Showing posts with label Spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spirit. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

It Comes Back

 It Comes Back

The power of reaping and sowing


The Bible speaks of reaping and sowing. (Gal. 6: 7-9, 2 Cor. Chapter 9, )

When God created the world He spoke forth certain principles. Seeds fall to the ground and make plants. If you plant a seed it will grow. There is a time to plant and a time to harvest. ( Gen. 1: 11-12, Gen. 8:22, Ecc. 3: 1-13)

Now God does not play around. When He does something it is done right. So, His laws are not just physical. They are also spiritual. All creation sees and understands this principle.

When God set reaping and sowing into motion in our world, the creation kept doing it. The process of reaping what we sow is a fact and goes on all the time, because that’s how it was designed. Of course there are lots of aspects that goes with this concept, but it is a biblical truth.

We reap what we sow. Whether good for good or bad for bad.

So, let’s look at three biblical truths that should encourage us or warn us.

1. Give and It Shall be Given Unto You:

Jesus said, “Give and it shall be given unto you, pressed down shaken together shall men give unto your bosom.” (Luke 6:38)

This is a spiritual truth. If you give, things will come back. And it’s not just spiritual blessings. The verse says “Men shall give”. Men cannot give you a spiritual blessing. This verse is an example of the reaping and sowing law at work in the creation.

But, it’s not just for good. Because if you do not sow, neither shall you reap. (2 Cor. 9: 6-7) If you are not willing to help others or be a cheerful giver. It’s quite possible you will not get blessings or help when you need it as well.

 Which takes us into the next concept.

2. Do Unto Other As You Would Have Done Unto You:

We often look at this saying from Jesus and think it’s a wise moral law. (Luke 6:31) But, what if it’s more than that. Maybe it’s a truth in regards to reaping and sowing. Maybe it’s more than just cause and effect. You are mean to some one, so they are mean back to you. This is true. It happens.

But, what if its more? What if it’s saying that if you are mean to people, you will run into people who are mean to you someday.

If you are unkind, it will come back into your life later on.

It’s the way the creation was designed.

3. If They Will Not Work Neither Shall They Eat:

A lot of Christians use this verse as a reason to not help the poor. Basically claiming that since they won’t or don’t work a job or a satisfactory job, they should starve to death with their children. (2 Thess. 3:10)

That was not God’s intent. He wants us to love and help and give. But, if we find after loving and helping that a person is just taking advantage and not trying to do anything to help themselves, we can withdraw help. But, that is not our first act. That is a last resort. Our first act is to love.

But, keeping in line with the context of reaping and sowing, perhaps the verse is more than physical flesh. Maybe it’s reaping and sowing. We know that if we will not work, we cannot get a harvest. This is cause and effect.

But, consider that if you refuse to do the Lord’s work, you will not be fed spiritually. We learn a lot in our spiritual walk when we step outside ourselves and follow the Spirit. If we refuse or don’t listen we miss the blessing and spiritual food we can gain from God, by working with Him.

So, when some Christians use this verse as an excuse to not help others. They are actually cursing themselves. They will reap what they sow…nothing. And on that day when He comes they will find that they have no oil in their lamps and that they buried their talents in the sand. (Matt. 25.)


People will say, “it’s not supposed to be about what you get back or get out of it”

It doesn’t matter what you think or believe on the subject. Reaping and sowing is a law. It occurs whether you like it or want it or not.

It’s like gravity. You can say what you want, but when you step off that building you will fall. Period.

Every thought and action within the creation will bring a return. If you do bad. You will get bad. if you do good. You get good. If you do nothing. You get nothing.

This is why God has told us about it, and warned us about it. His warnings on our behavior is a warning of what will come back on us.

When God created the world, He created it good. But, we fell and death and sin entered the world. Then, God laid down the curse, to get us to turn back to Him.

The creation was not originally designed for evil. The reaping and sowing was designed to bring good. Because everything in the creation would be doing good. So, more good comes in abundance. That’s God. Blessing us.

 But, evil came. Now the reaping and sowing also brings back evil.

Perhaps that’s one of the reasons for God’s Law. To help us live in the world.

We know that after the fall humans became totally depraved. We are so evil we do not even understand how evil we are. So, God gave us the Law to show us. The law helps us to see our sinfulness and our need for a savior, Jesus Christ.

But, after we are saved the law works to help us grow, and know what to confess to the Lord. Perhaps it also helps us in living a life where we reap good things and not bad?

My suggestion is to Love God. Love others. Serve God. Help People. Give Joyously, and Do Good.

Because like Paul said “We reap what we sow.” Whether we like it or not.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger.

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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Standing On Faith

 Standing on Faith

What does it mean to wait upon the Lord?



There’s a verse in Isaiah that people like to quote.

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”—Isa. 40:31

Tough times come into our lives.

It doesn’t matter what kind of tough times, because it all does the same thing to us. It brings us to a place where we are faced with trusting God or not.

When you look at the temptations of Christ, you will find that they all end in the same basic question.

Do you trust God?

Do you trust God to provide?

Do you trust God to protect?

Do you trust God to answer?

Do you trust God to guide?

I am in the same boat. Destroyed and abandoned by people I called friends. People who claimed to be friends. People who call themselves believers in Christ, but do not love the brethren, like He commands.

I’m waiting upon the Lord.

What does that mean?

Well, it means to continue doing the things you know for a fact He called you to do. It means doing what is right and abiding in Him; keeping the relationship with Him.

 He called Abram to follow Him out into the wilderness and Abram went. “Come unto a land that I will show you.”

And Abram followed as God led. It was a daily walk. But, God led him to a place where Abram was fulfilling his purpose.

