Monday, September 11, 2023

Lessons From Eden

 Lessons From Eden

A Lesson on God's Character and Spiritual Truth


“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…”  These words begin the Holy Bible and the book of Genesis. There are so many lessons that can be gleaned from the book of creation, but here is a taste of its life giving truth. (Gen.1:1-Gen. 3:24)

1. God is God. He is the Creator and Lord. He knows what’s best. He is not surprised by anything. Everything that comes to us must pass through His hands, good or bad. It all comes by Him. Seek Him to learn why. Pray to Him, ask for Truth and Wisdom. Trust Him and wait for Him to teach you. (Gen. 1:1, John 14:26, Jam. 1:5, Rom. 8:28, Job 1:1-22, 2:1-13, Luke 22:31-32, Prov. 3:5-8)

2. God loves us. He provided for all our needs, and wants a relationship with us. We know this because we desire to seek spiritual things. We seek the divine and justice, in a world where there is none. He calls us. He draws us to Himself. (Gen 1:26-31, Gen. 2:18-25, Gen. 3:8-9, John 3:16, John 6:44)

3. God created us to have a purpose, each of us. We have work to do that God has given us. That work will involve serving others in some way, protecting, taking care of, healing, providing, leading, comforting, helping, and that extends to the environment around us. He places us where we are, and is willing to guide us further if we seek Him, and start working where we are in faith. (Gen. 2:15)

4. God wants our needs met. He provided healthy food, water, and bodies. In the Garden, He gave us peace, love, fruitful procreation and companionship. This is God’s ultimate will for us. Anything other than this is something God does not desire but is the result of this fallen world, our enemy, or choices we’ve made; or a combination of many things. Seek Him. (Gen. 1:27-31, Gen. 2:18, Matt. 6:25-34)

5. God wants us to rule; Not only the world, but our lives through Him; to stand up and fight for good; and to oppose evil. We are to protect the creation with love, and have victorious lives; all of this is done through His guidance. (Gen. 1:28-31, Gen. 2:15, Prov. 3:5-8, Phil. 4:13, Rom. 8:31-39, 1 John 4:4)

6. God gave us freewill, because He loves us and wants us to freely love Him. But, we are fallen, and the Plague of Sin has rushed upon us. It infects us, so that we are filthy and follow evil ways. We are totally corrupted, and are headed for death and eternal separation because of this plague upon us and the choices we have made. (Gen. 1:26-31, Gen.2:15-17, Gen. 3:1-24, Rom. 1:1-32, Rom. 2:9-26, Rev. 20:11-15)

7. God seeks us. He draws us to Himself to be cleansed of the Plague of Sin, and to have a relationship with Him that heals us on all levels. We can choose to listen and turn to Him or turn away. The door is open through Jesus Christ, whose blood washes away the Plague of Sin, and His resurrection brings new life. (Gen. 3:8-9, Gen 3:21, John 6:44, 1 Pet. 2:18-25, Rev. 3:20-22, Eph. 1:3-14, Col. 1:9-20, Rom. 10:9-10)

Just ask God. Seek Him.


Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming AddictionHis newest book is called "The Future is Coming" and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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Saturday, September 9, 2023

