Showing posts with label The Lord. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Lord. Show all posts

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Trust God's Goodness

 Trust God's Goodness

He wants us saved and growing in Him. 


We can trust God’s goodness in this fallen world which seeks to destroy us. Everything around us might scream that God has abandoned us or that He doesn’t care. But He is there. He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Even in the Garden. In the midst of Paradise, Satan was able to get the first couple to stop trusting God. He got them to doubt His promises and His goodness. The same thing happens to us.

They were in a perfect place with all of their needs met and no troubles at all, and the enemy was still able to drop a little nugget of doubt into their mind. Just enough to get them to do the one thing God told them not to do.

God’s rules are not to keep us down or to hide things from us. They are designed to protect us, from things we do not understand and the dangers of this world.

We can trust His promises. We can trust His Word. We can trust His goodness.

We no longer live in a Paradise. We live in a fallen world and bad things happen to us. Trouble comes into our lives, whether it’s by our own making or not; we face difficulties. We see the evil around us, and we are again tempted by the devil to say “Where is God?” “Where is His Goodness?”

Like Job. Satan attacked him in order to get Him to doubt and curse God. But, Job said, “Though He slay me, still will I trust in Him.” (Job 13:15a)

He trusted God and refused to be pulled away from the Lord, or caused to doubt Him. Job questioned. But, he never doubted God’s goodness or curse Him.

When we face trouble in life, we are also tempted to reject God. We are tempted to go do things that set us up for failure and more trouble.

Remember, the enemy seeks to steal, kill and destroy. He will use everything to rob us of finances and joy and life and health, he will work to kill us and ruin us.

That’s His plan. It starts with getting us to doubt God’s Word, His promises and His goodness.

If He can get us to ignore God, or doubt Him, He can lead us down dark paths and slay us.

When we look at the terrible things in this world it’s hard to imagine that God is good. We even hear things like “A good God would not allow such and such.” That is the devil. He cause the terrible things, then he points at it and says “Look! God did that!”

 If we do not know God, or trust Him we can be deceived by it.

In these last days it is going to get harder and harder, as deception grows.

But, we can trust Him. He is good. Learn of Him. Study the Word. Confess Jesus as your Lord, and believe that He is THE Lord.

Confessing ‘Jesus is The Lord” is the only thing that separates the Christian from every other belief system on Earth. Remember that.

God is good, He came to Earth to die for us and set us free. He saves us. Do not be pulled away by the deceptions of the enemy.

Trust God

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger.

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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Standing On Faith

 Standing on Faith

What does it mean to wait upon the Lord?



There’s a verse in Isaiah that people like to quote.

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”—Isa. 40:31

Tough times come into our lives.

It doesn’t matter what kind of tough times, because it all does the same thing to us. It brings us to a place where we are faced with trusting God or not.

When you look at the temptations of Christ, you will find that they all end in the same basic question.

Do you trust God?

Do you trust God to provide?

Do you trust God to protect?

Do you trust God to answer?

Do you trust God to guide?

I am in the same boat. Destroyed and abandoned by people I called friends. People who claimed to be friends. People who call themselves believers in Christ, but do not love the brethren, like He commands.

I’m waiting upon the Lord.

What does that mean?

Well, it means to continue doing the things you know for a fact He called you to do. It means doing what is right and abiding in Him; keeping the relationship with Him.

 He called Abram to follow Him out into the wilderness and Abram went. “Come unto a land that I will show you.”

And Abram followed as God led. It was a daily walk. But, God led him to a place where Abram was fulfilling his purpose.

Abram listen to God’s leading, as frustrating as it is to not know the whole plan. But, the following and the waiting and the learning the voice of the Lord was the real plan. That was the relationship.

And Abram, became Abraham, the father of nations. A powerful prophet in the land where God led him.

As sheep we follow the shepherd. We know his voice because God teaches it to us. We see Him moving and we remember what He tells us. We trust in the things He has shown us and confirmed in His Word.

He leads us by the still waters. His rod and staff comfort us. Not because of where we are, but because of Who is with us. Nothing can harm us for real. He is there.

Our faith grows in the relationship. It grows when we hear God’s Word and we put our faith in it and stand on it despite all odds. His promises are true and no matter what happens He is with us. He will never leave us nor forsake us. We can stand on the Rock of Christ, the Rock of His Word.

Turn to Him and He comes running. Seek and you shall find. Ask and it shall be given to you. Knock and it will be opened. We have not, because we ask not. We are his children, we can come boldly to the throne and seek Him in our despair.

While we wait on the Lord to show us the next step, we stand on faith. We stand on His Word, and the things He has shown us in our lives, which is our testimony. The testimony of the great things He has done for us.

We can trust Him. He is coming fast.

Like the Israelite’s in the desert waiting on the pillar of smoke and fire to move. He will move.

Faith comes by hearing the Word. Speak it to yourself.

“Whatsoever I ask in His name He will do.”

Believe it.

Trust it.

Drive the doubt out of your mind with it.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”

Say it.

Believe it.

Stand on it.

Let the promises fill you with faith and drive the demons of doubt and fear and infirmity away.

“By His stripes I am healed”

Believe it.

“Take up your mat and walk”

 Believe it.

Get up and get busy.

Do what you can do.

Grab that promise and run with it.

Dance before the Lord and trust that He has your back.

He is coming. He promises.

You will run and not be weary.

Believe it.

Our relationship with Him forever is being built.

We know Him, through the relationship He is building. We know Him as we walk with Him through the desert. We know Him as we wait upon Him and continue in well doing till he comes.

And He is coming.

You will hear His voice and see Him move to help you.

Trust Him.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger.

