Showing posts with label Christianity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christianity. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Matthew 25 Church

 Mathew 25 Church

A Word on Church Reform

Matthew Chapter 25 is a chapter in the New Testament that describes what will happen when Christ returns. It states that He will separate the sheep from the goats. It appears that this judgment is not the Great White Throne judgment, where the lost are judged. This judgment is the judgment of the nations. It seems to be a judgment of people who assume they are right with Christ. The sheep enter into the kingdom, and the goats go into fire. There are many verses that speak of this judgment.


The criteria in this judgment will be based upon how people have treated others. It will be based upon their charity, or love in action. In the Chapter Jesus says “ And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” --- (Matt 25:40)

He takes it personally. Now we can say all kinds of things about Matthew 25. First, we can say that we are saved by grace, not by works. Our salvation is not based upon what we do, but upon what Christ did for us, and because we know Him, and He knows us.

This is true. But, it’s also true, that if we know Him, and He knows us, we will do the things He calls us to do. Not saying we won’t fail, or sin, but we will have an abiding desire to help and love others, which leads to action. This is the Fruit of The Spirit that grows in us. This is our warfare, our duty. It becomes who we are; if we are really saved.

If you'll notice the goats in Matthew 25, never knew Him. They were not really born again, or saved. This can be seen in other verses where Jesus tells us that many religious people will think they are saved, but are not. It’s not about works, it’s about being washed in the Blood, confessing Him as Lord, and letting the Spirit work in you and through you to teach, and tell others about Jesus. Saving people for eternity is the goal of everything we do.

There are justifications that people will give based upon the wording of Matthew 25 above. Some will claim that since it says “My brethren.” Jesus is talking about the Jewish people, and that this is a judgment against people or nations who have mistreated Israel.  Another view could be that it’s referring to Christians, because we are grafted into Israel, and become His brethren, and we are also His spiritual brothers. This justification attempts to leave out the gentile or the unbeliever as someone we do not need to show charity to. It’s an attempt to create a loop hole. But, all of scripture works against this concept. We are to show charity to those around us, even our enemies.

Another justification is that this is a judgment of nations not individuals. But, the actions of nations are made up of the actions of individuals. We can see this when God is talking to Abraham about Sodom. Abraham says, “Will you destroy it if there are 10 righteous?”  (Gen. 18:16-33)   There were not any righteous in the city, righteousness comes by believing God. Not believing in God, but believing what He has told us. Turning to Him, and confessing Jesus as the Lord, trusting Him. (Rom. 4:1-12) No one in that city, except for Lot put their faith in God. But, this shows that the Faith of individuals can save or affect nations. If only 10 righteous people existed, God would have spared all of them. The actions of individuals matter.

Some will claim that this judgment is describing how God will treat the Nations who do not support the nation of Israel, during the tribulation period, or the time of Jacobs’s trouble. We are called to support the nation of Israel and are blessed for doing so, but as shown above, this verse has more meaning than that.

But, let’s assume that every justification that is given by people who do not want to hear the truth of this verse is true. It still doesn’t change the fact that we are to love our neighbor, and that God is serious about it. Those who do not, regardless of how you justify or explain it will be thrown into the Lake of Fire with the Devil and his angels; because, that is who they have followed. Satan. Now, do not get me wrong. I am not making a political statement here. I’m not claiming that our nation needs to adopt certain socialistic or globalist ideologies. Or that churches need to adopt a social gospel. Those things are from the spirit of antichrist, in order to build the Kingdom of the Anti-Christ.

What I am referring to is that individuals and churches need to make a serious effort to change the foundation of church activity from entertaining music and constant milk filled teaching, to one of charity. The seriousness of Matthew 25 warrants that. Of course, we need to worship and teach, but charity and evangelism should be the basis for everything. Matthew 25 does not say that Jesus sends the goats into the Lake of Fire because they didn’t sing the right songs, or raise their hands high enough, or go to church to listen to sermons. Churches and individuals have placed too high of an importance on music instead of on charity. It needs to be flipped.