The Holy Spirit vs The Anti-Christ Spirit

 The Holy Spirit vs The Anti-Christ Spirit

Spiritual Warfare by Chris Bunton



 The spirit of antichrist is mentioned in God’s Word ( 1 John 2:18, 22,  1 John 4:1-6, 2 John 7 KJV) but very little is known of it.  It is rarely mentioned in sermons or teachings to the saints.   It is important to know what this is, because it is working in our world today.  This spirit is part of the enemy network that we face, and we must know our enemy, so that “we are not ignorant of his devices”  ( 2 Cor. 2:11)
     In essence, the spirit of antichrist does similar work as the Holy Spirit, only for a different cause.  Remember, the word “Anti” in the word Anti-Christ does not mean opposite or against necessarily, it means “instead of”.   Likewise, the antichrist spirit is a spirit that comes instead of the Holy Spirit, working to replace Jesus.  Understand, I am not saying it is the same spirit, but that it behaves in a similar manner.  Satan’s work, always mimics God’s work or creation, but is twisted.
     We must look at the traits of the Holy Spirit, and by doing so we can also see the traits of the spirit of antichrist.   Now, according to God’s Word, the Holy Spirit came to earth on the day of Pentecost, to dwell in the Apostles, and subsequent generations of believers, after the ascension of Jesus into heaven.  But, we also know that in old times, before the ascension, the Holy Spirit did work on the earth and came upon people for temporary purposes.  Such as prophesying, or driving Jesus into the wilderness.  (Acts 2:1-13,  Matt. 4:1, Mark 1:12, Numbers 11:26-29,  1 Sam. 10:9-12)           
      The antichrist spirit is a spirit from Satan, and we see it working after Jesus ascended as well. (1 John 2:18, 22, 1 John 4:1-6, 2 John 7)  Can we assume that this spirit became active at some point after the Holy Spirit came?   Can we also assume that this spirit was active in old times?   I do.  When we look at the ancient pantheons of gods in every people group on earth, do we not see Lucifer and his fallen angels who rule this fallen world?   Would not the antichrist spirit be moving at that time as well?  The enemy’s kingdom is a virtual mirror image of the Lord’s Kingdom.  “Instead of” is the key.   For example, an orphanage that helps kids, is a wonderful thing, they do good work.  But, if it is not done in the name of Jesus, under His kingdom banner, then it is “Instead of”.   I know this seems extreme, but we are in an extreme war.  It is all or nothing.  Imagine if our country had an ambassador that refused to fly our flag over his building?  But, instead flew a flag for every country.  It is important to proclaim the King.  Even if it is a church, it cannot be assumed they serve God.
      Many churches are “Instead of”.   They do good works, but the name of the King is just a side thing.  Am I saying that a Christian restaurant owner must call his business “Jesus’ House Of Pancakes“?  No.  But, the Lord would be served and represented in some way none the less, as the Holy Spirit leads them personally.  A person answers to the Lord.
      So, what is the job of the Holy Spirit?   He convicts people of Sin, Righteousness, and of Judgment In order to save them. (John 16:7-11)   Imagine a King with a vast kingdom, and a usurper who rose up and caused a portion of that kingdom to rebel against the King.  The King wants this rebellious land back.  But, He also must deal with the rebels.  So, He sends a decree to the rebellious land.  Saying “All is forgiven, simply confess Me as your Lord, and when I come to take back what is Mine, you will not be
swept away with the rebels.”  (Romans 10:9-10, Matt. 25:31-46)   The Holy Spirit works to save people.   He works to keep the saints on the straight path, serving the Lord and fighting the enemy.
      The antichrist spirit in essence does the same thing, but for Satan’s kingdom.  It works to keep people from being saved.  It convicts people of sin also, just enough to let a person say, “I’m not a bad person, I do good things” in order to keep them from turning to God. 
     It convicts of righteousness, but it is not a righteousness based upon believing God, it is a righteousness based upon doing good things, and avoiding the bad, often re-interpreting what is bad and what is good. It even convicts of Judgment, but it is a judgment based upon whether you have been really bad, or a “hope so” judgment, or a judgment based upon whether they are better than someone else.  Or a judgment based upon Karma.  All of this works to keep a person from turning to Jesus the King, to be saved.