Abram listen to God’s leading, as frustrating as it is to not know the whole plan. But, the following and the waiting and the learning the voice of the Lord was the real plan. That was the relationship.

And Abram, became Abraham, the father of nations. A powerful prophet in the land where God led him.

As sheep we follow the shepherd. We know his voice because God teaches it to us. We see Him moving and we remember what He tells us. We trust in the things He has shown us and confirmed in His Word.

He leads us by the still waters. His rod and staff comfort us. Not because of where we are, but because of Who is with us. Nothing can harm us for real. He is there.

Our faith grows in the relationship. It grows when we hear God’s Word and we put our faith in it and stand on it despite all odds. His promises are true and no matter what happens He is with us. He will never leave us nor forsake us. We can stand on the Rock of Christ, the Rock of His Word.

Turn to Him and He comes running. Seek and you shall find. Ask and it shall be given to you. Knock and it will be opened. We have not, because we ask not. We are his children, we can come boldly to the throne and seek Him in our despair.

While we wait on the Lord to show us the next step, we stand on faith. We stand on His Word, and the things He has shown us in our lives, which is our testimony. The testimony of the great things He has done for us.

We can trust Him. He is coming fast.

Like the Israelite’s in the desert waiting on the pillar of smoke and fire to move. He will move.

Faith comes by hearing the Word. Speak it to yourself.

“Whatsoever I ask in His name He will do.”

Believe it.

Trust it.

Drive the doubt out of your mind with it.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”

Say it.

Believe it.

Stand on it.

Let the promises fill you with faith and drive the demons of doubt and fear and infirmity away.

“By His stripes I am healed”

Believe it.

“Take up your mat and walk”

 Believe it.

Get up and get busy.

Do what you can do.

Grab that promise and run with it.

Dance before the Lord and trust that He has your back.

He is coming. He promises.

You will run and not be weary.

Believe it.

Our relationship with Him forever is being built.

We know Him, through the relationship He is building. We know Him as we walk with Him through the desert. We know Him as we wait upon Him and continue in well doing till he comes.

And He is coming.

You will hear His voice and see Him move to help you.

Trust Him.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger.

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Photo by pexels/Graeme Travers

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

By Faith...

 By Faith...

Faith Matters


“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”—Heb. 11:1

Translation: Faith is made up of hope for things we do not see and have never seen, but have evidence for.

If we rightly divide this verse we first need to understand what “Hope” is.

Hope is not a “Gee I sure hope so.”

No, it’s “more like “My only hope”. It’s like a life preserver or like a harness that a steel worker wears when he is on a high rise and needs a safety line to prevent falling.

We hope for things we have never seen, but have been given evidence of.

We have never seen God. We have never seen heaven or hell.

But, things have happened in our lives that have given us evidence of the reality of these things.

We have seen God move in our lives and answer prayer. We have seen people get healed of disease. We have seen blessings come to us and to others. We have seen the beauty of nature and the signs it holds. We have felt God in our spirit, comforting us.

This evidence is our lifeline to God. God provides this evidence so that our lifeline will be stronger and cause us to reach out to Him more and trust Him more. God Himself is our lifeline and He provides faith for it.

He gives us faith at birth, and He builds our faith to believe in Jesus Christ and put our faith and trust in Him. Then, He continues throughout our life to build our faith. If we know Him.

Hebrews chapter 11 is called the faith chapter of the Bible. This is where we can get a definition of what faith is.

The very first thing it mentions is having faith in God’s creation. Belief that God created all things out of nothing, simply by speaking it into existence.

We believe in creation because God told us in His Word that this is what happened. So, by faith we believe His Word. Our belief in His Word makes us righteous. Abraham believed God and it was counted to Him for righteousness. When we are told of Jesus Christ, we have the chance to believe or not. If we believe, then we are believing the Word of God, and we put our faith in Jesus Christ and we are declared righteous. Jesus is the living Word of God. (Romans 4:3 Rom. 3:22)

God washes us and places us in Christ. This is what happened to all the Old Testament saints. They believed God and God declared them righteous and placed them in Christ. Just like us.

Remember God is not bound by time or place. God is not filled with doubt. He knows for a fact that His plans will succeed. So, when an Old Testament saint died, having never known Jesus, God places them in Christ because they believed God’s Word.

So, if that saint was alive to today, and heard a sermon on Jesus. This saint would have accepted Him. I know this might not be liked by some believers, but every person who has ever been saved has been saved by grace, through faith. Not by works. They did the works because they believed the Word God gave them.

Grace comes from God and we see evidence, then choose to put our faith in Him at His Word.

Obedience or works are nothing without faith.

They are just rule keeping or going through the motions.

There are some things we cannot do without faith first. Like Confessing Jesus is the Lord, or believing He came in the flesh. (1 Cor. 12:3, 1 John 4:1-3 )

Like Abel sacrificing the first of his flock, as a picture of the future sacrifice of Christ. That’s what ALL sacrifices are. (Heb 11)

He did this because He received a Word from God, or believed the Word of God given to Him from Adam.

He then became a picture of Jesus, when he was killed by His brother because of envy. Like Christ was killed by His brethren for envy. (Gen. chapter 4, Matt. 27:18)

And they were sent to wander the earth.

We see that Enoch walked with God. He had a relationship with him, just like we are called to have a relationship. But, it started by first seeing evidence of God from God, or it came from a Word given from God by someone else. Perhaps from Seth, or from Adam himself. (Gen. 5:22-24)

Remember Adam often walked with God in the cool of the day.

Do you see that our faith leads us to know God and walk with Him. it leads us to seek Him and turn to Him and let Him direct our paths.