 God tells Israel, I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies. Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings, I will not accept them: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts. Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols. But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.”--- (Amos 5:21-24)

 If we are not doing what God wants us to do, then He does not want to hear our worship. Our worship of Him comes through our service to Him and others, not by standing in a building singing songs. That is not real worship. We worship Him with our lips, but our hearts are far from Him. (Isa. 29:13, Matt. 15:18, Mark 7:6)

God does not want us sitting in churches singing praises to Him while there are people down the street in need who are going to hell. He doesn’t care about our gatherings, while families are breaking up and cannot afford the basic needs of life in this culture. How about instead of building mega churches, we build mega homeless shelters, or free colleges, or mega job centers. We complain about the cost of government public aid, but public aid exists because the church is not doing its job. The poor is not going to go away just because we refuse to help them, because we think they sin too much. Jesus says in Matthew, that in the last days, “because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” (Matt. 24:12)  Do not let your love for others grow cold. How many times have you failed God? How many times have you promised to do better? Has God given up on you? Quit worrying about someone taking advantage of you. How many times have you ripped off God? Can you ever pay Him back for what He has given you?

God lets the sun shine on the just and the unjust, we are to do the same. When Jesus returns he will judge. There will be people in that judgment who think they are saved but are unwashed, they have no garment, they have no talents to give the King, and they have no oil. You can twist or justify yourself all you want to, but these verses are clear. There will be those who think they are saved, but are not. Jesus said that Love fulfills God’s law. If you’re saved, charity will flow from you.

So, what does a Matthew 25 church look like? Well, a group of people would get together to form a church and that church will be based upon helping Christians and those in the community. They will be built around food pantries, homeless shelters, clothes closets, helping repair people’s houses, disaster relief, classes to teach basic living, visiting and praying for the sick, helping people pay bills, fundraising for causes, providing places to gather instead of bars, helping families, and on and on. Any sort of charitable ministry you can imagine. That would be the church; it’s all about charity and service, for the purpose of showing God’s love and telling people about Jesus so they will be saved. We must always remember that the purpose of it is salvation. We do not want our charity work to become like so many other Christian charity groups that have turned away from teaching the Gospel, while helping the others.

But, what about worship? We would worship before we go work in our ministry, before we open the food pantry, before we go visit the sick. We will have a praise service when we come back from the jails and the streets after preaching. We will sing praises outside the courthouses, and the statehouses as we call for national repentance, and for these governmental entities to turn to God’s Law. That’s how and when we worship. What if instead of putting the 10 commandments on the court house lawn, maybe we should stand there and sing praises, while preaching the Gospel?

What about teaching? We will have classes or sermons that teach believers how to wage spiritual war, and serve God, and others. We will have preachers who are famous for the amount of families they have helped rise up from poverty, instead of the number of watered down books they have sold. They will be famous for leading people to Christ, instead of for inventing some new doctrine that scratches peoples itching ears. On Sunday morning, they will be praised for the number of believers who follow them out into the community to help people and preach the Gospel, instead of for the number of goats falling asleep in the church pews.

Christ is returning. The church needs to judge itself, that we be not judged with the world (1 Cor. 11:31-32) we are saved by Grace, but we need to step up. God’s Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are His. (Rom. 8:16)  How does that happen? When we are stepping out to follow and serve Him, He shows us that we are His, because our flesh would never have done the things we are now doing, and He is there feeding us, and growing us, and giving us more of Himself. Listen to His Spirit, as he leads you to go do things for the Kingdom. Trust Him. 

When we sit and do nothing for the Kingdom, we start to wonder and doubt. We become spiritually starved. Like Paul said, "If they will not work, neither shall they eat." We grow in Christ and faith by going out and serving and trusting Him.

Take up the Cross and follow Him. Do everything in His name.


Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called “The Future is Coming” and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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Photo by the author Pere Marquette cross in Pere Marquette State Park.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Confess Our Sins

 Confess Our Sins

A Word on Confession

It says in First John chapter one, to confess our sins and he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

So what does this mean? 

