Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Serving God

 Serving God

We were created to serve God



“Seek ye first my kingdom and my righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.”–Matt. 6:33

When we read scripture we need to “Rightly divide” it. (2 Timothy 2:15)

What does that mean?

Well, every word in scripture has meaning. They can often be linked to other parts of scripture. When we want to understand or define something, we need to use scripture to do it.

So, what does it mean to “Seek ye first my kingdom”? It means to put the building of God’s kingdom first in your life. So, how does that look? Well, it means that spreading the Gospel is the most important thing to you. (Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-18)

You tell people about Jesus personally on a one to one basis. You tell people about Him publicly; and you support ministries and missionaries that actively spread the Gospel. You have a desire for people to get saved, and you step out in faith, to let the Spirit work through you in doing that work.

On top of that, we support and participate in Kingdom building activities, such as loving people, healing people, helping people, protecting people, growing people, serving people and feeding people. All of this is done in His name, and with an eye toward Kingdom building. Not being fake, or having an ulterior motive; but being real in our purposes. We want people to realize that there is a God who loves them and wants them saved, and that process starts now in this world.

Now when I say this, it makes it seem like I’m saying that you need to become a preacher, or go door to door, or become a missionary. I’m not saying that. God has given each of us different personalities, different gifts, and different callings on our lives. Build your relationship with God, and step out to do the small things and you’ll be shown by Him what directions to take. But, be real. You don’t have to take mission trips, or go to seminary. But, when a friend or neighbor falls on tough times are you there? Do you tell them about Jesus? Do you exercise your gifts at work? Not being preachy or holier than thou, but someone that is approachable, helpful, and keeps a confidence? 

 We do this out of our salvation. We do not do it to be saved, but because we want to tell people the great things God has done for us.

What is “My Righteousness”? We are made righteous, because we believe God. We believe what He has told us in His Word. We believe what He has spoken to us in our hearts; and we believe He has called us. We believe what He tells us about Jesus Christ, being the Lord, and we confess Him as our Lord. We agree with God that we are sinners and need Him.

We believe our personal relationship with Him; and the great things He has done in our lives. This causes us to live rightly as He grows us. We study and live by His Word. We seek to grow our faith and our relationship with Him. Not obeying rules, but growth through faith and relationship. Seeking His righteousness, is to seek the relationship with Him, and we grow in faith and spirit through it and Him. We cannot be righteous without Him, and faith in His Word. (Rom. 4:3, Rom. 10:9-10)

“And all these things shall be added unto you.” What things? The things we need, and even in many ways the true desires of our hearts. God knows what all humans really need and want. He also knows us personally. He is more than happy to provide these things. But, always remember that our spiritual condition, our relationship with Him, and His kingdom are paramount. Sometimes that will lead to great hardship.

God is not shocked when you desire success or abundance or any of “these things”. But, as we seek His Kingdom and His Righteousness; our desire for, and our definition of “These Things” starts to change. We become humble. We become meek, like a wild horse broken and trained for battle. We become less needy, because we have all in Him. We succeed, but our success is not apart from Him. He is always at the forefront of our minds and what we do.

Now when I say that, I’m not saying we don’t sin. I’m not saying we don’t forget God. I’m saying that He is a constant fixture in our lives, and grows in it. It’s a growth in Him. If you’re not experiencing this, ask God to give you more of Himself and He will.

John tells us that we will sin and fail, but we turn to God and ask Him to cleanse us of all unrighteousness. (Unbelief) and He will. Then, when we are washed we are as though we never sinned. god remembers it no more. (1 John 1:8-10, 1 John 3:9)

Terrible things happen in this life and in this world. But, even in the midst of these situations or places. “Seek ye first my Kingdom, and my righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” is a promise. It might not manifest the same in everybody or in every situation. You might even be miserable for a while as He works things out in your life. To be honest, there are believers who died serving Him, and being in Him, long before any of “these things” manifested in their lives. But, I can promise you they have “these things” today with Him. I can also bet that the families they left behind were blessed. God is just. He pays His workers.