     Another job of the Holy Spirit is to teach, or to bring into Truth.  He is called the Spirit of Truth. (John 15:26, John16:12-13, 1 John 2:27)  Likewise, the spirit of antichrist teaches the children of Satan.  He is called “the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience”, People who are not with the Lord, and serve the Enemy.  When I say “disobedience” I am not saying commit sins.  Every human sins.  I’m saying they do not serve the Lord. (Eph. 2:1-3).    The spirit of antichrist also brings his people into “truth”.   But, it is a lie. Back to our example of the orphanage, the antichrist spirit will agree with Christians that the orphanage needs to be built, and might even spearhead the work.  But, Jesus will be moved to the background.  See?   It is a truth that the orphanage is needed, and will help the children.  It is good.  No one can argue with that.  It’s True!   But, from Gods perspective it is not true, because it is not done in Jesus name.  It’s not for the Kingdom. Go ahead and build the orphanage if needed, but don’t pretend it’s for God, if His name isn’t on it or He’s not a part of it.
    Let us look at Noah.   God told him of a flood and to build an ark to save people, and animals; but what if the antichrist spirit had whispered into the mind of Noah.  “Yea hath God said….?”  Or “Did God really say?”  Then, it led Noah to add to, or take away from what God told him, Or to go to the right or left of it.  So, Noah builds an orphanage on stilts. An orphanage is good, it will save children, and putting it on stilts is wise, and would protect from a normal flood.   But, it is not what God told him to do, and it would have led to disaster.   See?   True, but not true.  Good, but not good.  The Enemy doesn’t care if you love people just don’t bring them to Jesus.  See?  Love is good.  It’s true.  But, it doesn’t save.  If it is not under the banner of the Lord, then it does not lead people to turn to Him.  That makes it false.  I understand this is very extreme, and I fail in it as well.
    The antichrist spirit will also seek to destroy the entire idea of Truth.  This is done by claiming that there is no absolute Truth.   That everything is relative and that there is no standard.   Claiming there is no absolute Truth is itself an absolute.   It is ridiculous.  This spirit creates another standard of what is considered good, such as political correctness.  It teaches another “truth” that it claims has been hidden by the Church, so they can control the masses, fulfill greed or oppress.   Understand, it is the antichrist spirit, which has infiltrated the church that does these things.  The only Truth the real Church holds is Jesus Christ and Him crucified, there is nothing to hide.  (1 Cor. 2:1-5)
     The other job of the Holy Spirit is to teach and use the saints to build the Kingdom of God on earth, and fight the enemy.   Likewise, the antichrist spirit teaches and uses his children to build the Anti-Christ Kingdom, and wage war against the saints. 
     Let’s go back in history, and move forward.  When we look in the book of Daniel we see the king had a dream of an idol.  This idol had different sections of different types of materials, a gold head, silver chest, etc., each section representing a different kingdom in human history. But, the statue is one statue. It tells us that even though they are different human kingdoms, they are all one kingdom ruled by Satan from the beginning, when Adam handed dominion over to him. (Daniel 2:1-49, Gen. 3:1-24)    The antichrist spirit has worked to infiltrate every human institution with his children, or even to create new institutions, teaching its doctrines through religion, academia, science, and all forms of media. Starting before the Flood, then Sumer, Babylon, and Egypt where humans found writings not destroyed by the Flood, and were taught by the antichrist spirit, unclean spirits, demons and fallen angels. Mystery schools, esoteric knowledge, a vein of belief that has worked to build the world kingdom for Lucifer, even to this modern day.  Through false religions, philosophies and secret societies  moving through time, ancient writings, plays, art, magik, alchemy even growing into modern science, music, modern publishing, “news” , movies, tv programming, universities, public schools, all spreading the belief system that existed from before the Flood.  This antichrist spirit moves and works through people to accomplish the goals of Lucifer in building the Anti-Christ kingdom.  Of course, God uses these mediums as well. He uses schools, and art, and music, etc.  I am not condemning science, or schools, or any of the things mentioned. They are tools or mediums for delivering a message. The message is what matters. 