It’s a relationship not rule keeping. No one is saved by keeping the law. We are saved by knowing Him. By confessing Jesus is the Lord and having a relationship with Him by faith. (Rom. 3:20-31)

Noah built an Ark. Because He believed the Word given to Him and he acted upon it. Who in their right mind would build an ark in the front yard?

Our faith might lead us to do crazy things. It might lead us to look strange or be persecuted. But, it might also lead to the saving of our family, friends and world.

We see that Abraham believed the Word God gave Him, and he was made righteous. He went unto a land that was not his own and trusted God. He trusted God even though Abraham never saw the promise fulfilled.

There are things we are trusting God for. And we might never see it fulfilled, until we stand with him on that day in glory. When we cross into Paradise to be with Him, and we see the new heaven and new Earth to come.

We seek a city, a country, a future place with God called Home. For this place is not our home.

Sara believed that God would give her a child in her old age. Even through her doubt, God provided. Despite her laughter the promise came and she was written in this book. Because God’s promises are not based upon our faith, and obedience. But, on His might, grace, and goodness. He does it. Not us. (Gen. 18)

Our faith often leads us to reject things in this life, knowing God has a better plan.

Like Moses who chose to reject the high living of Pharaoh and suffer with His own people. Because He knew that he would be the Deliverer and knew that Christ would deliver us all. (the book of Exodus, Acts Chapter 7, Hebrews 11:26)

All of the Old Testament saints teach us that God gives us a Word, and by faith we believe that Word and follow Him.

Jesus is that Word. And when we turn to Him by Faith, He saves us and directs our paths through His Holy Spirit and the relationship we have with Him.

Even through persecutions and a tough life we keep turning to Him and calling out to Him in faith trusting His Word.

And even if we do not see the promises fulfilled in this life, we know that there is a better day.

So, since we are surrounded by the great saints of old and the lives they lived we can turn to Jesus and trust Him through faith like they did. Setting down our burdens and letting Him wash away our sin. So, we can be free to live the life with him that he called us to live. (Heb. 12:1)

Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. He wrote it, and will bring it to pass in our lives. Not by our works but His.

And it was a joy to Him to endure the suffering and shame of the cross for us. Then sit down at the right hand of God in power. (Heb. 12:2)

Through faith we are saved and our faith grows as God builds it through our relationship. And every bad thing we face, and every good thing we receive, all works together to build our faith as we turn to Him and trust Him.

And His promises will come.

They come today. They come in the future. And they come forever.

Trust Him.


 Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Sunday, December 15, 2024

Serving God

 Serving God

We were created to serve God



“Seek ye first my kingdom and my righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.”–Matt. 6:33

When we read scripture we need to “Rightly divide” it. (2 Timothy 2:15)

What does that mean?

Well, every word in scripture has meaning. They can often be linked to other parts of scripture. When we want to understand or define something, we need to use scripture to do it.

So, what does it mean to “Seek ye first my kingdom”? It means to put the building of God’s kingdom first in your life. So, how does that look? Well, it means that spreading the Gospel is the most important thing to you. (Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-18)

You tell people about Jesus personally on a one to one basis. You tell people about Him publicly; and you support ministries and missionaries that actively spread the Gospel. You have a desire for people to get saved, and you step out in faith, to let the Spirit work through you in doing that work.

On top of that, we support and participate in Kingdom building activities, such as loving people, healing people, helping people, protecting people, growing people, serving people and feeding people. All of this is done in His name, and with an eye toward Kingdom building. Not being fake, or having an ulterior motive; but being real in our purposes. We want people to realize that there is a God who loves them and wants them saved, and that process starts now in this world.

Now when I say this, it makes it seem like I’m saying that you need to become a preacher, or go door to door, or become a missionary. I’m not saying that. God has given each of us different personalities, different gifts, and different callings on our lives. Build your relationship with God, and step out to do the small things and you’ll be shown by Him what directions to take. But, be real. You don’t have to take mission trips, or go to seminary. But, when a friend or neighbor falls on tough times are you there? Do you tell them about Jesus? Do you exercise your gifts at work? Not being preachy or holier than thou, but someone that is approachable, helpful, and keeps a confidence? 

 We do this out of our salvation. We do not do it to be saved, but because we want to tell people the great things God has done for us.

What is “My Righteousness”? We are made righteous, because we believe God. We believe what He has told us in His Word. We believe what He has spoken to us in our hearts; and we believe He has called us. We believe what He tells us about Jesus Christ, being the Lord, and we confess Him as our Lord. We agree with God that we are sinners and need Him.

We believe our personal relationship with Him; and the great things He has done in our lives. This causes us to live rightly as He grows us. We study and live by His Word. We seek to grow our faith and our relationship with Him. Not obeying rules, but growth through faith and relationship. Seeking His righteousness, is to seek the relationship with Him, and we grow in faith and spirit through it and Him. We cannot be righteous without Him, and faith in His Word. (Rom. 4:3, Rom. 10:9-10)

“And all these things shall be added unto you.” What things? The things we need, and even in many ways the true desires of our hearts. God knows what all humans really need and want. He also knows us personally. He is more than happy to provide these things. But, always remember that our spiritual condition, our relationship with Him, and His kingdom are paramount. Sometimes that will lead to great hardship.

God is not shocked when you desire success or abundance or any of “these things”. But, as we seek His Kingdom and His Righteousness; our desire for, and our definition of “These Things” starts to change. We become humble. We become meek, like a wild horse broken and trained for battle. We become less needy, because we have all in Him. We succeed, but our success is not apart from Him. He is always at the forefront of our minds and what we do.