But, like most of God’s promises it requires faith to get started. Do you trust Him? Step out and start doing the little things and begin to grow. He will lead you and guide you; just go. He will move. It doesn’t matter where you are. Seek His kingdom and His righteousness. Do it from a pure heart, wholeheartedly. If you can’t, then ask Him to give you a clean heart, and help you to be pure in your motivations toward Him and others.

Then watch your views of what “these things” are change and turn to what He wants you to view them as. Your relationship is with Him; no one else. We answer to Him. Build His kingdom, and He will build yours.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Tuesday, November 5, 2024

The Lesson of Job

 The Lesson of Job

When we face trouble, we have one focus


We all face trouble in life. It is something we can all agree upon. No matter who you are, something bad will eventually come to cause you trouble. Something will break your heart. Something will break you down. Something will make you crazy, concerned or confused.

When we look at the story of Job in the Bible. We see a lot of spiritual truth that we can apply to our lives.

Now, understand that trouble is relative to you. Just because someone on the other side of the Earth is in extreme poverty with nothing. Doesn’t make your problems any less concerning. Just because someone else is dying of some terrible disease, doesn’t make your troubles any less destructive to your life.

Evil is evil, in whatever form it manifests. We need to stop belittling peoples troubles and start solving problems. It’s very possible that if we solved the petty problems, they would not become the huge problems. If we cared about the person who can’t afford simple things, we might also care about the person in total poverty and solve the problem. If we care about the person with a flu bug, we might also care about the dying man, or even prevent disease from growing.

I say this because Job, faced terrible tribulation. He lost everything he owned, His children were all killed, and his health was attacked. On top of that, his wife was against him.

Just because Job’s troubles were really bad, doesn’t mean yours are not concerning to you. The Bible often gives us the most extreme vision of things so that we will see that our troubles are also able to be overcome. The same faith can overcome all of it. The same God is with us in all of it, no matter how big or small.

In the book of Job, Satan comes to God and asks to test Job. He claims that if Job is mistreated he will turn from God.

That is the focus of the story and that is our focus. Nothing else matters.

 It doesn’t matter how bad the trouble was. It doesn’t matter if God allowed it. It doesn’t matter if Satan did it, or God did it. None of it matters.

Because Job had no clue. He just knows he is having trouble. His whole life has been upended. We even see toward the end of the book that Job is confused and has questions. It’s ok to have questions, doubts and confusion. But, Job turned to God. Job stayed with God. That’s the point.

When we face trouble, we often have no clue what’s going on. We might think it’s nature. Or God is punishing us or the devil is attacking us. We might know exactly what we did or didn’t do. We might be suffering because of something done to us by people who claim to love us.

None of it matters.

The answer for all of it is the same. Turn to God.

Pray to Him, ask Him to save you and help you. Listen to His guidance.

Job said, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him” (Job 13:15)

He turned to God and trusted Him. Even if God chose to kill him, Job knew God was good and had good reasons. He trusted God, and continued walking in the way that he was walking in his life, because he did not see that he had done anything wrong. And he hadn’t. God will let you know.

The whole point of the story is that Job turned to God and stayed with Him. No matter how bad. No matter what philosophies, or good intentions from friends. No matter how much a friend called him a sinner. No matter how much pain and humiliation. Even when his wife, was led by Satan to say, “Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die.”

Job stayed with God. He trusted God and turned to God.

Now understand that I am not talking about going to church. You can go to church all you want and still not know God. You can be the greatest member of your church and still be lost.

Do you know Him? Do you trust Him? Turn to Him.

This can be seen in the Garden when Satan through the Serpent, tempted Eve. He caused her to doubt God’s promises and His goodness. (Gen. 3)

That is the the devil’s favorite tactic. To get us to stop trusting God and to not reach out to Him. Once that’s done, we have no real hope or real help. We are defenseless and powerless.

This is why God brought the curse. It is designed to cause us to turn to God.

When Adam ate of the fruit all humanity gained a corrupted nature through him. The only solution is to turn to God for salvation and help. The Curse causes us to seek that help, if we are willing.

Always turn to God. Turn to Him in everything, and He will save you, lead you, grow you and know you.

You have a choice. Do not let trouble or the enemy drive you away from God. Turn to Him and let Him work.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Sunday, October 6, 2024

What is Predestination?