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Sunday, December 15, 2024

Serving God

 Serving God

We were created to serve God



“Seek ye first my kingdom and my righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.”–Matt. 6:33

When we read scripture we need to “Rightly divide” it. (2 Timothy 2:15)

What does that mean?

Well, every word in scripture has meaning. They can often be linked to other parts of scripture. When we want to understand or define something, we need to use scripture to do it.

So, what does it mean to “Seek ye first my kingdom”? It means to put the building of God’s kingdom first in your life. So, how does that look? Well, it means that spreading the Gospel is the most important thing to you. (Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-18)

You tell people about Jesus personally on a one to one basis. You tell people about Him publicly; and you support ministries and missionaries that actively spread the Gospel. You have a desire for people to get saved, and you step out in faith, to let the Spirit work through you in doing that work.

On top of that, we support and participate in Kingdom building activities, such as loving people, healing people, helping people, protecting people, growing people, serving people and feeding people. All of this is done in His name, and with an eye toward Kingdom building. Not being fake, or having an ulterior motive; but being real in our purposes. We want people to realize that there is a God who loves them and wants them saved, and that process starts now in this world.

Now when I say this, it makes it seem like I’m saying that you need to become a preacher, or go door to door, or become a missionary. I’m not saying that. God has given each of us different personalities, different gifts, and different callings on our lives. Build your relationship with God, and step out to do the small things and you’ll be shown by Him what directions to take. But, be real. You don’t have to take mission trips, or go to seminary. But, when a friend or neighbor falls on tough times are you there? Do you tell them about Jesus? Do you exercise your gifts at work? Not being preachy or holier than thou, but someone that is approachable, helpful, and keeps a confidence? 

 We do this out of our salvation. We do not do it to be saved, but because we want to tell people the great things God has done for us.

What is “My Righteousness”? We are made righteous, because we believe God. We believe what He has told us in His Word. We believe what He has spoken to us in our hearts; and we believe He has called us. We believe what He tells us about Jesus Christ, being the Lord, and we confess Him as our Lord. We agree with God that we are sinners and need Him.

We believe our personal relationship with Him; and the great things He has done in our lives. This causes us to live rightly as He grows us. We study and live by His Word. We seek to grow our faith and our relationship with Him. Not obeying rules, but growth through faith and relationship. Seeking His righteousness, is to seek the relationship with Him, and we grow in faith and spirit through it and Him. We cannot be righteous without Him, and faith in His Word. (Rom. 4:3, Rom. 10:9-10)

“And all these things shall be added unto you.” What things? The things we need, and even in many ways the true desires of our hearts. God knows what all humans really need and want. He also knows us personally. He is more than happy to provide these things. But, always remember that our spiritual condition, our relationship with Him, and His kingdom are paramount. Sometimes that will lead to great hardship.

God is not shocked when you desire success or abundance or any of “these things”. But, as we seek His Kingdom and His Righteousness; our desire for, and our definition of “These Things” starts to change. We become humble. We become meek, like a wild horse broken and trained for battle. We become less needy, because we have all in Him. We succeed, but our success is not apart from Him. He is always at the forefront of our minds and what we do.

Now when I say that, I’m not saying we don’t sin. I’m not saying we don’t forget God. I’m saying that He is a constant fixture in our lives, and grows in it. It’s a growth in Him. If you’re not experiencing this, ask God to give you more of Himself and He will.

John tells us that we will sin and fail, but we turn to God and ask Him to cleanse us of all unrighteousness. (Unbelief) and He will. Then, when we are washed we are as though we never sinned. god remembers it no more. (1 John 1:8-10, 1 John 3:9)

Terrible things happen in this life and in this world. But, even in the midst of these situations or places. “Seek ye first my Kingdom, and my righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” is a promise. It might not manifest the same in everybody or in every situation. You might even be miserable for a while as He works things out in your life. To be honest, there are believers who died serving Him, and being in Him, long before any of “these things” manifested in their lives. But, I can promise you they have “these things” today with Him. I can also bet that the families they left behind were blessed. God is just. He pays His workers.

But, like most of God’s promises it requires faith to get started. Do you trust Him? Step out and start doing the little things and begin to grow. He will lead you and guide you; just go. He will move. It doesn’t matter where you are. Seek His kingdom and His righteousness. Do it from a pure heart, wholeheartedly. If you can’t, then ask Him to give you a clean heart, and help you to be pure in your motivations toward Him and others.

Then watch your views of what “these things” are change and turn to what He wants you to view them as. Your relationship is with Him; no one else. We answer to Him. Build His kingdom, and He will build yours.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Sunday, December 1, 2024

The Sign Of Christ In You

 The Sign Of Christ In You

Are you sure you know Him?


The sign of Christ in you is not that you work to quit sinning.

It’s not that you pretend to be sinless, and go to your church every time the doors are open.

The sign is that you confess that Jesus came in the flesh, and confess Him as Lord. (1 John 4:1-3, 1 Cor. 12:1-3, Rom. 10:9-10)

The sign is that you love God and love others. (Matthew 22:36-40)

The sign is that you believe the Word. And you believe it so much that you become a fool for Christ. You believe things that this world rejects, and that makes us fools. (Rom.4:3, 1 Cor. 3:18-23)

The sign is that you believe so much that you do not want people to suffer or perish. If you really believed you would be telling people about the great things God has done for you and them. You would be getting the Gospel out. (2 Peter 3:9, Matthew 10:32-33, Luke 8:38-39)

The sign is that you want to help people because you love them. You want to go feed the poor, and clothe the naked. You want to visit the prisoner and comfort the sick. You want to set the slaves free. (Matt. 25:31-46)

The sign is that you desire a relationship with Him, and things are removed in your life that distract you from that relationship. You watch for Him and grow in Him and will bear fruit. (John 15)

The sign is that you take all the bad that has happened to you, and you turn it around for good. You use it to grow and to help others overcome. You don’t bury it in the soil. (Matt. 25:1-30)

You use the gift God has given you to save and help others. You don’t wrap it in a napkin and keep it in your pocket. (Matt. 25:1-30, Luke 19:12-27)

 The sign of Christ in you is a focus and an urgency to build the Kingdom. To seek His face. To let Him guide you and abide with Him. (Matt. 6:3, Proverbs 3:5-8)

You endure hardness. Your endure molding as a potter molds clay. You endure refining like a smith removing the dross from the silver and gold. ( 2 Timothy 2:3, Jeremiah 18:1-6, Malachi 3:1-4)

And because of this, you won’t have the desire or time to sin.