Now when I say that, I’m not saying we don’t sin. I’m not saying we don’t forget God. I’m saying that He is a constant fixture in our lives, and grows in it. It’s a growth in Him. If you’re not experiencing this, ask God to give you more of Himself and He will.

John tells us that we will sin and fail, but we turn to God and ask Him to cleanse us of all unrighteousness. (Unbelief) and He will. Then, when we are washed we are as though we never sinned. god remembers it no more. (1 John 1:8-10, 1 John 3:9)

Terrible things happen in this life and in this world. But, even in the midst of these situations or places. “Seek ye first my Kingdom, and my righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” is a promise. It might not manifest the same in everybody or in every situation. You might even be miserable for a while as He works things out in your life. To be honest, there are believers who died serving Him, and being in Him, long before any of “these things” manifested in their lives. But, I can promise you they have “these things” today with Him. I can also bet that the families they left behind were blessed. God is just. He pays His workers.

But, like most of God’s promises it requires faith to get started. Do you trust Him? Step out and start doing the little things and begin to grow. He will lead you and guide you; just go. He will move. It doesn’t matter where you are. Seek His kingdom and His righteousness. Do it from a pure heart, wholeheartedly. If you can’t, then ask Him to give you a clean heart, and help you to be pure in your motivations toward Him and others.

Then watch your views of what “these things” are change and turn to what He wants you to view them as. Your relationship is with Him; no one else. We answer to Him. Build His kingdom, and He will build yours.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Tuesday, December 10, 2024

God Will Come Running


 God Will Come Running

 When we turn to Him


 Jesus tells us a story about a young man who left home and went to make a name for himself. (Luke 15:11-32)

It could be a kid going to college with his parents credit card.

Or a kid chasing a dream with his fathers support and blessing.

We know this guy. We have seen him or her in our families or neighbors. We have seen them in ourselves.

We are free. We don’t have to answer to anyone.

We are trying to make it. We are chasing a dream or forced to take care of ourselves.

But we get pulled off the path.

Like the man in Jesus’ story.

He started riotous living. He started making friends in low places. He was meeting all the best guys or best girls. He was getting drunk and using drugs of all kinds. He was down at the club, or local bar. He woke up next to all kinds of people.

And all the dreams died.

We’ve been there, or seen people there. We can smell the smells, taste the tastes and hear the sound of the music thumping. We’ve done the beer runs, and smoked the things that make us wanna go get some more.

They are living for the party. Living for friends. Maybe living the dream. But, it’s not the real dream. It’s not real hopes and dreams.

Jesus says that trouble comes. A famine in the land.

 And trouble always comes. The party always ends.

It could be an accident that causes it. Maybe a divorce or break up. The loss of income and friends. Illness.

But, the party ends.

This causes us to get desperate. These times of trouble can lead us to draw more into the party life, trying to hold on. Drinking and drugging more to try to numb the fear and pain. Chasing things that is not good for us. Trusting people we should not trust. Waking up in places we do not want to wake up in. As our friends abandon us.

And we break. We have no choice. We are ruined.

Jesus said, the man went and got the worst job possible. The lowest of the low, just to keep himself from starving.

But, even that wasn’t working. He wanted to eat the pigs food.

We might end up homeless, digging in the dumpsters. We might even consider a life of crime. Stealing, selling drugs, stripping and prostitution to survive.

We hit rock bottom. We are as low as we think we can go.

Do not be deceived. There are always worst things that can happen. Rock bottom has a basement.

Jesus said, that the man woke up. He was willing to be a slave in His fathers house.

How desperate are you? Are you desperate enough to turn to God and say “I can’t do it! I don’t know what to do! But, I need you! Do whatever you want but please save me and help me.”

Are you so desperate to be free from your troubles and addictions and life, that you just give it all to God, and even if He kills you or throws you in prison or cripples you, it’s ok.

How desperate are you?

Jesus said the man went to see his father. He was desperate. He had ruined his life and was not worthy for anything good.

But, the father saw his child a long way off, and ran to him. And hugged him and held him.

That’s God.

 He sees our broken and desperate heart, long before we even get to Him. And He comes running. He comes running to save us and help us.

He wraps His arms around us and makes us His child. He brings us a robe and a ring and we are with the father forever.

And our life changes. We see things happening. Good or bad, but it’s ok because the Father is with us. He shakes it out and gives us hope. He grows our faith as we draw closer to Him. And we see him move. And more faith grows.

The dreams come back to life and we see them growing in Him. We see good things coming into our life, and it comes even more abundantly.

God himself is working in our life and everything is fine.

He blesses us where we are because we are His. We are His child and we turn to Him and know Him.

And He always comes running when we turn to Him. He always moves to help us, even when we can’t see it. He is working and it will work out. He is with us.

And we will be with Him



 Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger.

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Sunday, December 1, 2024

The Sign Of Christ In You

 The Sign Of Christ In You

Are you sure you know Him?


The sign of Christ in you is not that you work to quit sinning.

It’s not that you pretend to be sinless, and go to your church every time the doors are open.