 What is Predestination?

Don't be Confused.


There are some verses in the Bible which speak of predestination and have led to many false and confusing beliefs in regards to it.

“Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,”—Eph 1:5

“In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:”—Eph. 1:11

There are folks who have used these verses to justify and teach the belief that God; being sovereign allows people to be born, who are predestinated to be thrown into hell. There is nothing to be done by them to change it.

Likewise some people are born to be saved, they claim.

I have never believed this. Something in this doctrine causes my spirit to reject it. It makes the idea of preaching and spreading the Gospel, or trying to follow God, pointless.

I know those people who believe in predestination have their arguments and verses.

But, I’d like to show what I perceive to be true, from the Word. Of course we cannot prove for a fact any of these things. But, I’d like to get as close to God’s character and the Word as I can.

ALL humans are predestinated before and at birth to be saved. They just don’t all make it through. Don’t fly off the handle, I’m not speaking of a general salvation here. keep reading.

“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Pet. 3:9)

This is Peter talking. He walked with the Lord. If everyone is predestinated at birth to Heaven or Hell, then whats the point of this verse? What’s the point of God desiring for all humans to turn to Him, if they are already doomed or saved from birth?

What I’m going to teach here will probably be different than what you’ve heard or been taught. But, we are called to avoid false teaching. This subject has a lot of false doctrine around it.

Look in the Bible. When God created the Earth He predestinated that all humans would be with Him. He made everything “Good”. All humans would be in the Garden of God with God forever. But, the fall came and corrupted humans. It destroyed the original plan. God’s original intent is that we would be with Him.

Now apply this same concept to each of our lives. We are created in the womb and born in a right standing with God until we fall personally. We are all subject to death because of Adam, but we are only subject to Hell because of our own personal fall. Just like the creation story. It is a picture of our own spiritual life.

Adam and Eve, and all of creation has Free Will, but God made everything as though humans would never fall. He still treats us as though we will be with Him. Even though He knows the future. That’s love.

Even though God knows the future and knew Adam and Eve would fall. And He knows each of us will fall. He does the good, loving thing anyway.

God is Love. He does Good, no matter what. All things work for the good of those who love God. But, His good turns to bad in those who are opposed to Him.(1 John 4:8, Romans 8:28)

Have you ever heard of the Book of Life? (Phil. 4:3, Rev. 3:5, Rev. 13:8, Rev. 17:8, Rev. 20:12-15, 21:27, 22:19)

This is a book that holds the names of all the people who are saved.

It’s my belief that God put every humans name in the Book of Life.

All humans are predestinated for salvation.

Do babies go to hell?

No. They have a right standing with God. 

They face death because of Adam’s fall, but they do not face eternal separation until they reach the age of accountability and willfully, knowingly choose to Sin. They do not understand law and consequences. (Rom. 5:13)

When a person reaches the age of accountability and chooses to willfully sin, their name is blotted out of the book. They die spiritually and are headed for hell and the lake of fire. This is eternal separation from God, because they have become corrupt and defiled by Sin. That’s what death is. Separation. Eternal death is a quarantine. (Ex 32:32-33, Psa. 69:28, Rev. 3:5)

All humans sin, fall and face Hell. Until they hear God’s call and turn to Him, for salvation, confessing Jesus is The Lord. (Romans 10:9-10, Romans 1:6-7, Rom. 2:4, )

The moment a person’s name is blotted out of the Book of Life, God immediately starts to pursue them in Love. Seeking to save them. Calling them to turn to Him.

If they hear, and turn, God saves them. Then, they can see the predestination. They can see that God originally had them, then pursued them and woke them up.

Once saved a person can see this. They can see how God worked in their life and that He was always with them and trying. Then God, guides them into the life He predestinated for them. (Eph 1:5, Eph. 1:11)

They receive a new life. They are a new person. They are born again. They have a new name written in the Lambs Book of Life. (John 3:3-5, 2 Cor. 5:17, Isa 66:2, Rev. 2:17. Rev. 3:12, Throughout scripture the Lord has given the Saints new names.)


