Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Does God Feel Distant?

 Does God Feel Distant?

He's Not.


There are times in our lives when we feel that God has abandoned us. It seems that He doesn’t hear and we don’t feel His presence or see His movements in our lives.

I have experienced the same.

God has opened my eyes to the reality of it, and I have listened to Him and grown in Him.

The matter is an issue of faith.

I want you to read this verse.

“But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.”—Matt. 12:36

Now a lot of preachers want to use this verse to impose fear.

But, I want you to see that Jesus is telling us that God hears every word. God is so close to us and so interested in us, that every word we say will be shown back to us when we see Him.

If you are saved and know Him, then this is not a scary thing. It spurs us to greater things.

So, read this verse and believe it. Believe it like God is standing before you telling it to you.

We are made righteous and our faith comes when we believe the Word God has given us. (Rom.10:17, Rom. 4:3)

So, when we think God is not listening or doesn’t hear, we can stand on this verse and say.

“No! God hears every idle word!” And believe it.

It’s not like sending a text message to a friend and we don’t hear back. So, we think “Did he get the text?”

God got it. We can KNOW he got it, because of this verse. We put our faith in it and Him.

Daniel prayed and heard nothing back. Till finally an angel came and said. We got your prayer the minute you started praying. And I came to answer but had to fight through the Enemy to get here. (Dan. 10:1-21)

Trust God. Trust His Word.

Our relationship with God is based upon faith. Our faith grows when we trust his Word and stand on it, and see Him move in our lives

Satan is working to keep you from trusting Him. To keep you from knowing Him. He seeks to destroy you and keep your faith weak. To keep you from the battlefield.

This why we cannot trust our feelings. We are flesh. We have a corrupted nature. We live in a world that is full of distraction, and we have an enemy trying to destroy us.

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”—Prov. 3:5-6

When everything tells us God has abandoned us and is not listening. When the enemy whispers into our mind that we sin too much for God, or that God has left us or even that He is testing us.

We can stand on the promises of God. We can rely on His Word and the things He has done for us in the past. That is our testimony. (Rev. 12:11)

So we say “No! I trust in the Lord. I’m leaning on Him and the Word says He will direct my paths!”

Believe it. Faith is the oil for our lamps.

Why do I say that you must say it out loud?

Have you seen movies where two armies oppose each other and a general rides on a horse in front of his men and gives them great words of encouragement?

He is building faith. He is building encouragement. He is trying to drive out fear and stir up morale for the coming battle.

“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” —(Rom. 10:17)

When we speak the Word, we also hear the Word and it stirs up our faith in us if we are willing to believe it. Speaking the Word causes things to happen in reality. God says “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”—(Isa 55:11)

God’s Word says “I will never leave you nor forsake you”—Heb. 13:5

He is with us. Believe it. Say it to yourself.

“God will never leave me nor forsake me.”

Believe it. Drive the fear and doubt away.

Will the Shepherd abandon the Sheep? ( Psalm 23)

No. He leads us to still waters. He protects us with his rod. His staff comforts us.

Because He is with us. We believe it and know it. He is here.

Do you know the Shepherd?

None of this matters if you’ve never turned to Him and asked Him to save you. It’s the same faith. He calls us and we realize that we need Him.

Then, we hear the Word He gives us and we believe it and turn to Him. Asking Him to save us. Then, He washes us clean in the Blood of Jesus Christ and we are saved and begin to grow in Him. Just ask Him to save you. (Rom.10:9-10)

This world is tough. But, the toughness of this world is designed to cause us to turn to Him. Because He is our only Hope.

He is with us.

Believe it. No matter what things look like.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

Follow Him on Medium: https://chris-bunton.medium.com/

Follow Him on Free Life Blog: https://myfreelifeblog.com/

Read His Spiritual Writings on Blogger: https://chrisbunton.blogspot.com/

Support the work for the cost of a Coffee

Support the work through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=13514235&fan_landing=true&view_as=public

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Sunday, October 13, 2024

How Do We Forgive?

 How Do We Forgive?

Forgiveness sets us free.


We are called to forgive others. It is one of the hardest things we can be called to do.

“But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Matt. 6:15

We see an example of this in the parable of the servant who owed the King.

