s the Catholic Church, or The Royals, or the Rothchilds, or the Illuminati, or the Knights Templar, or the Tri-lateral Commision, or the Bilderbergers, or Bohemian Grove, or the Federal Reserve, or any of it.

Make sure you are including the demonic element.

Because that is who is behind it all.

That is who is building the New World Order Kingdom of the Anti-Christ, and have been for a long time.

Satan seeks to be worshiped as god, and to have complete control.

The Bible says he will succeed, and overcome the saints. (Daniel 7, Rev. 13:7)

He will take over the world, until Christ returns and shatters his kingdom and sets up the eternal throne. (Dan. 2:34-35)

Coming soon.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger.

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Saturday, July 22, 2023

All Churches Are The Same

 All Churches Are The Same


I've been involved with Churches my whole life. And what I have found is that every church has about 5 to 10 people who think they own the church. They think it's their job to control and police the church. They use their power, money, influence and knowledge to bully people into doing what they want.

Now, when I said this I'm sure that a church person popped into your mind. If you attend church you probably know one of them. If you don't attend, then they are probably the reason you were driven away.

When I talk to church people about this they all say the same thing. "All churches are like that. You'll never find a perfect church" 

They say this like it's so profound and a solution to the problem. They seem to think we should just suck it up and let these people rule.

But, the scriptures speak of these people plainly.

It's these children of Satan who worked to kill Jesus.

It's these tares among the wheat who tried to destroy Paul's work, every where he went.

They are wolves in sheep's clothing who drive away people seeking God.

They are false brethren who do everything they can to distract from God's work.

They are a brood of vipers who seek followers, then make them 10 times the sons of hell.

They are scribes. Pharisees, and hypocrites, whose end is to be burned.

They are Lot's Wife. They are the Elder Brother.

They are the foolish virgins, shut out and driven into the apostate church, to beat the menservants and maidservants.

We know who these people are. Why do we let them rule? We are guilty for allowing it. We are guilty for letting them drive people from Christ.

The Lord will cleanse His temple in these latter days, and drive out the money changers and those who buy and sell, instead of knowing and serving  Christ.

They need to be saved. They do great damage to the cause. Satan uses them in these last days to disrupt the work of the believer.
Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois

Photo by the writer.

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Sunday, May 7, 2023

Should Christians Hate Social Media?

Should Christians Hate Social Media?
It is a tool for these last days.

I have noticed this ever since Social Media became a thing. It is apparent on my Facebook page, conversations I’ve had and in national Christian circles. Christians hate social media.
Maybe hate is too strong of a word. Maybe hate is a sin. Maybe it’s fear. They fear social media. Course, fear is a sin as well.

I know they look at social media. I see them carefully Facebook stalking. But, still there’s this rejection and ridicule of it.

I have many Christian Facebook friends, and they hardly ever post. A few of them do. But, large amounts do not. They never “like” anything. They never comment. They only stay in their small safe circle. The same circle they have at church. Now, if it’s a post that is totally vetted and safe, then you might see some likes. . If it’s a quote from some world famous preacher, or an achievement that reaches the level of 20 “likes”, then you might see a few come out of the closet. But, it’s rare. I see Sasquatch more often. Maybe it’s just me.

I’m under the impression that Christians have a job to do, and that is to spread the Gospel, help others, and bring light into darkness. I believe God has allowed the internet and social media to exist in these last days for that purpose, before the Door is shut. But, where are Christians? My news feed should be full of Bible Quotes, and praise videos, at least every Sunday. But I hear crickets.
The scripture says we should encourage each other, and mourn and rejoice with each other. But, silence reigns. I hear that people believe visiting someone face to face is better than online. But, that cannot always happen, and it ends up never happening. At least posting on social media is an attempt to do something.

There are all kinds of excuses and ridicule given from the pulpit to keep the ranks in line. “If you saw it on Facebook it must be true!” is a common tool of ridicule. Things on Facebook have as much chance to be true, as some of the sermons I’ve heard in my life. Is it about the fact that the message is written instead of spoken? God’s Word is a written message. Paul’s Letters were written the same as text messages and Facebook posts. The Holy Spirit can use anything.
It's been said, "I've never seen someones mind changed by an argument on Facebook." 

You realize that a huge amount of Paul's letters are written arguments against false teachers, and false brethren in the Church, right? yes, there are ways to do it properly in love. But, acting like written arguments do not work, is utterly false. Paul proves it.
Christians talk about how much filth is on social media or how much drama. Well, fix it! Post good positive Godly stuff. You are allowing Satan to own it. This is a war. What are you doing? Hiding in your foxhole? Life is drama. That drama is a chance to serve. It’s a chance to pray. It’s a chance to reach out.

Perhaps this is only in my social circle, but I doubt it. I have seen world renowned preachers speaking the same thing. Maybe preachers are afraid the flock will be exposed to other ideas that might pull them away. Maybe believers are afraid to have arguments, online or not be able to defend their position. We are called to tell the great things God has done for us, to give an account of why we believe and to be a good soldier for Jesus Christ. By studying and stepping out in faith to do these things, we will get better at it, and less afraid. We will see God working, and the chances of other ideas pulling us away becomes less and less, because we see that He is real and we have a relationship with Him. But, when we refuse to serve Him, He is just an idea that other ideas can challenge. Ideas cannot challenge someone we know. A person is real. God is a person, not a concept competing with other concepts. Let the Truth go, and it will defend itself. A caged Lion can only roar. But, if he gets free, He can take down whoever seeks to recapture Him.

Noah was told to build an Ark. While he was building it he preached to those around him trying get them saved. He knew what was coming, and he reached out. In the end he only saved his immediate family. 8 souls.(Heb. 11:7, 1 Peter 3:20)

That is what believers should be doing. We see that the end is coming. We know the door will be shut. We are to be telling others. Even if the only people we save are a few folks on our Facebook page. Maybe God gave you them for that purpose. So, you can reach them. Maybe social media is the only way to get to some folks. The time is coming.

Of course there are wise ways to use social media. There are definite dangers to using it. But, that should not prevent us from doing our job. A cell phone allows us access to the evil social media. But, do you hear Christians condemning cell phones very often? Nope.
Most of the time people argue against social media out of guilt and fear. They themselves feel powerless to use the tool for Christ, so they don't want you to use it either, because it makes them feel guilty or weak for not using it.
Do not let the enemy keep you from serving. He will use fear and guilt and doubt to keep you down. 
If you are a believer on Social Media. Simply post a verse once a week. Post a sermon video.  Invite people to church. Share the things your church posts. Do something.

There's no need to argue. There's no need to be a famous preacher. But, you might convince your distant cousin. You might get your neighbor saved. 

Use the tool God has allowed in these last days to spread the Word and Love. Do not fear.
Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Image from the Author, a church door at a historical site in Mount Vernon, Illinois.