Many people refuse to accept God’s call. All people hear it. But, not everyone turns to God. (Matt. 13:3-23)

God keeps trying. But, not everyone makes it. Not everyone turns to Him. (repent)

God predestinates everyone to salvation. But not everyone accepts it.

Why does this matter?

Because people need to know that they have free will.

They have a choice and can choose God and be saved and set free.

Many of the teachings of predestination, lead people to believe that there’s no way to change things. They are just doomed, or a loved one was just condemned, with no hope.

That is not the case.

God calls everyone to turn to Him and be saved.(2 Pet. 3:9)

Have you called on Him? (Rom. 10:13)

What I’ve told you here is what the Bible seems to teach on Predestination. It is based in God’s character. He loves us and acts in such a way to assume we will not fail and will be with Him. He pursues us and works to save us. Then, when we turn to Him we can see how He has worked in our lives and we know He was always there, trying. That is what Paul means by predestination. That is what I’m speaking of here. (Eph 1:5, Eph. 1:11)

Turn to God. He is there.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Money Insulates

 Money Insulates

Can Wealth Harm Our Spiritual Walk?



As we read the Bible, we will gain a certain view of money. We will come to the conclusion that we are not supposed to stock pile money, and that we are not supposed to be tricked by the deceitfulness of riches. We will find that money is transitory and doesn’t satisfy.  We will see that our money is God’s money, and that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven. We see that the love of money is the root of all evil. We see that we cannot serve two masters, it’s profit or God. James says that the wealthy heap treasures against themselves and will be broken in the last days. (1 Tim. 6:10, Matt. 6:19-21, Matt 13:22, Matt 22:21, Matt. 19:24, Matt. 6:24, Jam. 5:1-6)

There are many verses that teach us about the dangers of wealth, and there are just as many justifications, that humans will give for choosing to be wealthy. Such as, we need money to give to God’s kingdom, so my wealth helps God. Or we say the eye of the needle was not a real needle; it was a door in a wall of a fortress. We will tell ourselves, God looks at our heart. He knows I don’t love money. We will also compare ourselves to biblical people who were rich and God used.  “Lydia in the Bible was wealthy. Abraham was wealthy.” And on and on we go. We love money and the things it provides for us. Let’s be honest. 

Look I’m not saying we should live in poverty. Most Americans are barely scraping to get by. One injury or job loss would destroy them. A lot of us are poor within this culture we live in. But, our culture and our beliefs are based in wealthy thoughts. We have a philosophy that leads us to worship and love money because money keeps us from the bread lines. It’s freedom in this world we think.

So, what is so bad about money? Wouldn’t it be better if the whole world had wealth? If there was no poverty, and everyone had their needs met? Of course, and that day is coming. But, in the mean time we are stuck in this broken degenerate world. Depraved sinners, separated from a loving God. We abide in Death, waiting to be cast into eternal fire; because we refuse to turn to Him to be saved, and washed in the blood of Jesus Christ.

And that is what is so bad about money. Sin, Death, and Satan have dominion over this world. It is a fallen place filled with fallen humans. Our only salvation lies in turning to God. So, God placed a curse, upon this world that causes us to struggle. That struggle is supposed to cause us to cry out to Him. Mothers pray for their children, and worry about them. Fathers scrape the earth to provide. Everything around us dies, and works to stop us or fight against us.

Money insulates us from the trials and tribulations of this life. A mother doesn’t need to just place her trust in God; she can take her sick child to the doctor and afford treatment. A man can hire an attorney to get out of trouble, he doesn’t need to weep over his sin and beg God for mercy. A family can go to the store and purchase food, they don’t need to pray and trust God for rain, or for the hunt. They have plenty of clothes; they don’t need to trust God for rags.

Money insulates us from needing to cry out to God for the basic things in life, or to help us when we have need. Our needs are met through our money. I’m not saying that poverty is a guarantee of salvation, or that there is some kind of purity in poverty. But, what I am saying is that money keeps people from really needing God, and it keeps us from seeing His movements in our lives. How can we see God miraculously heal a neighbor, when the neighbor uses money to get medicine? We like to say “But, God provided the money, and the medicine and the knowledge of doctors to heal. There are millions of poor people around the world who die daily from things our over the counter drugs could heal.”