The sign is that you confess that Jesus came in the flesh, and confess Him as Lord. (1 John 4:1-3, 1 Cor. 12:1-3, Rom. 10:9-10)

The sign is that you love God and love others. (Matthew 22:36-40)

The sign is that you believe the Word. And you believe it so much that you become a fool for Christ. You believe things that this world rejects, and that makes us fools. (Rom.4:3, 1 Cor. 3:18-23)

The sign is that you believe so much that you do not want people to suffer or perish. If you really believed you would be telling people about the great things God has done for you and them. You would be getting the Gospel out. (2 Peter 3:9, Matthew 10:32-33, Luke 8:38-39)

The sign is that you want to help people because you love them. You want to go feed the poor, and clothe the naked. You want to visit the prisoner and comfort the sick. You want to set the slaves free. (Matt. 25:31-46)

The sign is that you desire a relationship with Him, and things are removed in your life that distract you from that relationship. You watch for Him and grow in Him and will bear fruit. (John 15)

The sign is that you take all the bad that has happened to you, and you turn it around for good. You use it to grow and to help others overcome. You don’t bury it in the soil. (Matt. 25:1-30)

You use the gift God has given you to save and help others. You don’t wrap it in a napkin and keep it in your pocket. (Matt. 25:1-30, Luke 19:12-27)

 The sign of Christ in you is a focus and an urgency to build the Kingdom. To seek His face. To let Him guide you and abide with Him. (Matt. 6:3, Proverbs 3:5-8)

You endure hardness. Your endure molding as a potter molds clay. You endure refining like a smith removing the dross from the silver and gold. ( 2 Timothy 2:3, Jeremiah 18:1-6, Malachi 3:1-4)

And because of this, you won’t have the desire or time to sin.

But, you will sin. We all sin. If you say you don’t sin, then you lie and Christ is not in you. When we sin we confess it to Him daily, and He washes our feet. He cleanses us of all unrighteousness and works to help us to overcome. And to Him, it is as though we never sinned. Period. (1 John 1:5-10, 1 John 3:9, Psalm 103:12)

We do not sin because He does not hold it against us. When God says something doesn’t exist. It is gone.

He overcame Sin. He overcame Satan. He overcame Death. (John 16:33)

It’s all gone. That’s a fact. We are over comers in Him. (1 John 4:4)

Our faith grows in Him. As we know Him. Our lamps are full of the oil of faith because we have seen Him moving in our lives. (Matt. 25:1-13)

If you spend your life focusing on not sinning, your focus is on yourself. Not Christ.

Just let it go. Let Him remove what He sees fit. Let Him break you and remold you. Trust Him. You will see yourself, sinning less. It will just happen, as you focus on Him and let Him work. Remember, it’s about you and Him. It’s not about what others think. (John 21:21-22)

What is written above is hard. But, its also easy because you cannot do it. You just turn to Him and let Him do it. It’s not a checklist of things you do. It’s a relationship that grows in you and you gradually see yourself doing more of these things. Remember, dead things do not grow. Are you growing in Christ, or are you dead?

This life is but a breath. This world passes away. Just turn your focus to Him.

He has overcome the world. He is eternal. And He is in you.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger.

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Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Being Taught By The Spirit

 Being Taught By The Spirit

Do You Know Him?


 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”—Hosea 4:6

When you read this verse in context, you will find that the people of ancient Israel at this time did not know God.

They had all kinds of information about God. They had priests and prophets. They had God’s Law. But, they did not know God.

God is not concerned about whether we have knowledge of Him, or His laws. He wants us to know HIM. When we know HIM. We grow in our ability to Walk in the Spirit. Which means we grow in our ability to obey His laws. Because like Jesus said,

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”— Matt. 22:37-40

When you love. You are obeying. When we know God and are taught by the Spirit, we are in relationship with God. This is Walking in the Spirit.

It’s not about trying to beat yourself up to obey a set of laws because God is going to get mad at you or get His heart broke. That’s what knowing ABOUT God does to you.

But, when you know God, and have a relationship with Him. It’s not about obeying a set of laws. It’s about Him working in your life to grow you, so that you are just walking in the Spirit with Him.

The people of Israel at this time did not know God, and this allowed terrible trouble to come into their lives. Israel had made a commitment to be God’s people. They were supposed to be a shining light on a hill, designed to draw all people in the world to know God.

 Every person in Israel was supposed to be so learned of God, and know Him so intimately that they were ALL considered priests, in essence. But, the fact that they did not know God, opened doors for destruction into their lives.

Basically, since the parents didn’t know God. The children would suffer from it. Drunken parents who don’t know God, lead to drunken kids, who do not know God. And when the kids hit rock bottom, they do not know who to cry out to because they were never led to know God.

As Christians we are grafted in to Israel. That means that on a spiritual level; in the eyes of God, we are adopted children. We are in the covenant. We are treated as equals and joint heirs. (Romans 11)

So as believers we look at what happened in the past and we learn truth from it. Paul said,

“For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” —Rom 15:4

So, we can apply this verse in Hosea to ourselves, and what we see in our churches and our own households, and nation.

We are destroyed because we do not know God. We know about Him. We have heaped to ourselves teachers. We go to Church, Bible Studies, and read the latest fad book, from the best Christian authors. But, do we know Him? We sit in our church or car and clap to our favorite Christian music, but do we know Him?

If you knew Him, you could not help but tell others. You could not stop telling about the good things God has done for you. You could not help but want to grow closer to Him.

Do you tell people about Jesus? Have you read the entire Bible, or is all your Bible knowledge from what your Church told you?

You cannot know Him, unless you are born again and let the Holy Spirit teach you.

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Is not about more information. It’s about knowing Him.

Are you saved? Ask God to save you and grow you. (Acts 2:21)

Turn to God and confess to Him that you believe Jesus is the Lord, and you want Him to be your Lord. Believe that He rose from the dead. This is believing God. It is believing what God has told you in His Word. (Romans 10:9-10, Romans 4:3)

Ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit and teach you. (Luke 11:11-13, John 16:13)

The Bible says, “But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.”—1 John 2:27

This means that God himself is perfectly capable of teaching you. Believe this. Trust this, and let Him. This is the relationship.

