Should Christians Hate Social Media?
It is a tool for these last days.
I have noticed this ever since Social Media became a
thing. It is apparent on my Facebook page, conversations I’ve had and in
national Christian circles. Christians hate social media.
Maybe hate is too strong of a word. Maybe hate is a
sin. Maybe it’s fear. They fear social media. Course, fear is a sin as well.
I know they look at social media. I see them
carefully Facebook stalking. But, still there’s this rejection and ridicule of
I have many Christian Facebook friends, and they
hardly ever post. A few of them do. But, large amounts do not. They never
“like” anything. They never comment. They only stay in their small safe circle.
The same circle they have at church. Now, if it’s a post that is totally vetted
and safe, then you might see some likes. . If it’s a quote from some world
famous preacher, or an achievement that reaches the level of 20 “likes”, then
you might see a few come out of the closet. But, it’s rare. I see Sasquatch
more often. Maybe it’s just me.
I’m under the impression that Christians have a job
to do, and that is to spread the Gospel, help others, and bring light into
darkness. I believe God has allowed the internet and social media to exist in
these last days for that purpose, before the Door is shut. But, where are
Christians? My news feed should be full of Bible Quotes, and praise videos, at
least every Sunday. But I hear crickets.
The scripture says we should encourage each other,
and mourn and rejoice with each other. But, silence reigns. I hear that people
believe visiting someone face to face is better than online. But, that cannot
always happen, and it ends up never happening. At least posting on social media
is an attempt to do something.
There are all kinds of excuses and ridicule given
from the pulpit to keep the ranks in line. “If you saw it on Facebook it must
be true!” is a common tool of ridicule. Things on Facebook have as much chance
to be true, as some of the sermons I’ve heard in my life. Is it about the fact
that the message is written instead of spoken? God’s Word is a written message.
Paul’s Letters were written the same as text messages and Facebook posts. The
Holy Spirit can use anything.
It's been said, "I've never seen someones mind changed by an argument on Facebook."
You realize that a huge amount of Paul's letters are written arguments against false teachers, and false brethren in the Church, right? yes, there are ways to do it properly in love. But, acting like written arguments do not work, is utterly false. Paul proves it.
Christians talk about how much filth is on social
media or how much drama. Well, fix it! Post good positive Godly stuff. You are
allowing Satan to own it. This is a war. What are you doing? Hiding in your
foxhole? Life is drama. That drama is a chance to serve. It’s a chance to pray.
It’s a chance to reach out.
Perhaps this is only in my social circle, but I
doubt it. I have seen world renowned preachers speaking the same thing. Maybe
preachers are afraid the flock will be exposed to other ideas that might pull
them away. Maybe believers are afraid to have arguments, online or not be able
to defend their position. We are called to tell the great things God has done
for us, to give an account of why we believe and to be a good soldier for Jesus
Christ. By studying and stepping out in faith to do these things, we will get
better at it, and less afraid. We will see God working, and the chances of
other ideas pulling us away becomes less and less, because we see that He is
real and we have a relationship with Him. But, when we refuse to serve Him, He
is just an idea that other ideas can challenge. Ideas cannot challenge someone
we know. A person is real. God is a person, not a concept competing with other
concepts. Let the Truth go, and it will defend itself. A caged Lion can only
roar. But, if he gets free, He can take down whoever seeks to recapture Him.
Noah was told to build an Ark. While he was building
it he preached to those around him trying get them saved. He knew what was
coming, and he reached out. In the end he only saved his immediate family. 8
souls.(Heb. 11:7, 1 Peter 3:20)
That is what believers should be doing. We see that
the end is coming. We know the door will be shut. We are to be telling others.
Even if the only people we save are a few folks on our Facebook page. Maybe God
gave you them for that purpose. So, you can reach them. Maybe social media is
the only way to get to some folks. The time is coming.
Of course there are wise ways to use social media. There are definite dangers to using it. But, that should not prevent us from doing our job. A cell phone allows us access to the evil social media. But, do you hear Christians condemning cell phones very often? Nope.
Most of the time people argue against social media out of guilt and fear. They themselves feel powerless to use the tool for Christ, so they don't want you to use it either, because it makes them feel guilty or weak for not using it.
Do not let the enemy keep you from serving. He will use fear and guilt and doubt to keep you down.
If you are a believer on Social Media. Simply post a verse once a week. Post a sermon video. Invite people to church. Share the things your church posts. Do something.
There's no need to argue. There's no need to be a famous preacher. But, you might convince your distant cousin. You might get your neighbor saved.
Use the tool God has allowed in these last days to spread the Word and Love. Do not fear.
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Image from the Author, a church door at a historical site in Mount Vernon, Illinois.
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