     The antichrist spirit created different religions to counter God’s work and Christianity later on.  It helped infiltrate the church and create a false church, or fill good churches with false doctrine, false leaders and followers.  When we read the New Testament we can see that the Apostle Paul is constantly fighting against a false belief system that kept popping up.   This was the workings of the antichrist spirit and its agents.
     Government likewise, has been taken over and filled with those who listen to the promptings of this spirit, who are taught and led by it. For centuries, this has occurred Popes, Kings, Queens, Emperors, Tsars, Chiefs, Senators, Presidents and even the common folk in important positions, led by this spirit. 
     Finance and business is led by this spirit as well, binding the world in debt, controlling it, dictating behind the scenes what will occur, leading it to an eventual conclusion of economic collapse and the introduction of a new economic system. This will be tied to the Mark of the Beast, and requiring an acceptance of Lucifer and this ancient belief system. This spirit is working to build a global corporate business network that will help be the infrastructure for the control system of the Beast. What will be viewed and praised as a good thing, and the ultimate solution, will actually be total control and spiritual death.
       All of this working to build the Anti-Christ Kingdom, so the Anti-Christ can do his final work.  To rule as god.  To be worshiped as god.  This antichrist spirit is even helping to build the Temple of God, so he can sit in the Temple as god. (Eze 28:1-19,  Isa 14:12-20,  Dan. 11:36, 2 Thess. 2:1-12).   Are all humans involved?  Yes, some knowingly, and some not.  Like the Holy Spirit, the spirit of antichrist has his ministers.  They are people who are gifted and operate within their field to help build the Utopian Global System.   Or those who are just doing their jobs, not knowing it will lead to the final world system.  Does not the politician who passes laws that will open the doors to enemy rule, help build the kingdom?  Whether he knows it or not?  Does not the businessman help the kingdom when he obeys certain ideologies in his business or embrace certain restrictions or technologies?   Whether he realizes it or not, does he not help in the building?  Or perhaps the church that accepts tax exempt status, which silences and eventually controls them?   Are they not helping?  Whether knowingly or unknowingly?   Or the consumer who buys certain products, or watches certain shows that brainwashes them. Are they not helping?  What about votes? Is a voter responsible when they unknowingly vote an agent of Lucifer into power, locally or nationally?   Have they not helped?  They might not be guilty, but they have helped.
     In the Gospels we see the Holy Spirit working from the beginning.   He comes into John the Baptist from birth, and makes him a prophet whose job it is to “Make His paths straight” Preparing a way for the Lord.  (Matt. 3:1-3, Luke 1:8-15)Likewise, the spirit of antichrist will eventually fill a person who will be a prophet.  That prophet will be the False Prophet of Revelation.   It will be this prophet’s job, to prepare the way, to make the paths straight, for Satan’s Messiah, the Anti-Christ.   The False Prophet will point out who this Anti-Christ is, calling him the Messiah, Christ, An Ascended Master incarnate, Jesus reincarnated,  A new incarnation of the past Christs, The Great Teacher to come, another Guide to help us make our next evolutionary leap, or any such title or description, causing the world to worship him. Just like John the Baptist filled with the Holy Spirit said “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1: 29-34, Rev. 12:11-12)
      The history of the world is a story of the workings of God and the workings of the Enemy to fulfill the plans they have spoken, whether it is to save people for all eternity, and restore His Kingdom in Gods case, or to build a kingdom, so that he might be worshiped as god for a short time, in the case of Lucifer.   Once you understand this, history takes on a new meaning, and so does our present, and our future.  God is calling you to Him. Ask Him to save you, in Jesus name.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming AddictionHis newest book is called "The Future is Coming" and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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 Photo by the author. The Capitol Building in D.C.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Are You a Hypocrite?