Just talk with God. Just be real in prayer. Do you believe He is real? Do you believe He is with you always? Then, talk to Him like He is. Do you believe He is your father and friend? Then, talk to Him like He is. Be real with Him.

Do you really believe He can teach you? Then treat him like your teacher.

When you read your Bible. If you do not understand something. Or get confused. Instead of running to the preacher, or a friend or the commentaries. ASK GOD.

Pray about it. This is part of the relationship and growth. Ask Him. Then trust that He hears you and will open the scriptures to you. Then, move on. Keep reading and living and praying.

 It might take time. This is part of learning patience, and learning to trust God. But, as you read and study, one day you will come across a verse that will jump out at you. This is called “Quickening”. The Word comes to life.

Then, the question you asked will be opened up to you, and this new verse, will make connections to the verse you asked about and it will make perfect sense. It will be an “Aha!” moment. This is God teaching you. Not only does this teach you. But, it builds your relationship with God, and strengthens your faith.

But if you run to the pastor, and ask them about the verse or question. You miss the chance to know God. It becomes head knowledge about the author of the Word, instead of knowing the Author. When you take time and care to know the writer, a transfer of relationship occurs. God will teach you. Trust Him.

You must remember that on Judgement day. The worst thing to hear is “Depart from me I never KNEW you.” (Matt. 7:21-23)

What I am telling you is how you come to know Him. Did you really get saved? Or is it just words you spoke and words you hear every Sunday? Our salvation, opens the door to knowing Him. If you never got saved, then you can’t know Him. If you don’t care to know him. Then, you probably did not get saved.

Jesus said, “Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.”

If you won’t tell people about Jesus, then you gotta ask if you really know Him? Are you really saved?

Look at the story of the Gadarene demoniac. (Luke 8)

Jesus cast demons out of a man and saved his life. Jesus then told Him “Return to thine own house, and shew how great things God hath done unto thee.”

That is our testimony. That is how we overcome the enemy. We tell people about Jesus. We tell people about the great things God has done in our lives. (Rev. 12:11)

But if we cannot do this, we gotta ask ourselves, why? Do we really know him? Have we really seen Him doing great things in our lives? Or are we just going to church?

If every Christian told all their friends and family and Facebook friends about the great things God has done in their lives, what would our country look like?

But, you can’t tell others if you don’t know Him.

How else does the Spirit teach us? He teaches us through our lives. If we read scripture and do not understand something, we can ask God. Now, sometimes God might show us in the Word. Or He might bring a teacher to us. Or He might open something else up to teach us from our lives.

For example, we can learn a lot about how God loves us and treats us by looking at how we love our own kids. We are His children. If we love our kids, how much more does he love us?

Does this lead to more questions? Then, ask God and He will show you.

God has gifted people to be teachers of the Word. Teachers of the Spirit. God will lead you to the ones He wants you to learn from. Again, this is something between you and God. HE is teaching you. But, He has led you to someone that is teaching what God wants you to learn. God can lead you to different teachers or many teachers. But, it is God who is teaching, if you let Him guide you to the one He wants you to learn from.

You are not here by accident.

 There are times of trouble which can come into our lives. If we turn to God, He will help us and can use it to show us things about Himself. Again, we want to KNOW God. Not know about Him. When we face trouble, and draw closer to God we learn of HIM, when we see Him move in our life.

Our life turns to shambles, when we don’t turn to Him and know Him. This shambles is a call to turn to Him. It’s a chance to know Him.

Do you know Him? Let Him grow you.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Sunday, November 3, 2024

Grace Cannot Exist With Works

 Grace Cannot Exist With Works

If you seek to save yourself you've destroyed Grace. 




"Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace. And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work."---Romans 11: 5-6 KJV---all verses are KJV

In this verse in Romans, Paul makes a statement regarding grace that should settle all matters regarding salvation by faith, or works, or whether you can lose your salvation, or whether you must do works to maintain it.

He plainly states, that it cannot truly be grace if you have to do anything to obtain it, or keep it.

The whole idea of grace is negated by any notion of effort on our part.

The King of everything is offering us salvation, adoption, total forgiveness, mercy, joint ownership of the Kingdom, all for free, forever, if we just turn to Him, and ask. Confessing Him as our Lord, believing and trusting Him alone.
" For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

Not of works, lest any man should boast.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."--- Eph. 2:8-10

We are saved by grace. THROUGH faith. 

Faith is a medium. It's like a telephone line that connects us to God's Grace. We are not saved by faith, we are saved THROUGH faith.

God does not want anyone boasting or acting like they did some great deed to be saved, or that they were obedient servants. We must accept our fallen state and inability to save ourselves, in order to receive God's Grace. That's part of it. You must acknowledge your need for him alone.

But, here's where we encounter a problem.

Some people want to use Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 as an excuse to try to save themselves. It will not work. We cannot save ourselves or even help God at all. The second you try or think you are, grace ends.

After Adam fell humans became corrupted with a sin nature. We are not able to do right or fix ourselves. This is why God gave us the law. The purpose of God's law is to show us we cannot obey it and need to turn to God for salvation. This is why Jesus came to save us. We are not saved by doing the works of the law. We are saved by Grace. We are saved through faith in Christ alone. We follow the law because it helps us avoid trouble in this life. But, it does not save us.

Let's rightly divide the Word, in verse 10.

"We are HIS workmanship"=  It is God's Work not ours.

"created in Christ Jesus unto good works"= We are "Born Again" or Created in Christ, to build the Kingdom, to Spread the Gospel. to love and help people. These are the works we do.

"which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."= God already had a plan for our lives in Him and wants to work through us.