He could not pay the debt, so the king forgave him. Then, the servant turned around and refused to forgive a fellow servant, so the king removed his forgiveness and punished the unforgiving servant. —(Matt. 18:23-35)

This is scary business.

So, what do we do?

Well, like everything in life we turn to God. We ask him to teach us wisdom and lead us into all truth. (Prov. 3:5-6, James 1:5 John 16:13)

First we need to see what the ultimate forgiveness is. What forgiveness does the King offer?

Jesus Christ coming and dying on the cross for our sins. Dying to offer forgiveness to those who hate Him and killed Him. He says “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:24)

That is our image of forgiveness. To die, in order to forgive those who hate us and hurt us.

But hold on because God does not offer a general forgiveness. You must come to Him and bow the knee and ask him to save you and forgive you. You must confess Him as Lord. You must turn to Him. (Romans 10:9-10)

Do you remember Judas? Was he forgiven? He was a betrayer?

If he had ran to Jesus and ask for forgiveness, he would have been forgiven. But, we have no record of him doing that.

When you look at what God does, and you look at the parable in Matthew 18:23-35

You will see a pattern. In every case the guilty party asks for forgiveness, and/or offers to make things right. Then, forgiveness is given. Then, mercy is given.

Notice in the parable of the unforgiving servant.

“But the same servant went out, and found one of his fellowservants, which owed him an hundred pence: and he laid hands on him, and took him by the throat, saying, Pay me that thou owest. And his fellowservant fell down at his feet, and besought him, saying, Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all. And he would not: but went and cast him into prison, till he should pay the debt.” (Matt. 18:28-30)

The unforgiving servant, made it a point to go out and find any servant who owed him in a very small matter. Then, demanded payment. He refused to forgive, and sent the man to prison. This is a complete heart issue. This person did not understand the forgiveness offered. This person never knew the King.

Are you hunting down the person who owes you? Is it a petty matter? Are you choking them and demanding repayment for something that you no longer owe? (Remember the king forgave the debt. This is not about getting money to repay. This is strictly revenge.) Did the person ask forgiveness? Did you give it? Did the punishment for the crime outweigh the pettiness of the crime? Are you wrong? Have you really sought God?

These are questions to ask yourself when you wonder if you are really forgiving someone.

So let’s look at a practical example.

Someone does something wrong to you. What should we do as believers?

We turn to God and ask Him to help us. (Prov. 3:5-6, James 1:5 John 16:13)

We settle the matter with God. We say “Father forgive them for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:24)

We let them off the hook between us, them and God.

We look at what we’ve done. We try to fix it. If we’ve done wrong, we fix it as best we can.

We offer forgiveness to the offender as best as we can between us and God.

That’s all we can do. Our goal is to be right with God.

We cannot force the person to accept the forgiveness or to reestablish a relationship. All we can do is offer. Just like God offers.

Jesus tells us that we are to go to the person and try to resolve it. (Matt. 18:15-17 (Sometimes we can’t do this. It can cause more harm or damage. Sometimes it is impossible, they are dead or have removed themselves.)

But, remember our goal is to be right with God. You’ll notice that the verses to forgive are in the same chapter as the verse instructing us to go to our brother to solve the problem. Matthew 18. Forgiveness involves a willingness to resolve.

The bottom line is a willingness to forgive and to be right with God. It is about turning to God and asking Him to help with the forgiveness. This is the same with anything. If you were addicted to drugs, would you not turn to God and ask Him to forgive and help? This is the relationship we have with Him. He helps us.

All we can do is to be right between us and God. We cannot force anyone else to do anything. We listen to the Holy Spirit and let Him guide us in what to do. We follow the Word as best we can, with an honest heart with God.

If a chance comes to express forgiveness or to make right, then we do it.

This is what we do between us and God. No matter what.

But, what about Justice?

What about protecting others?

What about fighting evil?

Let’s say you are a member of a church since you were a child, and let’s say that certain members of the church did sinful things to you. Things that impacted your faith. Things that ruined your life. Things that were illegal. Things that hurt others.

Do you just forgive them and let it go and move on?

You can, but what if you hear that they keep damaging other people? They keep driving people from Christ. They allow others to suffer from the illegal things they do? They stand in the pulpit demanding that you forgive while they themselves have refused to forgive and destroyed others? They treat others as less than them?