It means don't hide anything from God. You sin. It's a fact. ” If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.” (1 John 1:10) So, if you cannot admit that you sin, then you do not know Christ.
If you honestly cannot think of any sins, then ask God to show you. But, you better hang on. Because God will let you see how bad you really are.

Confess it all to him. Tell him about your addiction, your adultery, your hate, your violence. Tell him about all your filth. Your pride, your unkindness, your false beliefs, your rebellion. Sins of commission and sins of omission. Remember that homeless guy, God wanted you to help but you were too busy?

Confess it.

Because He will forgive you.

But...think about it.

He already forgave us and washed us in His blood when we were saved.

Do we need further washing?

Of course not. He is not referring to that.

He is telling us He will forgive us, because the devil is telling us He won't. 
The enemy whispers into our mind that we have fallen too far. Or that we are not worth it. or that we should be ashamed or fear God. Those are lies.

God loves us and is on our side.

Not only that, but God is telling us that He will wash our feet and make us whole; despite the lies the enemy tells us. (John 13:6-10)

But not only that..God will clean up our life. Meaning that as we keep confessing, and praying. He is working to help us overcome these sins that keep us down.

He is helping us to overcome them, as we give them to him to defeat.
There are things I have prayed over and confessed to Him for years. And I have seen Him molding me, and changing me.

Praise Jesus
He does not leave us. He is with us and works in our lives, as we walk in the Spirit, confessing to Him.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called “The Future is Coming” and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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Saturday, December 16, 2023

God's Contract

 God's Contract

A Word on Service


God has moved in my life many times. He has moved to bless me. He has moved to correct me. He has moved to save me, and He has moved to protect me. He has also moved in ways that I have not understood, and still don’t understand. He is God, and we can trust Him.

In my life God often moves because I ask Him. Just simply because I ask. He loves me.

Other times, it’s based upon faith. I trust Him, and step out, believing His Word.

But, other times, it’s based upon sincere brokenness.

I am done.

I am spent.

I can’t do it anymore.

I give myself totally to Him, and I’m willing to take whatever comes.

God knows our heart. He knows if we are being real with Him. He knows when we offer ourselves, unleavened, to Him. He knows.

In the early days of walking with God, I was not living a life I’m proud of. God was working on me, but I was far from where I am today. Not that I’m Mr. Perfect. But, I was pretty jacked up at the time.

Regardless of that fact, Jesus saved me, and was working on me. He was calling me to serve Him, and to draw closer and have a relationship with Him.

I didn’t know what to do, but I knew He was calling. Just like He is calling you.

So, I spoke to a pastor friend of mine and told him what I was feeling from God.

The pastor told me, to pray to the Lord, and imagine in my mind a contract. Just a blank contract. Then, to imagine signing it and giving it to God. Allowing God, the freedom to fill it out as He saw fit. So I did.

This was not my salvation, I was saved long before this. But I do believe this was the beginning of my ministry. The beginning of my service to Him. I became His servant.

After that prayer, great movement occurred in my life. Things started to change, and shift.

I do not want to go into details, but there is no doubt it was Him.

So, if you are saved and confused about what direction God has for you. Try praying this prayer.

Be real with God and surrender totally to whatever He might have.

But, understand that He might remove people from your life. He might do things to make you totally dependent upon Him. He might remove a job. Or give you a different job. He might take your home, and cause you to move. He might shake things so bad that people just abandon you. You might meet new people, or have your life rocked, in order to remove problems, or make you a better person.

When you give yourself totally to God, He must mold you. He must burn off the dross to purify the Gold. He must shake you to get rid of the chaff. He might break you to reshape you, and make you more useful for His kingdom.

It doesn’t have to be all bad. It can be full of joy as well, as you spend more time with Him. But, often we see changes as bad, even when they are not.

God has a purpose beyond our own purposes. He cares for us, but ultimately our eternal security, and blessings are far more important than our current life. Our kingdom work, and helping to save others is what matters most.

So, no matter how God moves. The final purpose is to draw us closer to Him. Every thing that happens, works together for our good. Because drawing closer to Him, and having that relationship is the best thing we can imagine.

