Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Princes of this World

 The Princes of this World

Spiritual Truth by Chris Bunton

Let's talk about some conspiracy and spiritual truth for a moment. Because you must understand that there is only ONE conspiracy. And that's the spiritual battle behind the scenes, that we all can see parts of, and have a feeling about, but cannot completely prove.

The people who rule this world are controlled by spiritual forces, whether they know it or not. So, let me show you some verses from the scriptures that speak of the true nature of our world behind the veil.

 Let's start with this one.

"Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory."--- 1 Cor. 2:8

This verse in  1 Corinthians is very interesting and says a lot more than what it appears.

If you recall the story of Jesus's crucifixion in the Gospels. You have to ask the question. "What princes?"

The story tells of Pilate who is an administrator not a prince. He might be of aristocratic bloodlines, but he is not a prince.

King Herod is not a prince. He also did not actively put Christ to death.

The religious leaders are not princes, although they are called the children of the devil, which could make them princes, possibly.

So, who is the verse talking about?

I believe it's talking about Satan and his fallen angels who rule this world with him.

In second Corinthians......  Satan is described as "the god of this world"

"In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."--2 Cor. 4:4

In Ephesians it speaks of him ruling again

"Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:"--- Eph 2:2

He is the ruler of this world and has been from when he stole dominion from Adam in the Fall.-- Genesis  chapter 3.

God gave Adam dominion, and when Adam chose to obey Satan instead of God. He handed that dominion over to the enemy.

That is why there's so much evil in the world. Satan has authority and is building his kingdom for his messiah, the Anti-Christ to come.

So, how do I know this?

Well, we have this verse in Ephesians, that seems to be referring to demonic forces that rule the world, and do so through their human slaves.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places"--- Eph 6:12.

Also, in the book of Daniel,  Chapter 10. Daniel is praying but the prayer is delayed because of demonic activity. 

The passage speaks of the Prince of Persia, and the Prince of Grecia, who hinder the prayer.

It seems that these are demonic leaders who rule over these areas and people groups.

These verses seem to imply a global demonic network that rules everything.

This is what Christ came to set us free from. Our Sin and the Dominion of the Enemy.

When you look at history you can plainly see the workings of the enemy as he uses humans to conquer and set up systems of control.

You can see how he keeps people enslaved and in poverty. Deceiving the masses and building the structures that will allow his messiah, to have the power to rule.

Satan desires to be worshiped as the most high God, and works to dethrone God everywhere he can.

Watch what is happening in the world today, and filter it through the idea of these control structures, and let the Holy Spirit open your eyes to what is really going on.


Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called "The Future is Coming" and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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Friday, August 25, 2023

Walking on Water

 Walking on Water

A Word on Faith by Chris Bunton

When we have trouble in our lives we often pray to God. But, sometimes we do not see anything happening. We expect a bolt from the blue, or a miracle, but God mostly works through His creation.

     So we relax and have faith in God, and His goodness, His love, and His promises. But, we often already know what we need to do about the situation. We might not know exactly, but we know enough. We might have been given just a hint or enough information from God, to take a step in faith.
     We might be sick. But, we know enough to realize that we should change some health habits in our lives. Perhaps start eating better or walking a little. We know we should stop doing that thing we do, or stop going to that place we go. We know enough to take a little step, then another step, and we pray more.
     Maybe we are fighting with someone, and we know what caused it and what we must do to solve it. Just take a step. Then, another, and another. You prayed, now take that step you know to take. Trust God.
     I’m not saying you should jump off a cliff. But, you could drive up there. You could buy a map, and find out where the cliffs are. You could take a step. Then, another and another, pray and keep having faith.
     You might feel crippled, but called to walk. Take a step. Pick up your mat and walk. You already know enough. God has given you faith and enough information to take a step. Just do it. You prayed and prayed and prayed, but have you believed He answered and is waiting on you to trust Him and take a step?
     You might be called to do the impossible, like walk on water. So, take a step. Test it. Look into it. Then, take another step, and have faith that He is there. Then, take another step, and another, trusting Him, until eventually you look, and you are walking on water.
      Don’t stop trusting. Don’t worry about the wind, it’s nothing but air. Keep stepping and having faith. He is there.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction

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Friday, August 18, 2023

First, Go To Your Brother

 First, Go To Your Brother

A Lesson on Resolving Conflict in the Church.