But, you will sin. We all sin. If you say you don’t sin, then you lie and Christ is not in you. When we sin we confess it to Him daily, and He washes our feet. He cleanses us of all unrighteousness and works to help us to overcome. And to Him, it is as though we never sinned. Period. (1 John 1:5-10, 1 John 3:9, Psalm 103:12)

We do not sin because He does not hold it against us. When God says something doesn’t exist. It is gone.

He overcame Sin. He overcame Satan. He overcame Death. (John 16:33)

It’s all gone. That’s a fact. We are over comers in Him. (1 John 4:4)

Our faith grows in Him. As we know Him. Our lamps are full of the oil of faith because we have seen Him moving in our lives. (Matt. 25:1-13)

If you spend your life focusing on not sinning, your focus is on yourself. Not Christ.

Just let it go. Let Him remove what He sees fit. Let Him break you and remold you. Trust Him. You will see yourself, sinning less. It will just happen, as you focus on Him and let Him work. Remember, it’s about you and Him. It’s not about what others think. (John 21:21-22)

What is written above is hard. But, its also easy because you cannot do it. You just turn to Him and let Him do it. It’s not a checklist of things you do. It’s a relationship that grows in you and you gradually see yourself doing more of these things. Remember, dead things do not grow. Are you growing in Christ, or are you dead?

This life is but a breath. This world passes away. Just turn your focus to Him.

He has overcome the world. He is eternal. And He is in you.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger.

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Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Internet and Social Media

 The Internet and Social Media

A Tool for the Last Days 


God allowed the internet and social media to exist, for the purpose of spreading the Gospel, and His Word in these last days.

Yes, there is evil. Yes, the enemy is using the internet and social media to unite the world for his Kingdom.

Yes, it was brought into being by the spirit of antichrist in order to build the Kingdom of the Anti-Christ.

Yes, it is the modern equivalent of the Tower of Babel from the days of old.

It is a picture of the same battle that has been fought between good and evil since the Fall of man. Since the enemy rebelled against God. Since the Lord ascended and the promise of His return was given.

We can see throughout history, the struggle between forces.

We can see the common tongue, in Jesus day was Greek, and the violent Roman empire ruled the known world.

And it was through Greek, Latin and the roads of the Roman empire that the Gospel was spread, and the saints grew in number, till the Church became the religion of Rome.

Then, Satan used false leaders in the Catholic Church to suppress the Word, excommunicating and killing anyone who opposed them.

But, the Word was printed and translated into other languages so the truth and the Gospel could spread. But evil spread with it, and tried to stop it.

Kings of Europe, rose up and fought wars, colonizing, and spreading their power around the world. Satan’s servants enslaving, murdering, worshiping money, and annihilating entire people groups. Putting the whole world in debt to the fallen ones.

But, within it the Gospel and God’s Word spread around the world using The Spanish, French and British languages and empires, as a tool.

Till the world broke free from the Kings, and formed new governments, and Constitutions promising free religion and free speech to spread the Gospel and God’s Word around the world.

But a new last days empire has arose, and was taken over by the same desire to grow, and kill and exploit the world and create a New World Order Kingdom of the Anti-Christ.

In the midst of it, the Gospel is spread globally, even in restricted countries.

Then the internet came into being. The new Tower of Babel, to unite the world.

But, it allows the saints through social media and websites to spread the Gospel so the Word can be published in every nation, till the end comes. (Matt. 24:14)

As governments, corporations and religious leaders work to quell rebellion and to control free speech on line, working to silence opposition, and to prepare for the coming of the Mark of the Beast. The saints continue to work.

While things move towards the final persecution of the saints when the Anti-Christ over comes them. (Daniel 7:21, Dan. 7:25, Rev. 13:7)

Till the Lord returns and sets up his ever lasting kingdom.

Are you working?

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Our Peace

 Our Peace

Our Peace Comes Through Knowing Him


“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”—Phil. 4:6-7

You’ve seen the slogan

“Know Jesus. Know Peace.
No Jesus. No Peace.”

But, what does it really mean and how do you obtain it?

It’s about having a relationship with Him.

It’s not about Faith, or Trust or Believing.

These things matter and are the first steps needed. They are important.

But, you can put your faith, trust and belief in a rock, and it won’t save you. It won’t bring you real peace.

You must have a relationship with Him. A relationship is give and take.

Faith, Belief and Trust is not. It is one way.

“O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.”—Psalm 34:8

You are “Blessed” when you trust, believe and have faith in Him. That blessing is the relationship that comes from it. All the treasures in the world is nothing compared to the relationship.

“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”—Heb. 11:6

When we put our faith in Him He rewards us when we diligently seek Him.

That’s relationship. We don’t stop at faith. We don’t stop at trust or belief, we move forward into knowing Him and having a relationship with Him. Our faith must lead to relationship.

We believe God’s Word, and stand on it in times of trouble. Then we see God move and we grow in faith and relationship with Him. This brings peace as we remember how He has been with us in the past. We have seen Him move.

