It Comes Back
The power of reaping and sowing

The Bible speaks of reaping and sowing. (Gal. 6: 7-9, 2 Cor. Chapter 9, )
When God created the world He spoke forth certain principles. Seeds fall to the ground and make plants. If you plant a seed it will grow. There is a time to plant and a time to harvest. ( Gen. 1: 11-12, Gen. 8:22, Ecc. 3: 1-13)
Now God does not play around. When He does something it is done right. So, His laws are not just physical. They are also spiritual. All creation sees and understands this principle.
When God set reaping and sowing into motion in our world, the creation kept doing it. The process of reaping what we sow is a fact and goes on all the time, because that’s how it was designed. Of course there are lots of aspects that goes with this concept, but it is a biblical truth.
We reap what we sow. Whether good for good or bad for bad.
So, let’s look at three biblical truths that should encourage us or warn us.
1. Give and It Shall be Given Unto You:
Jesus said, “Give and it shall be given unto you, pressed down shaken together shall men give unto your bosom.” (Luke 6:38)
This is a spiritual truth. If you give, things will come back. And it’s not just spiritual blessings. The verse says “Men shall give”. Men cannot give you a spiritual blessing. This verse is an example of the reaping and sowing law at work in the creation.
But, it’s not just for good. Because if you do not sow, neither shall you reap. (2 Cor. 9: 6-7) If you are not willing to help others or be a cheerful giver. It’s quite possible you will not get blessings or help when you need it as well.
Which takes us into the next concept.
2. Do Unto Other As You Would Have Done Unto You:
We often look at this saying from Jesus and think it’s a wise moral law. (Luke 6:31) But, what if it’s more than that. Maybe it’s a truth in regards to reaping and sowing. Maybe it’s more than just cause and effect. You are mean to some one, so they are mean back to you. This is true. It happens.
But, what if its more? What if it’s saying that if you are mean to people, you will run into people who are mean to you someday.
If you are unkind, it will come back into your life later on.
It’s the way the creation was designed.
3. If They Will Not Work Neither Shall They Eat:
A lot of Christians use this verse as a reason to not help the poor. Basically claiming that since they won’t or don’t work a job or a satisfactory job, they should starve to death with their children. (2 Thess. 3:10)
That was not God’s intent. He wants us to love and help and give. But, if we find after loving and helping that a person is just taking advantage and not trying to do anything to help themselves, we can withdraw help. But, that is not our first act. That is a last resort. Our first act is to love.
But, keeping in line with the context of reaping and sowing, perhaps the verse is more than physical flesh. Maybe it’s reaping and sowing. We know that if we will not work, we cannot get a harvest. This is cause and effect.
But, consider that if you refuse to do the Lord’s work, you will not be fed spiritually. We learn a lot in our spiritual walk when we step outside ourselves and follow the Spirit. If we refuse or don’t listen we miss the blessing and spiritual food we can gain from God, by working with Him.
So, when some Christians use this verse as an excuse to not help others. They are actually cursing themselves. They will reap what they sow…nothing. And on that day when He comes they will find that they have no oil in their lamps and that they buried their talents in the sand. (Matt. 25.)
People will say, “it’s not supposed to be about what you get back or get out of it”It doesn’t matter what you think or believe on the subject. Reaping and sowing is a law. It occurs whether you like it or want it or not.
It’s like gravity. You can say what you want, but when you step off that building you will fall. Period.
Every thought and action within the creation will bring a return. If you do bad. You will get bad. if you do good. You get good. If you do nothing. You get nothing.
This is why God has told us about it, and warned us about it. His warnings on our behavior is a warning of what will come back on us.
When God created the world, He created it good. But, we fell and death and sin entered the world. Then, God laid down the curse, to get us to turn back to Him.
The creation was not originally designed for evil. The reaping and sowing was designed to bring good. Because everything in the creation would be doing good. So, more good comes in abundance. That’s God. Blessing us.
But, evil came. Now the reaping and sowing also brings back evil.
Perhaps that’s one of the reasons for God’s Law. To help us live in the world.
know that after the fall humans became totally depraved. We are so evil
we do not even understand how evil we are. So, God gave us the Law to
show us. The law helps us to see our sinfulness and our need for a
savior, Jesus Christ.
But, after we are saved the law works to help us grow, and know what to confess to the Lord. Perhaps it also helps us in living a life where we reap good things and not bad?
My suggestion is to Love God. Love others. Serve God. Help People. Give Joyously, and Do Good.
Because like Paul said “We reap what we sow.” Whether we like it or not.
Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger.
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