Christians are humans and as such we still sin. We are saved but we often turn back to the flesh and our old ways instead of listening to the Holy Spirit and letting God change us. We are supposed to confess these things and by the constant confession we draw closer to God as he works on us.

Because of this, conflict often occurs in churches. Places where people should be loved, respected, treated as equal, and feel safe and welcome can become hostile places where we feel none of this. We can often have conflict with other believers or groups of believers in churches believe it or not.

Jesus in the book of Matthew sets down how conflicts of this sort are to be resolved. He says “Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglects to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.”---Matthew 18:15-17

It doesn’t say, “Run and snitch to your pastor.” I have looked everywhere, and I cannot find it at all. What amazes me is that pastors allow it; and even go confront the “offending” brother for the other person. A pastor or person in authority should refuse, and immediately ask the tattle tale “Did you go to the person alone already?” This simple question would take so much pressure off a pastor or leader, and solve many problems in the body.

The first thing that refusing to follow the words of Christ does is make the pastor or leader look bad. They are violating the words of Christ in order to confront someone for allegedly violating the words of Christ. How ridiculous is that? They are wrong from the get go. Then, it creates a barrier between the authority and the alleged offender. The pastor or leader should be someone that every member can go to and feel safe talking to or gain spiritual advice from. But now, here’s this thing that has popped up between them causing embarrassment or anger or resentment. It is from Satan and is part of his effort to divide the flock, so he can isolate members and destroy them. If you can't talk with your pastor because he has joined with people trying to destroy or hurt you, that is a bad place.     

Jesus knows our frame. He knows we have a corrupted nature and that we will sin. He set down rules for a particular reason, and to be followed in a particular way. Think about it. He knows we are often petty. He knows we get bitter, and irritated or frustrated, and that we think only of self. So, he commands that if we have something against a brother or sister we should go to them alone.        

The purpose of this is to cause the person to consider whether it’s really worth confronting someone over, or not. Does it need to lead to a confrontation that could destroy friendships and drive people away?  But, if you can just go complain to someone else and get them to attack the person, there’s no soul searching needed.
You are supposed to carefully consider yourself first. What is my real motive in this confrontation? Do I have a valid reason or is it just my pet peeve or OCD acting up again? Do I have a real relationship with this brother or sister, to be able to go to them in love? What will be the possible outcome? What’s the worst case scenario? Is it really sin? Could God be using this to grow me; and reveal flaws in me that I need to look at and confess to Him, so He can get that stuff out of me? What is really going on with this brother or sister?
Do you see the self reflection that should come from this situation? Next, it should lead a person to search the scriptures, and pray to the Lord for the Holy Spirit to show them what the Word says on the subject. A believer must go to a person in love, but also realize that they are going to them in the authority of the Lord. If not, then don’t go to them. Just leave it alone instead. Pray for them, and forgive them within yourself.
Believers are supposed to be focused on their own walk with God, not worrying about what others are doing. “Am I my brother’s keeper?”  God never answered this question, but there are other places in scripture that shows we are to be concerned with the lives of others as well. However, the scriptures also show that there are ways to do this.
First, focus on your own walk. Mind your own business. You are as much a sinner as anyone else, remember that. What if God decided to be as picky toward you as you are to others? What if He decided to strike you every time you sin? Consider this. Then show grace, like God does. He is teaching you grace. Second, there are times when someone does something to you that needs to be dealt with. Pray about it, and then go to the person alone, in love with scriptures to support you if needed. Do not let it become an argument. Say your piece, then listen to their reply, then answer again, and listen to their reply, then start to work your way out of the situation.
Also, sometimes the Lord will bring someone else’s sin to your attention. There are many reasons for this. First, maybe he is using someone else’s sin to teach you something about yourself.  Second, He wants you to pray for the person caught in sin. That is always the case. Third, if God continues to burden you with the sin, then you must prepare yourself with prayer and self reflection, and scripture. Then, if the burden remains and you know you are being called by God to go to the person, then go in love. Hopefully you already have a relationship with the person.  This is important.
If the person refuses to hear you, then you take it before 2 or 3 others. This is when you would go to the pastor or other leader, as well as mutual friends. Now, “refuses to hear you” does not mean that they refuse to obey your wishes or views. They might have valid reasons, and even scripture for why they are doing what they have done. That’s what talking alone will resolve.
Next, if the person won’t listen, then take it to the church, and then treat them as a publican or sinner; which basically means that you love them and pray for them but reduce fellowship with them. This is done to protect the church from falling prey to the same sin the person has committed, or to protect the offender from getting hurt as well in some other way. The hope is that eventually God, will bring all parties to their senses, and the relationship will be healed.
Churches are a gathering of believers. They are a body, which has a purpose. That purpose is to reach others for Christ, and to strengthen each other, to make us more effective soldiers in this war. We need to follow the Spirit, and learn how to conduct ourselves in ways that won’t drive others away from Christ, or from the Body.  I’m not saying that we must conform to the standards the world sets on us; I’m saying that there are simple methods in the Bible, laid down by the Lord Himself that can help us prevent trouble before it starts; if we only will do it.
How people are treated within a church body is important for keeping believers on a spiritual path and drawing closer to the Lord and others in the body. Not driving them away into the world where the Enemy seeks to devour them. Great resentment exists in the hearts of many who turned to the Lord, and God’s children at a church drove them away.