Remember, the demons of hell believe and tremble, because they do not confess Him as Lord, they are in rebellion. They do not have a relationship with Him. Many people pray to receive Christ, but never really know Him. They never grow in Faith or have a relationship with Him. (James 2:19)

God calls us. When we hear. When we believe, and turn to Him. Putting our faith and trust in Him, confessing Jesus as our Lord. Trusting Him alone for salvation. God places us IN Christ Jesus. (Romans 10:9-10)

Jesus died for us. When we ask to be saved and confess Him as Lord, God places us within that salvation. He puts us on that Ark of protection. He washes us with His Blood. We die with Christ, and are born again with Him. That’s what it means to be IN Christ Jesus. Our peace comes by being IN Him. It comes through Him, not us.

But, if you do not have a relationship, can you really say you are in Him? Can you really expect to get anything like peace, through Him?

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”—Eph. 2:8-10

We are saved by God’s Grace. Not works. We are saved through faith so we can do good works IN Christ Jesus. The good works are based in our relationship with Him. We are yoked together with Him in relationship and service to God and others.

Ok, so what about Peace?

Well, when we are saved we receive the Holy Spirit.

God’s Spirit comes to dwell with us and in us. He comforts us and teaches us.

He helps us in our relationship with God (Himself).

He brings us gifts and develops fruit in our life.

If we do not quench His work. (1 Thess. 5:19)

“…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”—Gal. 5:22-23

When the Holy Spirit works in us He develops this fruit if we do not fight Him, or do things to stop it.

Remember, we are fallen beings. So we must develop the fruit because it is not natural for us.

Think of an adult who suffers an injury and must go to rehab to relearn the most basic things. How to walk. How to eat. How to use their hands.

It’s tough. It’s painful. It takes time. This is how the Holy Spirit develops His fruit in us.

This develops the relationship.

Understand that the Fruit is the Fruit of the Spirit. It’s not ours. It’s not our flesh. It’s Him in us. This is why we fail at times. We fall back into our old self. Our flesh.

So, if we are really saved, and really seeking Him. Then, things will come into our lives that will cause us to turn to Him, and the Holy Spirit will use it to grow fruit in us.

We learn to love because God has shown us that He loves us.

We have peace because God has shown us a thousand times that He is there with us and everything will be fine.

We have joy because we see Him again.

We have patience because we know Him and can wait on Him forever, because he has taught us to.

We know goodness, gentleness and faith because we have learned it by seeing Him working in our lives, and how he treats us and others.

We have temperance, because we need nothing but Him.

We learn Meekness through brokenness and being rebuilt by Him.

All of this is the relationship, and because of the relationship.

We confess our sins to Him and trust Him. (1 John 1:9)

We pray to Him and trust Him.

We see Him move, over and over again. And know Him.

Now we look at the verse in Philippians, and rightly divide it based upon relationship.

“Be careful for nothing; “…Because we know Him. We know He is with us and loves us.

“but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”…We can discuss anything with our Father. He is on our side. He is with us and knows how best to help us. We give thanksgiving because we believe His promise “Whatsoever you ask in my name I will do.” (John 14:14) So we thank Him, knowing He is moving.

“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”… We have peace because we know Him and we have his Holy Spirit. That peace is greater than anything in this world, because God is greater, and we know Him and are known of Him. He is with us and in us. Remind yourself of this. But, remember it’s because we are IN Christ Jesus. It’s because we pray in His name. It’s through Him that we have life, salvation and everything. This is our peace.

We trust that whatever God does with our prayer to Him will be fine. He loves us, “And we know that ALL things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” —-(Romans 8:28)

If you are saved, then you are called. If you have the Holy Spirit then you have love for God, and it is being developed in you.

So, why do I not have peace? You might ask.

When you exercise or lift weights you come to a point of muscle failure. A point where you can’t lift anymore. A point where you strain. But if you keep working you will eventually lift that weight with ease.

The Holy Spirit is developing fruit in you. It is like exercise. You will be pushed and grow from it.

We turn to God and He helps us, and we see Him moving and our faith grows, our peace grows, our love for Him grows. See?

That’s relationship. He is with us and nothing else matters.

Always turn to God, and He will be there and comfort you and help you, and you will grow from it. Like a spotter in the Gym who puts his hands on the bar. He’s got you. He shouts encouragement. You are ok, just tough it out and trust the one who has your back.

And you will have more peace.

Remind yourself of His promises as you watch Him move in your life.

We encounter something in our life. We lean on the promises God has given. We speak them out loud and faith grows. We see God move and we grow to trust Him more, and this brings peace.

Trust Him. Study His Word. Trust His Word.

He’s got you. And that brings peace.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Sunday, October 6, 2024

What is Predestination?

 What is Predestination?

Don't be Confused.


There are some verses in the Bible which speak of predestination and have led to many false and confusing beliefs in regards to it.

“Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,”—Eph 1:5

“In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:”—Eph. 1:11

There are folks who have used these verses to justify and teach the belief that God; being sovereign allows people to be born, who are predestinated to be thrown into hell. There is nothing to be done by them to change it.

Likewise some people are born to be saved, they claim.

I have never believed this. Something in this doctrine causes my spirit to reject it. It makes the idea of preaching and spreading the Gospel, or trying to follow God, pointless.

I know those people who believe in predestination have their arguments and verses.

But, I’d like to show what I perceive to be true, from the Word. Of course we cannot prove for a fact any of these things. But, I’d like to get as close to God’s character and the Word as I can.

ALL humans are predestinated before and at birth to be saved. They just don’t all make it through. Don’t fly off the handle, I’m not speaking of a general salvation here. keep reading.

“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Pet. 3:9)

This is Peter talking. He walked with the Lord. If everyone is predestinated at birth to Heaven or Hell, then whats the point of this verse? What’s the point of God desiring for all humans to turn to Him, if they are already doomed or saved from birth?