This is not about our salvation. We cannot do the works God desires without first being saved and letting Him work through us, by His Spirit.

But, some continue to use this verse and other verses to attempt to prove that we must  pay for our salvation or do something to earn it.

The fact that they think they can earn it, is proof that they really do not understand how wicked we are. It proves God right, when He says "None seek God". We seek ourselves, when a person wants to save themselves. (Romans 3:11)

When you wonder if someone can lose Grace. The answer is no. But, many "Christians" have never received Grace. Because they have chosen to earn it themselves, And force others to do the same.

They don't lose it.  They never had it. They never fell on their face and said "Have mercy on me a sinner". They never really had any oil in their lamp because they never had faith in God. ( Luke 18:10-14)

Let God save you.
Just turn to Him and ask Him to save you. (Acts 2:21)
Confess that Jesus is your Lord and believe He rose from the dead. (Romans 10: 9-10)

Believe He has saved you and is working on you. Trust His promise. It's not a feeling.

God has saved you, if you asked him to. Now He will start working in your life to help you to have more faith and grow in Him. To help you serve Him. He will lead you to study his Word and find a place where you can be with other saved people.
 Trust Him.

Let me give you a little analogy.

Let's say there's a parent and a child.

Which is better?

The child that ignores the parent, and goes its own way and is hurt or has a ruined life?

The child who chooses to read about the parent and rules and laws, obeying them perfectly but never really knowing the parent?

The child who turns to the parent and says. "Please help me". The child who chooses to turn to the parent and ask them to help them and grow them. The child who wants a relationship?
Which is better?
It's kind of a no brainer.
Turn to the Lord and trust Him.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Photo by the writer, Gulf Shores, Alabama

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Meat vs. Milk

 Meat Vs. Milk

Are you ready?



“Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing. For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”— Heb. 5:11-14

God’s Word teaches us that there is a difference between milk and meat when it comes to our growth in Christ.

There comes a point when we have read the Word, over and over. When we have sat in all the bible studies and read commentary books. When we have heard all the sermons for years. There comes a point when we are supposed to be ready to serve Christ.

There comes a point where we step into our gift and start using it for the Kingdom. When Church is no longer about sitting in the same pew, listening to the same music, and the same sermon series, from the same guy who gives only milk to drink.

The burden is on both the leader and the church member to grow.

If all a church member ever gets from the pastor or preacher is milk, then how are they supposed to be ready to consume meat?

If the pastor never hears from the Holy Spirit, or even talks about the Holy Spirit, then who is guiding this man? Who is giving him his sermon notes? Does he get his ideas from other preachers in books who never spoke of the Holy Spirit? Men who never spoke as unto the Oracles of God themselves?

The preacher is to tell the flock what the Holy Spirit tells him to preach. It’s not about what the preacher thinks. It’s not a scholarly task. If he says “I was thinking about this”, he is glorifying himself. He should be teaching what the Spirit has told him. If he can’t “Speak as the Oracle of God” meaning that he is speaking what God has told him to say, then he needs to go sit down. He is too afraid to acknowledge that he heard from God, because certain members of his congregation would label him as crazy or false. The congregation should never think that hearing from God is crazy. We are supposed to converse with God, and we are supposed to be crazy for Jesus. (1 Peter 4:11)

That doesn’t mean that a preacher cannot express his own opinion or tell what his own understanding of the Word is. There are lots of places where that’s needed. But, his view point must really be from the Word and the Holy Spirit.

The congregation gets the preacher they deserve. If they are not ready for meat, then they get a preacher who never preaches meat, and the congregation will not grow in Christ. If the congregation doesn’t read the Word, or spend time in prayer or service, fighting the fight of faith how can they be ready for meat?

If all they know is from Bible classes and sermon series, then they are babes. They have never been broken or know Christ. They have never really learned from Him. They are like baby birds sitting in a nest eating regurgitated food from their parents.

Have you ever read the Word? Have you ever really studied it? Not cherry picked sermon series, but actually read and studied the Word? If your pastor started teaching false things, would you really know?

If you get enlightened things from your pastor, and you have never read or studied the Word for yourself, how do you know you are not just getting really good milk? How do you know that it’s not just a good speech? Good speeches can elicit emotions as well. It doesn’t mean the sermon is from God.

The writer of Hebrews goes on to speak of what Milk is.

“Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this will we do, if God permit.”—Heb. 6:1-3

If you do not know the basic doctrines of Christ well enough to go out and teach others and preach the Gospel, then you are still a babe.

Have you asked the Holy Spirit to teach you? Do you realize your teaching comes through getting up and serving? Do you read the Word? Do you have real faith in God? Do you only get your doctrines from one man teaching milk?

Does your pastor feed you milk, because he wants to keep the flock in the pen so he can fleece them of tithes? Perhaps, you’re not growing in Christ because the leader you keep following doesn’t really know Him? Is he too afraid to preach the meat of the Word because he doesn’t want to upset the rich people of the church who pay his salary?

We are called to be soldiers in Christ. We are supposed to be serving God. That means that our pastors, preachers and teachers are supposed to be letting the Holy Spirit, speak through them for the purpose of getting people saved and preparing them to go forth and fight the true fight of faith. They should be leading and providing means for them to really serve. Not just waiting on tables or doing tasks, but exercising their gifts for real out in the world. Not just sitting on committees and doing bible studies.