God knows you. He loves you. He has what’s best for you. Trust Him.



Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called “The Future is Coming” and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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Photo by the writer,  an old train tunnel in Southern Illinois. Tunnel Hill Trail

Monday, December 4, 2023

But Without Faith...

 But Without Faith...

A Word on Faith  

“But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”—Heb. 11:6

God has given each one of us a measure of faith so that we are able to believe in Him and believe His promises. That is why we are without excuse. We have the ability but we refuse, or become distracted or deceived by Satan.

God loves us and comes to each of us, asking to have a relationship with us. Trying to save us and give us a hope and get us out of bondage to the enemy.

When we turn to Him He delights in saving us and working in our lives. He rewards us in many ways for putting our faith and trust in Jesus Christ, and believing the promises that God has given us in His Word.

When we turn to Him, and acknowledge Him in all our ways He will direct our paths.

Just pray about everything. And you will find Him moving before you and showing where to go before you even get there. Your relationship will be such that you will see his pillar of fire and smoke, going before. You will hear His still small voice guiding your life.

He is real. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. When you put your faith and trust in Him you will see His presence.

Are you really trusting Him?

When He says “Whatsoever you ask in my name I will do it?” Do you believe?

When He says “If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed…” do you believe?

Or do you create excuses for why it might not be true?

Stop caring about outcomes, and start delighting in seeing Him work.

He is able. He is able to save, He is able to release you. He is able to heal. He is able to solve the problem.

He is able. Say it.

He is willing because He loves you. Say it.

He is going to do it, one way or another. Say it and trust it. Say it over and over

He is there. He hears. He loves and He is moving. He delights in seeing your faith grow.

Your relationship with Him is all that matters.

Abide in Him and Trust.



Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming AddictionHis newest book is called "The Future is Coming" and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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Photo by the Author. Sunrise over Hot Springs, Arkansas


Thursday, November 23, 2023

The Power of Thanksgiving

 The Power of Thanksgiving

A Word on Being Thankful

" Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."---Phil 4:6-7

Being thankful is something that wells up inside of us when we think of the great things God has done for us, and in us.

When we spend time thinking of what He has done it helps build our faith. We see that He is good. We see that he is faithful and we remember. Because the enemy wants to get us to think that God is out to hurt us, or that He doesn't listen. Remembrance and thankfulness is a defense against these attacks.

Thankfulness comes at two times. Before and After.

When we thank God before hand we are exercising our faith. We have prayed. We have asked, sought and knocked. We thank Him because we trust Him and we know that whatever he does is right and best. We know He will move. So, we thank Him for what He is about to do.

When we thank Him after the fact, we are praising Him for the great things he has done in our lives. When we tell people about God's greatness it is one of the most important things we can do. It is tied to the Gospel.

It says in Revelation that it is by the Blood of the Lamb, and our testimony that we overcome the enemy. That is our thankfulness to God. That is telling other people what great things He has done for us. That is being saved and running on the hills to shout the Good News of Peace. Just like Jesus told the Gadarene demoniac, "Go and tell the great things God has done for you"--Luke 8:35-39, Revelation 12:9-12

In Proverbs 3:5-6 is says to trust God and acknowledge Him in all your ways. That means that we pray to Him and thank Him. That means that we give Him credit for what He has done in our lives and we tell others. When we do this, He promises to direct our paths. So, if you are in confusion, try thanking God for the things He has done, and praise Him before others. He will direct your paths.

And as you can see in the very first verse. Thanksgiving is a necessary part of prayer. Phil 4:6-7

Understand, that God does not need our thanks. Our thanks to God, is a praise that comes from what He has done. It is a spiritual act of humbling ourselves and knowing that without Him we are nothing. Our thankfulness changes our hearts. It helps us to grow. It brings blessings into our lives, and fights against the enemy. 

Being thankful works to mold us into the likeness of Christ.

Be thankful in all things. Be thankful in the good and the bad. God is there and working.

Happy Thanksgiving.


Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming AddictionHis newest book is called "The Future is Coming" and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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