What I’m going to teach here will probably be different than what you’ve heard or been taught. But, we are called to avoid false teaching. This subject has a lot of false doctrine around it.

Look in the Bible. When God created the Earth He predestinated that all humans would be with Him. He made everything “Good”. All humans would be in the Garden of God with God forever. But, the fall came and corrupted humans. It destroyed the original plan. God’s original intent is that we would be with Him.

Now apply this same concept to each of our lives. We are created in the womb and born in a right standing with God until we fall personally. We are all subject to death because of Adam, but we are only subject to Hell because of our own personal fall. Just like the creation story. It is a picture of our own spiritual life.

Adam and Eve, and all of creation has Free Will, but God made everything as though humans would never fall. He still treats us as though we will be with Him. Even though He knows the future. That’s love.

Even though God knows the future and knew Adam and Eve would fall. And He knows each of us will fall. He does the good, loving thing anyway.

God is Love. He does Good, no matter what. All things work for the good of those who love God. But, His good turns to bad in those who are opposed to Him.(1 John 4:8, Romans 8:28)

Have you ever heard of the Book of Life? (Phil. 4:3, Rev. 3:5, Rev. 13:8, Rev. 17:8, Rev. 20:12-15, 21:27, 22:19)

This is a book that holds the names of all the people who are saved.

It’s my belief that God put every humans name in the Book of Life.

All humans are predestinated for salvation.

Do babies go to hell?

No. They have a right standing with God. 

They face death because of Adam’s fall, but they do not face eternal separation until they reach the age of accountability and willfully, knowingly choose to Sin. They do not understand law and consequences. (Rom. 5:13)

When a person reaches the age of accountability and chooses to willfully sin, their name is blotted out of the book. They die spiritually and are headed for hell and the lake of fire. This is eternal separation from God, because they have become corrupt and defiled by Sin. That’s what death is. Separation. Eternal death is a quarantine. (Ex 32:32-33, Psa. 69:28, Rev. 3:5)

All humans sin, fall and face Hell. Until they hear God’s call and turn to Him, for salvation, confessing Jesus is The Lord. (Romans 10:9-10, Romans 1:6-7, Rom. 2:4, )

The moment a person’s name is blotted out of the Book of Life, God immediately starts to pursue them in Love. Seeking to save them. Calling them to turn to Him.

If they hear, and turn, God saves them. Then, they can see the predestination. They can see that God originally had them, then pursued them and woke them up.

Once saved a person can see this. They can see how God worked in their life and that He was always with them and trying. Then God, guides them into the life He predestinated for them. (Eph 1:5, Eph. 1:11)

They receive a new life. They are a new person. They are born again. They have a new name written in the Lambs Book of Life. (John 3:3-5, 2 Cor. 5:17, Isa 66:2, Rev. 2:17. Rev. 3:12, Throughout scripture the Lord has given the Saints new names.)


Many people refuse to accept God’s call. All people hear it. But, not everyone turns to God. (Matt. 13:3-23)

God keeps trying. But, not everyone makes it. Not everyone turns to Him. (repent)

God predestinates everyone to salvation. But not everyone accepts it.

Why does this matter?

Because people need to know that they have free will.

They have a choice and can choose God and be saved and set free.

Many of the teachings of predestination, lead people to believe that there’s no way to change things. They are just doomed, or a loved one was just condemned, with no hope.

That is not the case.

God calls everyone to turn to Him and be saved.(2 Pet. 3:9)

Have you called on Him? (Rom. 10:13)

What I’ve told you here is what the Bible seems to teach on Predestination. It is based in God’s character. He loves us and acts in such a way to assume we will not fail and will be with Him. He pursues us and works to save us. Then, when we turn to Him we can see how He has worked in our lives and we know He was always there, trying. That is what Paul means by predestination. That is what I’m speaking of here. (Eph 1:5, Eph. 1:11)

Turn to God. He is there.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

You Are Not Cast Out

 You Are Not Cast Out

God is working, even when it doesn’t seem like it.


Verse:  “All that the father gives me shall come to me; and him that comes to me I will in no wise cast out. —John 6:37

I failed in my life; and like so many others I had asked God to save me when I was young.  I went to church and I asked God to save me as a child, but then life happened, and I got worse and worse. I’m not the only one. I have spoken to so many people who have asked God to save them, and help them. But, then they failed; and they could not keep right, not even for a day. They could not measure up to the standards the church people or family or friends put them under.  I was the same.

We start going to church and we see the people who pretend to be perfect, and we don’t measure up. Our life is rough. We don’t have all the church boxes marked, so we feel judged. We feel that we cannot do what God wants us to do. We hear sermons, where we are constantly beat down and fail. So, we quit. We just give up and go back to living. We can't do the church thing.

But, God did not give up on me. Every tough time in my life, was God working in me trying to get me to listen to Him. Every good time, was God showing me He cared. He was with me, even though I ignored Him until I really needed Him. There are so many people walking around who think God has cast them out. He hasn’t. If you asked Him to save you, He has, and He is working.

Now, imagine you hired a contractor to save your crumbling house, and make it great. But, you forgot you hired someone. Yet, you come home and trip over boards lying around. You step in wet concrete. You get mad because of the noise, and cannot figure out what’s going on. Your roof is gone one day, and some unexpected rain gets in the house. Another day, you feel nice and warm because all the drafts have been sealed, and you have new windows, and new insulation.  You never see someone working, but something is up.

You can’t figure out what’s going on because you forgot that you made a contract with a Master Builder. He comes and works every day. But, even when he leaves the project to sit for a while, it’s for a purpose. The concrete is drying. The drywall mud is drying. The landscaping is growing. But, the Contractor is still working.