Let’s say there’s a child molester in the church or neighborhood. Do you just let it go?

Do you forgive them and let them hurt others?

Let’s say you have a bad employer or manager who destroys your life. They have done it to others and continue to do so. They break laws and treat workers terrible. Do you just forgive and move on? Do you let your employer continue to mistreat people and break laws, because they think they are above the law?

Perhaps God allowed this to happen so that you will stand up and do something. Maybe someone prayed 5 years ago for God to help, and you are the help God sent. Maybe?

If a drunk driver kills your daughter do you just let them continue to drive drunk and kill others? You can forgive, but what about others?

Doesn’t the authority bear the sword for the evil doer? Isn’t that from God? (Romans 13:1-8)

This is why we turn to God in all matters, but especially in the matter of forgiveness. We forgive between us and God, then we follow His Spirit as He guides us. We pray, and watch. We do what He leads.

This is part of our relationship with Him. But, these are serious questions.

“Revenge is mine, I will repay, sayeth the Lord.” —Romans 12:19

Does that mean we just pray and wait for God to move, while someone continues to hurt others? We can forgive for what was done to us and let it go, but is it love to just let them do evil to others?

Forgiveness is a hard thing for believers to navigate. This is why we let God direct our paths.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

Follow Him on Medium: https://chris-bunton.medium.com/

Follow Him on Free Life Blog: https://myfreelifeblog.com/

Read His Spiritual Writings on Blogger: https://chrisbunton.blogspot.com/

Support the work for the cost of a Coffee

Support the work through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=13514235&fan_landing=true&view_as=public

Photos by the author

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Our Peace

 Our Peace

Our Peace Comes Through Knowing Him


“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”—Phil. 4:6-7

You’ve seen the slogan

“Know Jesus. Know Peace.
No Jesus. No Peace.”

But, what does it really mean and how do you obtain it?

It’s about having a relationship with Him.

It’s not about Faith, or Trust or Believing.

These things matter and are the first steps needed. They are important.

But, you can put your faith, trust and belief in a rock, and it won’t save you. It won’t bring you real peace.

You must have a relationship with Him. A relationship is give and take.

Faith, Belief and Trust is not. It is one way.

“O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.”—Psalm 34:8

You are “Blessed” when you trust, believe and have faith in Him. That blessing is the relationship that comes from it. All the treasures in the world is nothing compared to the relationship.

“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”—Heb. 11:6

When we put our faith in Him He rewards us when we diligently seek Him.

That’s relationship. We don’t stop at faith. We don’t stop at trust or belief, we move forward into knowing Him and having a relationship with Him. Our faith must lead to relationship.

We believe God’s Word, and stand on it in times of trouble. Then we see God move and we grow in faith and relationship with Him. This brings peace as we remember how He has been with us in the past. We have seen Him move.

Remember, the demons of hell believe and tremble, because they do not confess Him as Lord, they are in rebellion. They do not have a relationship with Him. Many people pray to receive Christ, but never really know Him. They never grow in Faith or have a relationship with Him. (James 2:19)

God calls us. When we hear. When we believe, and turn to Him. Putting our faith and trust in Him, confessing Jesus as our Lord. Trusting Him alone for salvation. God places us IN Christ Jesus. (Romans 10:9-10)

Jesus died for us. When we ask to be saved and confess Him as Lord, God places us within that salvation. He puts us on that Ark of protection. He washes us with His Blood. We die with Christ, and are born again with Him. That’s what it means to be IN Christ Jesus. Our peace comes by being IN Him. It comes through Him, not us.

But, if you do not have a relationship, can you really say you are in Him? Can you really expect to get anything like peace, through Him?

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”—Eph. 2:8-10

We are saved by God’s Grace. Not works. We are saved through faith so we can do good works IN Christ Jesus. The good works are based in our relationship with Him. We are yoked together with Him in relationship and service to God and others.

Ok, so what about Peace?

Well, when we are saved we receive the Holy Spirit.

God’s Spirit comes to dwell with us and in us. He comforts us and teaches us.

He helps us in our relationship with God (Himself).

He brings us gifts and develops fruit in our life.

If we do not quench His work. (1 Thess. 5:19)

“…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”—Gal. 5:22-23

When the Holy Spirit works in us He develops this fruit if we do not fight Him, or do things to stop it.