This is true. But, is dying the worst that can happen? This world is a place of death. All of us are dying second by second. We are all going to go meet our maker. It is our wealth, and His mercy that slows that process. But, our wealth that keeps us alive longer, also works to keep us from drawing closer to Him. We horde our wealth and worry about being taken advantage of by the poor around us. What we do to the least of these we do to Him. See how our wealth or our love of our wealth keeps us from Him? I’m guilty too. Our money insulates.

That insulation extends to our entire culture. We have no idea how insulated we are. I’m currently reading a book written by an evangelist from India. He is a native of India, and lived there his whole life. He got saved, and God called him to go to the north of India and preach the Gospel. He has lived in, and experienced extreme poverty his whole life.

In the book, he speaks of a visit to the United States, and he is appalled by the amount of wealth we have, and we do not even know we have it. But, God knows. The evangelist speaks of every church gathering in America having food. How ashamed he was to eat there, while evangelists in India sit under trees and eat a few scoops of cooked rice, once a day, if that. He tells that Americans have closets full of clothes, while people around the world wear rags. That Americans waste enough money and water daily, that it could save the lives and souls of thousands around the world.

Our money insulates us. It keeps us from seeking God when He calls us through our need. It insulates us from suffering with others, and having real compassion on them. It insulates us from needing to draw together with others, and lean on each other. It insulates us from the trials of this world through which we learn and grow in spirit.

Oh sure, our wealth can allow us to do great things for Jesus, but do we do it? Does He want us to use our wealth, or His Spirit and His power? Are the great things we do really what He wants?  Can a rich person serve God? Can a rich person get saved? The fact is that every person in America is richer than the whole rest of the world and God loves us and wants us saved as well. So, yes; God saves rich people and works on them and through them. But, our wealth is a dangerous trap that we need to wake up to. And I think we will be awakened shortly. When He cleanses His temple before His return. He drives out the money changers.

Money is not evil. But, be aware of what wealth can do to you. Fight to resist it. Remember, it not only insulates you, but also your children. What is growing up in wealth doing to them?

We do not need half the things we think we need.

We need more Jesus.

Turn to God, Let Him grow you. Have a relationship with Him.

Live simply. Give with a joyful heart. Look for ways to give and serve.

He is coming soon.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called “The Future is Coming” and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Beasts of the Field

 The Beasts of the Field

A Lesson on our Christian Struggle.

When we get saved, we might notice that there are things that change in us immediately. But, there are other things that do not. It's like God saves us and removes some things but leaves other things in our lives for us to struggle with. I mean if God wants us to be good, then why  not just take it all  away?

I really had a problem with this, so I prayed about it and the answer was revealed to me in Deuteronomy Chapter 7.

But, first let's do some clarifying. If you have spiritual questions, the first place you should turn is the Lord. James says God will give you wisdom if you ask. Jesus says in John, that the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth. (James 1:5, John 16:13, 1 John 2:27)

Second, Paul said that The things that happened in the Old Testament was done to teach us things today. ( 1 Cor. 10:11)

So, when you read Deuteronomy chapter 7 you will see that the chapter is about God giving instructions and encouraging Israel in their battle against the wicked people who were now occupying the promised land which God was bringing Israel into. He is telling them that He will help them to overcome these people. 


He then says this "And the Lord thy God will put out those nations before thee by little and little: thou mayest not consume them at once, lest the beasts of the field increase upon thee."

When I read this it struck me.

The entire Exodus story is a picture of our salvation. God brings us out of the World (Egypt) by His mighty power, not by ours.

He parts the Red Sea (sin) and brings us through to where He sets us down to teach us.

He brings us to the abundant life he promised.(The Promised Land) If we fail to trust Him, then He lets us wander in the wilderness till our faith builds and our old selves die out.

That's what happened with Israel, and that is what happens with us in our salvation experience and relationship with him.

See it?

So, imagine that the nations in the promised land are not people groups. Imagine them as sinful behaviors or demons in our life. Yes, They were literal people groups, but God did this to teach us a spiritual truth, as Paul explains in 1 Corinthians Chapter 10.