This happened to me, I prayed to receive Christ when I was young, and I got worse. I never realized the truth of it. But, I knew that He answered my prayers. Finally, He woke me up, through life’s breaking power, and I threw myself on Him. Then I started to learn of Him, and grow in Him. Now I see the boards on the ground, and the wet concrete. I enjoy seeing the landscape grow; because I’ve let Him teach me, and wake me up. I’ve studied The Builders Manual. I’ve been taught by the Spirit.

Now I can look back at my life and see that He was there, and working all along. No matter what family said, no matter what the church said, no matter what friends and enemies said. God was there working, and He never abandoned me. No matter how bad I am, He is there working as He promised. Even still today, He is there. Everything that happens to me is Him working in some way. Turn to Him, and learn of Him. Ask Him to save you and teach you His ways. Listen to His still small voice and follow Him. I know it’s hard. Tell Him it’s hard, and that you need Him to do it. Then, watch Him move.

He works on us. He grows us. He does not cast us aside.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

True Stewardship

 True Stewardship

A Word on using God's Money



I often get told by Christians that the church needs to be good stewards with the money the people of the church have given them. This comes when I start talking about how we should be doing more to help the poor in our community. Yes, we are called to be good stewards of the things God has given us, and the things that other people have put under our control.

 However, we are called to answer to God and Him only. It is paramount that our “Good Stewardship” is done according to His standards not ours. We are to operate under spiritual standards, not worldly standards. The things of God are foolishness with men. It’s God’s money. When people give, they give to God.

 Jesus said “Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away” And again, “If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.” (Matt. 19:21, Matt. 5:22) These are not earthly methods of good stewardship. Jesus spoke of “the widow’s mite”. He talked about loving God, and loving your neighbors. He talked about laying down your life for your friends. (John 15:13, Mark 12:41-44,)

 This is good stewardship, in the eyes of God. This is True Stewardship. God is not going to say “Well done thy good and faithful servant” to people who have done things according to the worlds standards while ignoring His standards. When we get saved the Holy Spirit works in our life to mold us into the likeness of Christ. That means that we learn to walk in the Spirit and not the fleshly ways of this world. Our fleshly ways are based in fear and a desire to fit in or impress or to try to earn God's favor.

This is why we as Christians often build massive mansions called "Churches" to please God. We pour hundreds of thousands of dollars into building and maintaining massive structures while our neighbor goes hungry, can't help his family, or goes to hell. This does not please God.

The excuse is made that we need a place to worship. That doesn't mean we need a giant mansion of a building.

 The goal in God’s Kingdom, is to get people saved. It is to glorify God. It is to wage war against the enemy. If our stewardship, doesn’t move in that direction then it cannot be labeled “good”. We get people saved by telling them about Jesus and lifting Him up. We glorify God, by letting our light shine, so the world can see our good works. We wage war against the enemy, by snatching people out of his hands and by alleviating suffering, which is our good works and glorifies God.

 Glorifying God is done through our good works. We are to be like superheroes in our community, in Jesus name. We often think it brings God glory, when we spend money on buildings, and that it brings shame to Him when we let a building go into disrepair. But, what does God say? What does He say brings Him glory? Our light shines, when we help a family make ends meet in Jesus name. Our light shines when we stop and help the man on the side of the road whom Satan has robbed of everything.

 Too many Christians use the phrase ‘Good Stewardship” and have no idea what it really means. It’s not about this life, or this world, it’s about God and the life He has given us. It’s about His Kingdom.


 Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book "The Latter Days' is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Money Insulates

 Money Insulates

Can Wealth Harm Our Spiritual Walk?



As we read the Bible, we will gain a certain view of money. We will come to the conclusion that we are not supposed to stock pile money, and that we are not supposed to be tricked by the deceitfulness of riches. We will find that money is transitory and doesn’t satisfy.  We will see that our money is God’s money, and that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven. We see that the love of money is the root of all evil. We see that we cannot serve two masters, it’s profit or God. James says that the wealthy heap treasures against themselves and will be broken in the last days. (1 Tim. 6:10, Matt. 6:19-21, Matt 13:22, Matt 22:21, Matt. 19:24, Matt. 6:24, Jam. 5:1-6)

There are many verses that teach us about the dangers of wealth, and there are just as many justifications, that humans will give for choosing to be wealthy. Such as, we need money to give to God’s kingdom, so my wealth helps God. Or we say the eye of the needle was not a real needle; it was a door in a wall of a fortress. We will tell ourselves, God looks at our heart. He knows I don’t love money. We will also compare ourselves to biblical people who were rich and God used.  “Lydia in the Bible was wealthy. Abraham was wealthy.” And on and on we go. We love money and the things it provides for us. Let’s be honest. 

Look I’m not saying we should live in poverty. Most Americans are barely scraping to get by. One injury or job loss would destroy them. A lot of us are poor within this culture we live in. But, our culture and our beliefs are based in wealthy thoughts. We have a philosophy that leads us to worship and love money because money keeps us from the bread lines. It’s freedom in this world we think.

So, what is so bad about money? Wouldn’t it be better if the whole world had wealth? If there was no poverty, and everyone had their needs met? Of course, and that day is coming. But, in the mean time we are stuck in this broken degenerate world. Depraved sinners, separated from a loving God. We abide in Death, waiting to be cast into eternal fire; because we refuse to turn to Him to be saved, and washed in the blood of Jesus Christ.

And that is what is so bad about money. Sin, Death, and Satan have dominion over this world. It is a fallen place filled with fallen humans. Our only salvation lies in turning to God. So, God placed a curse, upon this world that causes us to struggle. That struggle is supposed to cause us to cry out to Him. Mothers pray for their children, and worry about them. Fathers scrape the earth to provide. Everything around us dies, and works to stop us or fight against us.