Remember, we are fallen beings. So we must develop the fruit because it is not natural for us.

Think of an adult who suffers an injury and must go to rehab to relearn the most basic things. How to walk. How to eat. How to use their hands.

It’s tough. It’s painful. It takes time. This is how the Holy Spirit develops His fruit in us.

This develops the relationship.

Understand that the Fruit is the Fruit of the Spirit. It’s not ours. It’s not our flesh. It’s Him in us. This is why we fail at times. We fall back into our old self. Our flesh.

So, if we are really saved, and really seeking Him. Then, things will come into our lives that will cause us to turn to Him, and the Holy Spirit will use it to grow fruit in us.

We learn to love because God has shown us that He loves us.

We have peace because God has shown us a thousand times that He is there with us and everything will be fine.

We have joy because we see Him again.

We have patience because we know Him and can wait on Him forever, because he has taught us to.

We know goodness, gentleness and faith because we have learned it by seeing Him working in our lives, and how he treats us and others.

We have temperance, because we need nothing but Him.

We learn Meekness through brokenness and being rebuilt by Him.

All of this is the relationship, and because of the relationship.

We confess our sins to Him and trust Him. (1 John 1:9)

We pray to Him and trust Him.

We see Him move, over and over again. And know Him.

Now we look at the verse in Philippians, and rightly divide it based upon relationship.

“Be careful for nothing; “…Because we know Him. We know He is with us and loves us.

“but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”…We can discuss anything with our Father. He is on our side. He is with us and knows how best to help us. We give thanksgiving because we believe His promise “Whatsoever you ask in my name I will do.” (John 14:14) So we thank Him, knowing He is moving.

“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”… We have peace because we know Him and we have his Holy Spirit. That peace is greater than anything in this world, because God is greater, and we know Him and are known of Him. He is with us and in us. Remind yourself of this. But, remember it’s because we are IN Christ Jesus. It’s because we pray in His name. It’s through Him that we have life, salvation and everything. This is our peace.

We trust that whatever God does with our prayer to Him will be fine. He loves us, “And we know that ALL things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” —-(Romans 8:28)

If you are saved, then you are called. If you have the Holy Spirit then you have love for God, and it is being developed in you.

So, why do I not have peace? You might ask.

When you exercise or lift weights you come to a point of muscle failure. A point where you can’t lift anymore. A point where you strain. But if you keep working you will eventually lift that weight with ease.

The Holy Spirit is developing fruit in you. It is like exercise. You will be pushed and grow from it.

We turn to God and He helps us, and we see Him moving and our faith grows, our peace grows, our love for Him grows. See?

That’s relationship. He is with us and nothing else matters.

Always turn to God, and He will be there and comfort you and help you, and you will grow from it. Like a spotter in the Gym who puts his hands on the bar. He’s got you. He shouts encouragement. You are ok, just tough it out and trust the one who has your back.

And you will have more peace.

Remind yourself of His promises as you watch Him move in your life.

We encounter something in our life. We lean on the promises God has given. We speak them out loud and faith grows. We see God move and we grow to trust Him more, and this brings peace.

Trust Him. Study His Word. Trust His Word.

He’s got you. And that brings peace.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

Follow Him on Medium: https://chris-bunton.medium.com/

Follow Him on Free Life Blog: https://myfreelifeblog.com/

Read His Spiritual Writings on Blogger: https://chrisbunton.blogspot.com/

Support the work for the cost of a Coffee

Support the work through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=13514235&fan_landing=true&view_as=public

Photos by the author

Sunday, October 6, 2024

What is Predestination?

 What is Predestination?

Don't be Confused.


There are some verses in the Bible which speak of predestination and have led to many false and confusing beliefs in regards to it.

“Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,”—Eph 1:5

“In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:”—Eph. 1:11

There are folks who have used these verses to justify and teach the belief that God; being sovereign allows people to be born, who are predestinated to be thrown into hell. There is nothing to be done by them to change it.

Likewise some people are born to be saved, they claim.

I have never believed this. Something in this doctrine causes my spirit to reject it. It makes the idea of preaching and spreading the Gospel, or trying to follow God, pointless.

I know those people who believe in predestination have their arguments and verses.