So, we enter into the abundant life He promised. An abundant life comes through salvation and a relationship with Him. When we are saved, God has washed us and removed us from the Kingdom of Sin, Satan and Death, and placed us in His kingdom. This is a spiritual act, which will become increasingly more real over time, and be fulfilled when we leave this life. Abundance is not what we think it is. But, our mind will change to see the abundance. Our abundance is in Him and His presence and provision. As He chooses. (John 10:10, Romans 12:1-2)

As we live and grow in Him, these demons (wild beasts) are driven out and we no longer do the things we once did. This is spiritual growth. God drives out the Sinful behaviors or Demonic entities from our lives.

See it?

He does this as we grow ready to receive it. When we get saved we are washed and cleaned. But there are still battles. As we grow we overcome through Him, and the battle grows us and prepares us for the next battle. All this is done by Him and through Him. Not our works. The Fruits of the Spirit are developed in us as we listen to His Spirit and follow Him.

If God just took it all away, then we would not be prepared to hold on to it.  More demons and sinful behaviors would come because we were not ready to stand against it. We could not occupy our life, the abundance would lead to our destruction. Like a poor person winning the Lottery and they are ruined in a year. They did not have what was needed to excel.

Like Jesus said, " When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation." (Matt. 12:43-45)

So what do we learn from this?

Well, we learn that God is in control He is fighting the battles and we just move in and occupy. Sometimes its tough waiting, but that is teaching us patience and trust. 

Sometimes we grow frustrated and think God is not there or He doesn't care about how we are suffering. But, that is not true. That is the enemy trying to get you to step out of God's will or take matters into your own hands. The Lord will tell you what to do. Trust Him. He is working. (I'm not telling you to stay in really bad situations. pray and seek Him, listen to the Spirit. He knows the truth.)

So, the point is that you are saved. You know you are saved, because you care about spiritual growth and the relationship with God. So, relax. God's got this. Do not think that the dirty little things you do are destroying your relationship with God. Just confess them, and watch Him work. Your confessing to Him, is bringing it up so it can be removed and you can grow. No matter how many times you fail. Keep confessing it.

He has left things in your life to help you grow and to keep you in relationship with Him. He is not worried about it. You should not be either. You are not ready to hold on yet.

Read Deuteronomy 7. Think of it in terms of your struggles. Be encouraged. God saved you cause He loves you. He did not go through all that pain and effort, just to let you die in the wilderness. Trust Him.


Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called “The Future is Coming” and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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Sunday, September 3, 2023

Are You a Hypocrite?

 Are You a Hypocrite?