 Are You a Hypocrite?

A Word on Hypocrisy



Calling someone a hypocrite, or saying "Don't judge me", are the sword and shield, which people use to defend their actions. So, let us look at hypocrisy and figure out what is going on.
     First, If a person feels the need to use these terms such as “You’re a hypocrite or don’t judge me”   They should stop for a minute and ask themselves. Who is it that is judging me?  Is it the person outside?  Or is there something deep inside of me, which makes me feel like what I am doing is wrong, so I must blame others?  Which is it?  Why is it there?
     Second, we are all hypocrites to some degree. We often tell our children not to do things that we ourselves have done in the past or currently do. We tell children not to cuss, even when they have heard us cuss. We do it because we do not want little Johnnie to yell something bad at Grandma’s house. We do it because we do not want to hurt Grandma. We are hypocrites.
     Is it wise to say, “Sure Johnnie, you can go out and drink and drive with your high school buddies.  After all, I did it, and I really wouldn’t wanna be a hypocrite.” Then, little Johnnie becomes a drunk and dies in a car wreck 10 years later, because you allowed it, without saying a word.   But, at least you kept your integrity, I guess. Sure Johnnie might do it anyway, but at least you tried to stop him. Parenting in this manner, by letting kids do anything they want to do so we can avoid hypocrisy, would be insane.
     Third, why does hypocrisy always surround moral issues? If we were at a picnic and I told you that someone poisoned the water cooler and I drank from it and got sick. You would call me a hero for protecting you and your family. However, if I told you that being a drunk ruined my life and the lives of many people around me. You would call me a hypocrite and say, “don’t judge!!”  Is it me who is judging you or is it something inside of you, poking at your heart?
     Why are generalizations allowed in hypocrisy? If I say that Jesus died to save us from Hell, and we should turn to Him, confessing Him as Lord, asking Him to save us and work in our lives. I am called a hypocrite because I am a Christian. Not because of anything, I have taught personally, but just because I am a Christian. Are all Christian’s hypocrites?
     A hypocrite is someone who tells people to do things they do not do themselves. Therefore, searching for some other bad thing another person does, in order to make you feel better, does not make the other person a hypocrite. It makes them a sinner like you and me. They are only a hypocrite if it is the same thing you are doing; and if they tell you that you should not do it. For example: a thief telling someone not to steal would be a hypocrite. But, dredging up the fact that your sister cheats on her husband, when she says you’re a drunk, doesn’t make her a hypocrite. It makes her a sinner like you.
     Finally, the hypocrisy of the speaker does not change the truth of the message. If a man is terribly over weight and he points at you with a chicken leg he is eating, and tells you… “You better watch what you eat and eat healthy. Don’t eat too much and make sure you exercise” Is he a hypocrite? Yes! However, his message is true nonetheless.
     God can use many methods to bring a warning or message into our lives. He once used a donkey to tell a prophet he was wrong. We must listen to the message and not look at the messenger. God will often use the foolish things to confound the wise. (1 Cor. 1:25-31) He might use a homeless man to open the eyes of a lawyer. But, what if the lawyer refused to listen, because the man was homeless?
      Calling someone a hypocrite or saying “Don’t Judge Me” is a defense mechanism that Satan has given humans, in order to keep you from escaping his control of your life. It’s quite an ancient phrase and was even used in Sodom against Lot, when he asked the people not to rape the travelers. (Gen. 19:7-9) Ask Jesus to save you and help you. Even saved people can have demonic influences in their lives. Learn to recognize the difference between the demonic and the Holy Spirit. You would be very surprised to learn how many believers listen to a Spirit of Fear, or some other entity and not the Holy Spirit.  Ask the Lord to help.
     Am I saying that we should obey everything that people tell us to do in our lives? No. But, evaluate the message. Do not just discard it because of who the messenger is; because it is very easy to find fault with every messenger. If you cannot find fault with the messenger, then Satan will place many other excuses into your mind or my mind that will work just fine to help us avoid listening and evaluating.
     I am Chris Bunton and I am a hypocrite. I ask God to forgive me, save me and help me to overcome. Now, how about you?


Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming AddictionHis newest book is called "The Future is Coming" and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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 Photo by the Author, The Ceiling of The National Museum of the American Indian in Washington D.C.