But, I’d like to show what I perceive to be true, from the Word. Of course we cannot prove for a fact any of these things. But, I’d like to get as close to God’s character and the Word as I can.

ALL humans are predestinated before and at birth to be saved. They just don’t all make it through. Don’t fly off the handle, I’m not speaking of a general salvation here. keep reading.

“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Pet. 3:9)

This is Peter talking. He walked with the Lord. If everyone is predestinated at birth to Heaven or Hell, then whats the point of this verse? What’s the point of God desiring for all humans to turn to Him, if they are already doomed or saved from birth?

What I’m going to teach here will probably be different than what you’ve heard or been taught. But, we are called to avoid false teaching. This subject has a lot of false doctrine around it.

Look in the Bible. When God created the Earth He predestinated that all humans would be with Him. He made everything “Good”. All humans would be in the Garden of God with God forever. But, the fall came and corrupted humans. It destroyed the original plan. God’s original intent is that we would be with Him.

Now apply this same concept to each of our lives. We are created in the womb and born in a right standing with God until we fall personally. We are all subject to death because of Adam, but we are only subject to Hell because of our own personal fall. Just like the creation story. It is a picture of our own spiritual life.

Adam and Eve, and all of creation has Free Will, but God made everything as though humans would never fall. He still treats us as though we will be with Him. Even though He knows the future. That’s love.

Even though God knows the future and knew Adam and Eve would fall. And He knows each of us will fall. He does the good, loving thing anyway.

God is Love. He does Good, no matter what. All things work for the good of those who love God. But, His good turns to bad in those who are opposed to Him.(1 John 4:8, Romans 8:28)

Have you ever heard of the Book of Life? (Phil. 4:3, Rev. 3:5, Rev. 13:8, Rev. 17:8, Rev. 20:12-15, 21:27, 22:19)

This is a book that holds the names of all the people who are saved.

It’s my belief that God put every humans name in the Book of Life.

All humans are predestinated for salvation.

Do babies go to hell?

No. They have a right standing with God. 

They face death because of Adam’s fall, but they do not face eternal separation until they reach the age of accountability and willfully, knowingly choose to Sin. They do not understand law and consequences. (Rom. 5:13)

When a person reaches the age of accountability and chooses to willfully sin, their name is blotted out of the book. They die spiritually and are headed for hell and the lake of fire. This is eternal separation from God, because they have become corrupt and defiled by Sin. That’s what death is. Separation. Eternal death is a quarantine. (Ex 32:32-33, Psa. 69:28, Rev. 3:5)

All humans sin, fall and face Hell. Until they hear God’s call and turn to Him, for salvation, confessing Jesus is The Lord. (Romans 10:9-10, Romans 1:6-7, Rom. 2:4, )

The moment a person’s name is blotted out of the Book of Life, God immediately starts to pursue them in Love. Seeking to save them. Calling them to turn to Him.

If they hear, and turn, God saves them. Then, they can see the predestination. They can see that God originally had them, then pursued them and woke them up.

Once saved a person can see this. They can see how God worked in their life and that He was always with them and trying. Then God, guides them into the life He predestinated for them. (Eph 1:5, Eph. 1:11)

They receive a new life. They are a new person. They are born again. They have a new name written in the Lambs Book of Life. (John 3:3-5, 2 Cor. 5:17, Isa 66:2, Rev. 2:17. Rev. 3:12, Throughout scripture the Lord has given the Saints new names.)


Many people refuse to accept God’s call. All people hear it. But, not everyone turns to God. (Matt. 13:3-23)

God keeps trying. But, not everyone makes it. Not everyone turns to Him. (repent)

God predestinates everyone to salvation. But not everyone accepts it.

Why does this matter?

Because people need to know that they have free will.

They have a choice and can choose God and be saved and set free.

Many of the teachings of predestination, lead people to believe that there’s no way to change things. They are just doomed, or a loved one was just condemned, with no hope.

That is not the case.