Stop doing it. 


Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called “The Future is Coming” and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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Photo by the Author. A bridge over swampy waters on a trail in Southern Illinois.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

I Die Daily

 I Die Daily

Spiritual Truth by Chris Bunton

There’s a verse in the Scriptures which says, “I die daily”. (1 Cor. 15:31)

It is a small quote, within the context of a larger concept, but it’s a powerful tool for life improvement and spiritual growth.

We often wake up in the middle of the night, or in the morning, full of anxiety. Our mind races after problems, troubles, worries, plans, goals, mistakes, and depression.

But, if every morning we make the simple act of “dying” a reality, then none of these things matter.

Let me explain. This is not real death, although, in a way it is. When we say ” I die to self today.” And we believe it and accept it, a transformation occurs in our mind.

When we announce to ourself. “I die to self today. I am going to live for God and others.” Our focus moves from ourself to God and others.

We then live that day focused on serving God and others.

How can you serve God and others?

You serve God by being a vessel for Him to do His work through, to save and help others.

Our will. Our selfishness. Our sin, prevents that.

So, where are your hurts at? What has God brought you through? Drug addiction? Health issues? Divorce? Job loss? Prison? Homelessness? Death of a loved one? Suicidal thoughts?

These things are an indication of where we can let God work through us to help others.

When we die daily, we open ourselves up to see the hurt in others. We are not looking at ourselves, but outwards.

By doing this, it also works to heal us of what we struggle with. 

 We are what we think about all day long.

If our thoughts are always on depression, trouble, suicide, drug use, fear, desire, loss or anything else that hurts us, then it becomes magnified, or can manifest into our lives even more.

Dying daily can get our head out of those things.

I am not saying it’s easy. But, if you make a habit of dying daily to self, and speaking positive things to yourself, it can make a huge difference in your life.

In Christian concepts, we turn to God and give ourselves to Him. By doing this we die with Jesus Christ, and are buried with Him, and rise from the dead with Him.

When we believe this, and put our faith in Christ, confessing that Jesus is the Lord, it cleanses us and we are reborn.

Think about it. When we die, nothing can hurt us. Nothing can be against us. Because we are dead.

Imagine the freedom that brings. All the pain, all the rules, and all the evil of this life does not really hurt us.

We are not of this world, and the suffering here ends in death.

Dying daily is a powerful tool for life improvement, it will transform you. Giving yourself to Christ will transform you in ways you can only hope for.

(1 Cor. 15:31)


Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called “The Future is Coming” and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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Photo is by the writer, it’s an abandoned railroad tunnel in Southern Illinois. Tunnel Hill Trail, Shawnee National Forest.