A Word on Hypocrisy



Calling someone a hypocrite, or saying "Don't judge me", are the sword and shield, which people use to defend their actions. So, let us look at hypocrisy and figure out what is going on.
     First, If a person feels the need to use these terms such as “You’re a hypocrite or don’t judge me”   They should stop for a minute and ask themselves. Who is it that is judging me?  Is it the person outside?  Or is there something deep inside of me, which makes me feel like what I am doing is wrong, so I must blame others?  Which is it?  Why is it there?
     Second, we are all hypocrites to some degree. We often tell our children not to do things that we ourselves have done in the past or currently do. We tell children not to cuss, even when they have heard us cuss. We do it because we do not want little Johnnie to yell something bad at Grandma’s house. We do it because we do not want to hurt Grandma. We are hypocrites.
     Is it wise to say, “Sure Johnnie, you can go out and drink and drive with your high school buddies.  After all, I did it, and I really wouldn’t wanna be a hypocrite.” Then, little Johnnie becomes a drunk and dies in a car wreck 10 years later, because you allowed it, without saying a word.   But, at least you kept your integrity, I guess. Sure Johnnie might do it anyway, but at least you tried to stop him. Parenting in this manner, by letting kids do anything they want to do so we can avoid hypocrisy, would be insane.
     Third, why does hypocrisy always surround moral issues? If we were at a picnic and I told you that someone poisoned the water cooler and I drank from it and got sick. You would call me a hero for protecting you and your family. However, if I told you that being a drunk ruined my life and the lives of many people around me. You would call me a hypocrite and say, “don’t judge!!”  Is it me who is judging you or is it something inside of you, poking at your heart?
     Why are generalizations allowed in hypocrisy? If I say that Jesus died to save us from Hell, and we should turn to Him, confessing Him as Lord, asking Him to save us and work in our lives. I am called a hypocrite because I am a Christian. Not because of anything, I have taught personally, but just because I am a Christian. Are all Christian’s hypocrites?
     A hypocrite is someone who tells people to do things they do not do themselves. Therefore, searching for some other bad thing another person does, in order to make you feel better, does not make the other person a hypocrite. It makes them a sinner like you and me. They are only a hypocrite if it is the same thing you are doing; and if they tell you that you should not do it. For example: a thief telling someone not to steal would be a hypocrite. But, dredging up the fact that your sister cheats on her husband, when she says you’re a drunk, doesn’t make her a hypocrite. It makes her a sinner like you.
     Finally, the hypocrisy of the speaker does not change the truth of the message. If a man is terribly over weight and he points at you with a chicken leg he is eating, and tells you… “You better watch what you eat and eat healthy. Don’t eat too much and make sure you exercise” Is he a hypocrite? Yes! However, his message is true nonetheless.
     God can use many methods to bring a warning or message into our lives. He once used a donkey to tell a prophet he was wrong. We must listen to the message and not look at the messenger. God will often use the foolish things to confound the wise. (1 Cor. 1:25-31) He might use a homeless man to open the eyes of a lawyer. But, what if the lawyer refused to listen, because the man was homeless?
      Calling someone a hypocrite or saying “Don’t Judge Me” is a defense mechanism that Satan has given humans, in order to keep you from escaping his control of your life. It’s quite an ancient phrase and was even used in Sodom against Lot, when he asked the people not to rape the travelers. (Gen. 19:7-9) Ask Jesus to save you and help you. Even saved people can have demonic influences in their lives. Learn to recognize the difference between the demonic and the Holy Spirit. You would be very surprised to learn how many believers listen to a Spirit of Fear, or some other entity and not the Holy Spirit.  Ask the Lord to help.
     Am I saying that we should obey everything that people tell us to do in our lives? No. But, evaluate the message. Do not just discard it because of who the messenger is; because it is very easy to find fault with every messenger. If you cannot find fault with the messenger, then Satan will place many other excuses into your mind or my mind that will work just fine to help us avoid listening and evaluating.
     I am Chris Bunton and I am a hypocrite. I ask God to forgive me, save me and help me to overcome. Now, how about you?


Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming AddictionHis newest book is called "The Future is Coming" and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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 Photo by the Author, The Ceiling of The National Museum of the American Indian in Washington D.C.

Friday, August 18, 2023

First, Go To Your Brother

 First, Go To Your Brother

A Lesson on Resolving Conflict in the Church.

Christians are humans and as such we still sin. We are saved but we often turn back to the flesh and our old ways instead of listening to the Holy Spirit and letting God change us. We are supposed to confess these things and by the constant confession we draw closer to God as he works on us.

Because of this, conflict often occurs in churches. Places where people should be loved, respected, treated as equal, and feel safe and welcome can become hostile places where we feel none of this. We can often have conflict with other believers or groups of believers in churches believe it or not.

Jesus in the book of Matthew sets down how conflicts of this sort are to be resolved. He says “Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglects to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.”---Matthew 18:15-17

It doesn’t say, “Run and snitch to your pastor.” I have looked everywhere, and I cannot find it at all. What amazes me is that pastors allow it; and even go confront the “offending” brother for the other person. A pastor or person in authority should refuse, and immediately ask the tattle tale “Did you go to the person alone already?” This simple question would take so much pressure off a pastor or leader, and solve many problems in the body.

The first thing that refusing to follow the words of Christ does is make the pastor or leader look bad. They are violating the words of Christ in order to confront someone for allegedly violating the words of Christ. How ridiculous is that? They are wrong from the get go. Then, it creates a barrier between the authority and the alleged offender. The pastor or leader should be someone that every member can go to and feel safe talking to or gain spiritual advice from. But now, here’s this thing that has popped up between them causing embarrassment or anger or resentment. It is from Satan and is part of his effort to divide the flock, so he can isolate members and destroy them. If you can't talk with your pastor because he has joined with people trying to destroy or hurt you, that is a bad place.     