God calls everyone to turn to Him and be saved.(2 Pet. 3:9)

Have you called on Him? (Rom. 10:13)

What I’ve told you here is what the Bible seems to teach on Predestination. It is based in God’s character. He loves us and acts in such a way to assume we will not fail and will be with Him. He pursues us and works to save us. Then, when we turn to Him we can see how He has worked in our lives and we know He was always there, trying. That is what Paul means by predestination. That is what I’m speaking of here. (Eph 1:5, Eph. 1:11)

Turn to God. He is there.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

Follow Him on Medium: https://chris-bunton.medium.com/

Follow Him on Free Life Blog: https://myfreelifeblog.com/

Read His Spiritual Writings on Blogger: https://chrisbunton.blogspot.com/

Support the work for the cost of a Coffee

Support the work through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=13514235&fan_landing=true&view_as=public

Photos by the author

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

You Are Not Cast Out

 You Are Not Cast Out

God is working, even when it doesn’t seem like it.


Verse:  “All that the father gives me shall come to me; and him that comes to me I will in no wise cast out. —John 6:37

I failed in my life; and like so many others I had asked God to save me when I was young.  I went to church and I asked God to save me as a child, but then life happened, and I got worse and worse. I’m not the only one. I have spoken to so many people who have asked God to save them, and help them. But, then they failed; and they could not keep right, not even for a day. They could not measure up to the standards the church people or family or friends put them under.  I was the same.

We start going to church and we see the people who pretend to be perfect, and we don’t measure up. Our life is rough. We don’t have all the church boxes marked, so we feel judged. We feel that we cannot do what God wants us to do. We hear sermons, where we are constantly beat down and fail. So, we quit. We just give up and go back to living. We can't do the church thing.

But, God did not give up on me. Every tough time in my life, was God working in me trying to get me to listen to Him. Every good time, was God showing me He cared. He was with me, even though I ignored Him until I really needed Him. There are so many people walking around who think God has cast them out. He hasn’t. If you asked Him to save you, He has, and He is working.

Now, imagine you hired a contractor to save your crumbling house, and make it great. But, you forgot you hired someone. Yet, you come home and trip over boards lying around. You step in wet concrete. You get mad because of the noise, and cannot figure out what’s going on. Your roof is gone one day, and some unexpected rain gets in the house. Another day, you feel nice and warm because all the drafts have been sealed, and you have new windows, and new insulation.  You never see someone working, but something is up.

You can’t figure out what’s going on because you forgot that you made a contract with a Master Builder. He comes and works every day. But, even when he leaves the project to sit for a while, it’s for a purpose. The concrete is drying. The drywall mud is drying. The landscaping is growing. But, the Contractor is still working.

This happened to me, I prayed to receive Christ when I was young, and I got worse. I never realized the truth of it. But, I knew that He answered my prayers. Finally, He woke me up, through life’s breaking power, and I threw myself on Him. Then I started to learn of Him, and grow in Him. Now I see the boards on the ground, and the wet concrete. I enjoy seeing the landscape grow; because I’ve let Him teach me, and wake me up. I’ve studied The Builders Manual. I’ve been taught by the Spirit.

Now I can look back at my life and see that He was there, and working all along. No matter what family said, no matter what the church said, no matter what friends and enemies said. God was there working, and He never abandoned me. No matter how bad I am, He is there working as He promised. Even still today, He is there. Everything that happens to me is Him working in some way. Turn to Him, and learn of Him. Ask Him to save you and teach you His ways. Listen to His still small voice and follow Him. I know it’s hard. Tell Him it’s hard, and that you need Him to do it. Then, watch Him move.

He works on us. He grows us. He does not cast us aside.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

Follow Him on Medium: https://chris-bunton.medium.com/

Follow Him on Free Life Blog: https://myfreelifeblog.com/

Read His Spiritual Writings on Blogger: https://chrisbunton.blogspot.com/

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Support the work through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=13514235&fan_landing=true&view_as=public

Photos by the author

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Who is a Liar?

 Who is a Liar?

The Answer Might Surprise You.


“He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”—Rev. 21:7-8

This is a haunting verse at the very end of the Bible.

Let’s rightly divide the word. (2 Tim. 2:15)

First, we must look at the first verse because it basically cancels out the rest. If you really turn to God because you hear His call and Confess Jesus as your Lord. You are saved.

“Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?”—1 John 5:5

That’s what it says.

After salvation, God will work in our lives to change us and sanctify us if we have really turned to Him. Our faith will grow, if we are really with Him.

But, “the fearful and unbelieving” in the verse are those who have been too afraid to give up their life and turn to Christ. People who are too afraid of what people might think. Afraid to lose business and friends or family.