Money insulates us from the trials and tribulations of this life. A mother doesn’t need to just place her trust in God; she can take her sick child to the doctor and afford treatment. A man can hire an attorney to get out of trouble, he doesn’t need to weep over his sin and beg God for mercy. A family can go to the store and purchase food, they don’t need to pray and trust God for rain, or for the hunt. They have plenty of clothes; they don’t need to trust God for rags.

Money insulates us from needing to cry out to God for the basic things in life, or to help us when we have need. Our needs are met through our money. I’m not saying that poverty is a guarantee of salvation, or that there is some kind of purity in poverty. But, what I am saying is that money keeps people from really needing God, and it keeps us from seeing His movements in our lives. How can we see God miraculously heal a neighbor, when the neighbor uses money to get medicine? We like to say “But, God provided the money, and the medicine and the knowledge of doctors to heal. There are millions of poor people around the world who die daily from things our over the counter drugs could heal.”

This is true. But, is dying the worst that can happen? This world is a place of death. All of us are dying second by second. We are all going to go meet our maker. It is our wealth, and His mercy that slows that process. But, our wealth that keeps us alive longer, also works to keep us from drawing closer to Him. We horde our wealth and worry about being taken advantage of by the poor around us. What we do to the least of these we do to Him. See how our wealth or our love of our wealth keeps us from Him? I’m guilty too. Our money insulates.

That insulation extends to our entire culture. We have no idea how insulated we are. I’m currently reading a book written by an evangelist from India. He is a native of India, and lived there his whole life. He got saved, and God called him to go to the north of India and preach the Gospel. He has lived in, and experienced extreme poverty his whole life.

In the book, he speaks of a visit to the United States, and he is appalled by the amount of wealth we have, and we do not even know we have it. But, God knows. The evangelist speaks of every church gathering in America having food. How ashamed he was to eat there, while evangelists in India sit under trees and eat a few scoops of cooked rice, once a day, if that. He tells that Americans have closets full of clothes, while people around the world wear rags. That Americans waste enough money and water daily, that it could save the lives and souls of thousands around the world.

Our money insulates us. It keeps us from seeking God when He calls us through our need. It insulates us from suffering with others, and having real compassion on them. It insulates us from needing to draw together with others, and lean on each other. It insulates us from the trials of this world through which we learn and grow in spirit.

Oh sure, our wealth can allow us to do great things for Jesus, but do we do it? Does He want us to use our wealth, or His Spirit and His power? Are the great things we do really what He wants?  Can a rich person serve God? Can a rich person get saved? The fact is that every person in America is richer than the whole rest of the world and God loves us and wants us saved as well. So, yes; God saves rich people and works on them and through them. But, our wealth is a dangerous trap that we need to wake up to. And I think we will be awakened shortly. When He cleanses His temple before His return. He drives out the money changers.

Money is not evil. But, be aware of what wealth can do to you. Fight to resist it. Remember, it not only insulates you, but also your children. What is growing up in wealth doing to them?

We do not need half the things we think we need.

We need more Jesus.

Turn to God, Let Him grow you. Have a relationship with Him.

Live simply. Give with a joyful heart. Look for ways to give and serve.

He is coming soon.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called “The Future is Coming” and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Burden Of Prayer

 The Burden Of Prayer

Sometimes We Have A Feeling We Cannot Get Rid Of.



I’m not a very good Christian. I’m just not.

If you followed me around everyday with a camera. You’d be like,

“What’s wrong with this guy?”

God saves us despite our sinfulness. He works to change us.

Trust me. I’m better than I used to be.

I say this because I don’t want you to think I’m some perfect person. I’m not.

No one is. But, God uses us in our sin and failure anyway.

I say this again because I want you to realize that if we wait till we are perfect, we will never get busy serving God.

We are perfect because God washed us in the Blood of Christ, if you are saved. Not because we act perfect.

We grow in the Lord by serving Him. By working with Him. By confessing our sins to Him and building the relationship with Him.

Henry Blackaby used to say, “Find where God is working and join Him.”

A burden is a call from God to join Him.

So, what is a “burden”?

A burden is when you can’t get rid of a feeling or thought. It has weight. It burdens you. You perceive that there’s more to it than just some passing thought. Because it doesn’t pass. It stays with you. It keeps coming to your mind.

Now, a burden can be for anything, but let’s start with simple things.

You’re laying in bed and you wake up and someone is on your mind.

Pray for them.

Usually a burden will not leave you alone. It just keeps bugging you until you take care of it. Keep praying. As your mind runs wild, keep praying for what comes, or about what comes.

Sometimes, it’s a burden to pray. Sometimes it’s a burden to contact this person and just say “hi” and see what’s up. (Of course not at 2am)

You’ve been thinking about Uncle Joe all day. That’s a burden. Pray for him. Reach out.

You saw the woman sitting by the road with a sign. You’ve thought about her the whole time you’re in the store. That’s a burden. Pray for her and help her.

Sometimes a burden can be something you know about. You have no excuse.

Your friend’s spouse just died, and you feel a burden to reach out.

Do it.

You hear someone in need and feel a burden to help.

Do it.

Let’s get back to prayer, because no matter what the burden is, it needs to be answered firstly, by talking with God.

Nehemiah used to say short quick prayers under his breath when needed. (The Book of Nehemiah)

It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate. Just pray until the burden is lifted or you know what to do. Just talk to God.

I will often whisper prayers to God that no one sees. Even while I’m surrounded by people. God hears. You do not need to make a big show of prayer. Actually it’s best you don’t.

Sometimes, you won’t know what the burden is about. Just go. God will be there.

Sometimes you won’t know what to pray for. Pray what I call “Blanket Prayers”

You are throwing a blanket of prayer power over a person, place or situation.