We are supposed to be telling people about Jesus. Not bringing them to church so that someone else can tell them about Jesus. The time we waste between inviting a person to church and them showing up, is the time Satan draws them away. We are supposed to be prepared to give the Gospel at the moment Jesus brings someone to us. Not force them to wait a week to come to church and hope the preacher happens to give the Gospel that week. Are you really ready to serve? Can you not present the Gospel? If not, then are you really saved? Do you understand it enough to really know it? (1 Peter 3:15)

We are supposed to be taught by the Holy Spirit, and listen to his guidance as He leads us to serve and learn from teachers who really speak the Word. ( 1 John 2:27, John 16:13)

But, are we “dull of hearing” because we are lazy and sitting in that same old pew? We have been lulled into a stupor and need woken up? Like the writer of Hebrews says “For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again “

They had fallen into false doctrine. They had never grown. They did not really know Christ because they were never taught by Him. They had left the basic doctrines.

This is why the writer goes on to say some of the most terrifying words in the scriptures.

 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God: But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned.”—Heb. 6:4-8

He is warning them. They had heard the Gospel. They had woken up with joy. They had been partakers of the Holy Spirit’s work, and seen Him move. But, they were still babes. They still consumed milk. They never grew. This should be a red flag, that they never really got saved.

Since they never grew, they turned away into false things. They turned from God and his salvation unto their own self-righteousness. You must understand these are people who are sitting in the church reading this letter.

They had turned away from the basic teachings of Christ. They had turned to thinking they were saved by obeying the Law, and by doing good works, instead of grace by faith. This is why the writer speaks of relearning the basic doctrines, when they should be teachers of it. Because they never really got it.

These people did not lose their salvation, they never really had it. They never really knew Christ. They just saw the truth, but never really moved to accept it and become a part of it. They just sat in their pews and ate the food, clapped to the music and enjoyed the story telling from the pulpit. But, it never changed them. It never led them to be saved. It never led them to grow in Christ.

These people are like the folks in the parable of the sower. The tares among the wheat. They are birds in the tree, stealing the seed. (Matthew 13)

They never really knew Him. The devil snatched the Word from their heart. Persecutions and tribulations kept them from trusting God. The flesh, the cares of this life and the deceitfulness of riches kept them from really turning to God. They were never saved.

These folks are the foolish virgins. They are the ones who say “have we not done marvelous works in thy name?“. They are the ones at the wedding feast in the wrong clothes, because they never really put faith in God for salvation through Jesus Christ. They trusted in their own works and their own name to save them. They thought that living a life resisting temptation and not sinning was knowing Christ. Ignoring the fact that Christ died for those sins, and giving it all to Him and following Him. (Matthew 22, Matt 25)

They “crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame” because they never really accepted the salvation from Jesus the first time. They did not accept the salvation Jesus gave them. They are like Moses who hit the Rock twice, because his flesh did not allow him to realize that all he needed to do was speak to the Rock, and get water. It was his work, he thought, that brought out salvation, not the finished work of Christ. ( Exodus 17:1-7 ,Numbers 20:1-12, 1 Cor. 10:4 )

We confess our sins and He cleanses us and changes us. That’s the relationship. We don’t change ourselves. Sinners cannot change their own sinful ways, for all they do breeds more sin.

Do you know Him? Are you ready for meat? Are you following the Holy Spirit? Are you serving in your gift from God? Are you fighting the enemy, helping and serving others?

Or are you sitting in a pew for years, getting milk from someone who probably should not have been a preacher?

Ask God to save you and grow you.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Internet and Social Media

 The Internet and Social Media

A Tool for the Last Days 


God allowed the internet and social media to exist, for the purpose of spreading the Gospel, and His Word in these last days.

Yes, there is evil. Yes, the enemy is using the internet and social media to unite the world for his Kingdom.

Yes, it was brought into being by the spirit of antichrist in order to build the Kingdom of the Anti-Christ.

Yes, it is the modern equivalent of the Tower of Babel from the days of old.

It is a picture of the same battle that has been fought between good and evil since the Fall of man. Since the enemy rebelled against God. Since the Lord ascended and the promise of His return was given.

We can see throughout history, the struggle between forces.

We can see the common tongue, in Jesus day was Greek, and the violent Roman empire ruled the known world.

And it was through Greek, Latin and the roads of the Roman empire that the Gospel was spread, and the saints grew in number, till the Church became the religion of Rome.

Then, Satan used false leaders in the Catholic Church to suppress the Word, excommunicating and killing anyone who opposed them.

But, the Word was printed and translated into other languages so the truth and the Gospel could spread. But evil spread with it, and tried to stop it.

Kings of Europe, rose up and fought wars, colonizing, and spreading their power around the world. Satan’s servants enslaving, murdering, worshiping money, and annihilating entire people groups. Putting the whole world in debt to the fallen ones.

But, within it the Gospel and God’s Word spread around the world using The Spanish, French and British languages and empires, as a tool.

Till the world broke free from the Kings, and formed new governments, and Constitutions promising free religion and free speech to spread the Gospel and God’s Word around the world.

But a new last days empire has arose, and was taken over by the same desire to grow, and kill and exploit the world and create a New World Order Kingdom of the Anti-Christ.

In the midst of it, the Gospel is spread globally, even in restricted countries.

Then the internet came into being. The new Tower of Babel, to unite the world.

But, it allows the saints through social media and websites to spread the Gospel so the Word can be published in every nation, till the end comes. (Matt. 24:14)

As governments, corporations and religious leaders work to quell rebellion and to control free speech on line, working to silence opposition, and to prepare for the coming of the Mark of the Beast. The saints continue to work.

While things move towards the final persecution of the saints when the Anti-Christ over comes them. (Daniel 7:21, Dan. 7:25, Rev. 13:7)

Till the Lord returns and sets up his ever lasting kingdom.

Are you working?

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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