The unbelieving are those who refuse to put their faith in the Lord. They hear the call and refused.

Next we see a list of sinful actions, all of which God warns us about in the Word. But, all of which are sins that keep us from turning to God.

“abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters,”

All these can be saved if they turn to God and confess Jesus as Lord. But, these sins make it extra hard for a person to break free.

An abominable lifestyle is hard to stop.

A murderer has refused to forgive. And instead chose to kill. Remember Jesus said, “ For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”—Matt. 6:14-15

This is talking about actual murder and murder in the heart. What we would call 1st degree murder. It’s also talking about people who have absolutely no regard for the lives of others at all.

A whoremonger is a pimp. A person who is a sex trafficker and exploits other people to survive, and for profit. It’s difficult to get out of this life. Like the Abominable there is a demonic presence in this type of thing.

The Sorcerer and Idolater have basically turned to other Gods for help and salvation. They have not turned to Christ. They have never had a relationship with Him.

That brings us to “Liars”.

This terrifies us because we have all lied. We have all told lies in our lives. Whether we want to admit it or not. We try to justify it. We try to make it “White Lies”. We lie because of fear. We lie to save ourselves and others. We share things we have not seen or proven.

We lie.

But, God clarifies in His Word who is a liar.

“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.”—1 John 2:22

So again, God tells us that the only people who are liars are those who have rejected Christ.


Because if you have accepted Christ, then your sin is washed away and you are hid in Him.

You do not sin because your sins are no longer held to your account. It’s not about what you do, it’s about your position in Christ.

“Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.”— 1 John 3:9

In chapter one, John tells us to confess our sins. (1 John 1:8-10)

In chapter three, he tells us that those in Christ do not sin. These two ideas do not work together, unless he is talking about something else.

Clearly he is saying “We do not sin in the eyes of God. Because we are saved.” He is not saying we do not commit sins. That wouldn’t go with the need to confess our sins to God.

We are saved. We confess our sins to wash our feet.

John wrote Revelation and First John. When he says “All Liars” in Revelation 21:7-8 he is speaking of those who have rejected Christ. The Holy Spirit ties these together.

The only reason anyone is condemned is because they reject Christ. They have never been cleansed of Sin.

That’s it.

Jesus said, “ Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.” —Matt. 10:32-33

Do you know Him? Have you confessed Him?

Turn to the Lord and let Him save you and grow you.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

Follow Him on Medium: https://chris-bunton.medium.com/

Follow Him on Free Life Blog: https://myfreelifeblog.com/

Read His Spiritual Writings on Blogger: https://chrisbunton.blogspot.com/

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Support the work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=13514235&fan_landing=true&view_as=public

Photos by the author

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

New eBook: The Latter Days

 The Latter Days

An eBook on Bible Prophecy


New Prophecy eBook Available

I have released my latest eBook “The Latter Days“.

It is available at Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, Kobo, Wal-Mart, and other major outlets. It is only available as an eBook at this time. Purchase HERE

It’s a collection of articles on Bible Prophecy. It speaks of the spirit of antichrist, the ancient past and how it has moved forward to building the New World Order today.

The book also leans toward helping people to get saved and avoid the deceptions that are coming upon the Earth, in these latter days.

Get your copy at most eBook sellers. (Except Amazon)

You can get my other eBooks online as well.

Made Free: Overcoming Addiction is a free ebook for addicts and family members or friends suffering with the addict. It gives new insight into addiction and ways to help overcome it, from someone who has been there. I have an addiction recovery Facebook page as well. Recover Freedom.

The Future is Coming, is a book of dystopian short stories I wrote about about the future and where we are heading. It is a warning in story form.

Against the Man, is a collection of poems that speaks of the plight and slavery of the worker in a beast system that seeks to devour the poor.

You can also support my work and ministry through PayPal, or through the links below.

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Through Patreon

Thank you for your support.

(photos and covers are created by the author)

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

Follow Him on Medium: https://chris-bunton.medium.com/

Follow Him on Free Life Blog: https://myfreelifeblog.com/

Read His Spiritual Writings on Blogger: https://chrisbunton.blogspot.com/

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Support the work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=13514235&fan_landing=true&view_as=public