Pray for salvation. Pray for protection. Pray that the people will draw closer to God. Pray for healing. Pray for help.

You are covering them in prayer.

You don’t need to know specifics. God will reveal those as He sees fit. Sometimes, it comes by contacting the person to see how they are doing.

The Holy Spirit guides us, and He can take our generic prayer and translate it into something specific. Even if we have no clue and are in agony, groaning for someone or ourselves, the Holy Spirit can understand. (Romans 8:26-27)

That brings us back to trying to be perfect. You can’t be. You already are perfect, in Christ.

The devil will get you to wallow in your own doubt and fear in order to keep you from serving. Just get up and do it.

Go, and let God guide you. it’s hard. You might fail. But, you went. And that’s really all we are called to do. (Eze. 3:17-22)

As we go, we listen for God’s guidance. The more we do it, the better we are at hearing Him.

As Saints, we are called to fight the enemy, help people, and spread the Gospel. We gather together in churches to do that work and help each other. This life is hard and we are often under attack. Our fellow Christians are supposed to pray for us and help us with our burdens and our troubles so we can fight the good fight of faith, and help them as well.

It all starts with prayer and often a burden to pray.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called “The Future is Coming” and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

How Sanctification Works

 How Sanctification Works

A Word on Sanctification

There has been a debate since the days of the Apostle Paul, regarding salvation by faith versus works.

I'll give you a hint. It's neither. It's Grace. Both Faith and Works rely on human power in some way

But, I want to talk about sanctification, and I'm going to use an analogy to do it.
Sanctification comes after salvation. 
We get saved by hearing God calling us, and turning to Him (Repent) and confessing Jesus as Lord. 
Let me break it down.
Everyone who is saved was called. That is grace. We realize that God is real and he is there for us and wants to save us. We believe what He has told us in our heart. That is faith. We turn to Him and ask Him to save us, confessing that Jesus is our Lord. That is faith and works. (Romans 10:9-10, James 2:26)

Salvation and sanctification are kind of like getting a job.

You need a job so you fill out an application. The human owner decides whether he needs you and if you can make him money.

But, God wants you. He made a way for you, before you even knew you needed one. He doesn't care about your background or skills or college or attitude. He just wants you to come.

So if you want Him, you are hired. God trains you and gives you everything you need to serve HIM. He is the boss. Remember this.

So, now comes sanctification. Which is where God works in our lives to change us. A lot of changes occur when we first get saved. But, there are things that we need to work on our whole life.

Let's continue with the analogy.

So, let's say you show up late to work.(sin)

A human boss warns you and threatens to fire you. (Punish you and throw you in hell)

But. God is not like that. He forgives you and looks into your life to see what's up. He might change your mind. Or make some adjustments to your circumstances so you can be on time, without a rush or hurting yourself or others. He works to correct us or solve our problem, or set us free from some bondage. he does not cast us away.

That's how it works. God works in us and with us to fix us.He saved us already, now He continues to work. That is sanctification. The Holy Spirit helps us to grow, if we are willing to listen.

Too many people believe their heavenly father is like the boss or their earthly father.  He is not.
God is not a slave driver. He doesn't need to be. When He speaks something, he knows for a fact that it will happen. There is no doubt. 

Sometimes sanctification leads to correction or brokenness. When we get saved we are basically giving ourselves to God, because we need Him and He knows whats best. So, we have given Him permission to work on us as He sees fit. (Prov. 3:11-12)

In our lives we often find that we have gone the wrong way or that we have become entangled with some problem. Perhaps a hurtful lifestyle or addiction.

In order to grow us and help us, God must sometimes take drastic measures to set us free from bondage. We might be at what we call rock bottom and lose everything and everybody. We might become broken. It's terrible and painful, but He is there with us to protect us. 

Like a refiner's fire.He controls the heat to melt the precious metal and remove the dross or crud. All of this works to make us of greater use by Him. (Malachi. 3:1-3)

We often find ourselves broken by this process of correction or setting us free.

This brokenness leads to meekness. 

People think meekness is weakness. It's not. 

Brokenness is like a powerful horse being broken by his master. He does not lose his power, but he becomes usable. This is meekness.

This is sanctification. 

This is why some folks have their lives torn apart after they get saved. God is setting them free. He has saved them, now He is working to remove things that are bad for them. 

The temptation at this point is to fight what is happening, or run away. But, that only makes things worse.
Remember Jonah. 
God spoke to Jonah and Jonah refused. He ran away. All kinds of bad stuff started happening to Jonah; storms and even getting swallowed by a fish, till he was broken and accepted God's will. 

Prison or a hospital bed could be your fish.

Turn to God. Read His Word. Listen to the Holy Spirit.

When you turned to God and asked Him to save you, He promised He would. Sanctification is a part of that. We never really know how bad we are and how much God must remove from us. We sometimes, need a lot of pruning in order to bear fruit for the Kingdom.
Remember, God is with you. You have turned to Him and He is there, no matter what you are facing. 
Remember ALL things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose. (Rom 8:28)

Everything that happens in our life can be used by God to grow us and serve Him. The key is to turn to Him in everything. Suffer in Him. Do not run from Him.

Not everything bad that happens is caused by God. We have an enemy. We live in a fallen world. We also do things to cause problems for ourselves. But, EVERYTHING can work for our good, when we turn to Him and give it to Him.
I have had terrible things happen in my life. Most of it was my fault. Most of it was because I listened to the enemy.
But, I love those terrible things because God used them to set me free. 
Would I change it?

I wish I had not been so foolish. But, it all drew me closer to God, and made my life better. So, I would not change it for the world.

When we know Him, He becomes more valuable than this world, this life, family, or anything we can think of.
That is how sanctification works.

It works to build the relationship. If you really know Him.


Bio:Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called “The Future is Coming” and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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