Jesus knows our frame. He knows we have a corrupted nature and that we will sin. He set down rules for a particular reason, and to be followed in a particular way. Think about it. He knows we are often petty. He knows we get bitter, and irritated or frustrated, and that we think only of self. So, he commands that if we have something against a brother or sister we should go to them alone.        

The purpose of this is to cause the person to consider whether it’s really worth confronting someone over, or not. Does it need to lead to a confrontation that could destroy friendships and drive people away?  But, if you can just go complain to someone else and get them to attack the person, there’s no soul searching needed.
You are supposed to carefully consider yourself first. What is my real motive in this confrontation? Do I have a valid reason or is it just my pet peeve or OCD acting up again? Do I have a real relationship with this brother or sister, to be able to go to them in love? What will be the possible outcome? What’s the worst case scenario? Is it really sin? Could God be using this to grow me; and reveal flaws in me that I need to look at and confess to Him, so He can get that stuff out of me? What is really going on with this brother or sister?
Do you see the self reflection that should come from this situation? Next, it should lead a person to search the scriptures, and pray to the Lord for the Holy Spirit to show them what the Word says on the subject. A believer must go to a person in love, but also realize that they are going to them in the authority of the Lord. If not, then don’t go to them. Just leave it alone instead. Pray for them, and forgive them within yourself.
Believers are supposed to be focused on their own walk with God, not worrying about what others are doing. “Am I my brother’s keeper?”  God never answered this question, but there are other places in scripture that shows we are to be concerned with the lives of others as well. However, the scriptures also show that there are ways to do this.
First, focus on your own walk. Mind your own business. You are as much a sinner as anyone else, remember that. What if God decided to be as picky toward you as you are to others? What if He decided to strike you every time you sin? Consider this. Then show grace, like God does. He is teaching you grace. Second, there are times when someone does something to you that needs to be dealt with. Pray about it, and then go to the person alone, in love with scriptures to support you if needed. Do not let it become an argument. Say your piece, then listen to their reply, then answer again, and listen to their reply, then start to work your way out of the situation.
Also, sometimes the Lord will bring someone else’s sin to your attention. There are many reasons for this. First, maybe he is using someone else’s sin to teach you something about yourself.  Second, He wants you to pray for the person caught in sin. That is always the case. Third, if God continues to burden you with the sin, then you must prepare yourself with prayer and self reflection, and scripture. Then, if the burden remains and you know you are being called by God to go to the person, then go in love. Hopefully you already have a relationship with the person.  This is important.
If the person refuses to hear you, then you take it before 2 or 3 others. This is when you would go to the pastor or other leader, as well as mutual friends. Now, “refuses to hear you” does not mean that they refuse to obey your wishes or views. They might have valid reasons, and even scripture for why they are doing what they have done. That’s what talking alone will resolve.
Next, if the person won’t listen, then take it to the church, and then treat them as a publican or sinner; which basically means that you love them and pray for them but reduce fellowship with them. This is done to protect the church from falling prey to the same sin the person has committed, or to protect the offender from getting hurt as well in some other way. The hope is that eventually God, will bring all parties to their senses, and the relationship will be healed.
Churches are a gathering of believers. They are a body, which has a purpose. That purpose is to reach others for Christ, and to strengthen each other, to make us more effective soldiers in this war. We need to follow the Spirit, and learn how to conduct ourselves in ways that won’t drive others away from Christ, or from the Body.  I’m not saying that we must conform to the standards the world sets on us; I’m saying that there are simple methods in the Bible, laid down by the Lord Himself that can help us prevent trouble before it starts; if we only will do it.
How people are treated within a church body is important for keeping believers on a spiritual path and drawing closer to the Lord and others in the body. Not driving them away into the world where the Enemy seeks to devour them. Great resentment exists in the hearts of many who turned to the Lord, and God’s children at a church drove them away.

Stop doing it. 


Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called “The Future is Coming” and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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Photo by the Author. A bridge over swampy waters on a trail in Southern Illinois.