Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Divide The Word

 Divide The Word

Spiritual Truth by Chris Bunton

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”---2 Timothy 2:15

So, how do we do this? Let’s break it down.

 “Study to shew thyself approved UNTO GOD.”--- 2 Timothy 2:15a

Notice it says “Unto God”.  We are not studying to prove anything to other humans. This verse is about a relationship with God. Everything in our existence is about a relationship with God. Nothing else matters. We cannot understand the Word or anything else really without Him.

The Scriptures say in 1 John that you have no need that any teach you, but the anointing you have will teach you. We are to be taught by the Holy Spirit. In the Gospel of John, it says the same thing. The Holy Spirit will lead us into ALL truth.  (1 John 2: 27)

 In the next line it says

“a workman that needeth not to be ashamed”--- 2 Timothy 2:15b

How are we ashamed? At the last day, two things will be said unto you by God. “Well done thy faithful servant.” Or “Depart from me I NEVER KNEW YOU.”

So, the relationship is paramount. It’s not about anything else. It’s about abiding in Him. It’s about acknowledging Him and letting Him direct your paths. It’s about knowing Him, and being known of Him. When we reject Him, we are rejecting the relationship.

It is not about knowing the Bible front to back, or knowing every piece of doctrine. Jesus Christ is the Living Word. Do you know HIM?

 It’s like salvation. We trust that God has saved us, and is saving us and will save us. Well, we can also trust that He will teach us through His Word and through our lives. We can read scriptures, and then pray for God to explain it, and then watch our lives morph into a lesson that explains the Word. The Word says He teaches and answers our prayers. We can believe it. We can believe that He is sanctifying us. We can believe that He is molding us. We can believe that He is refining us. We can trust Him.

Sitting in a Sunday school class or a worship service being spoon-fed truth from someone who probably shouldn’t be teaching anyway, is not building that relationship.

Can you hear from the Lord? Yes, of course, God can use a donkey to speak to his people if He wants to. But, your growth in Him needs to be Spirit led. That means that you are learning from Pastors and Teachers, and others who are gifted by the Holy Spirit for that work, and whom the Holy Spirit has led you to.

The scriptures tell us that false teaching will be rampant in the Church and the world, in the last days. That cannot happen if we are following the Holy Spirit. It happens because we are listening to doctrines of devils, philosophies of men, and fables, from false teachers. The Holy Spirit is how the elect avoids the deceptions of the last days, which surround us.

 It’s ok to struggle with the Word. But, instead of running to your preacher every time you have a question, try asking the Lord. That struggle is supposed to draw you to HIM. When you see Him answer and move in your life, you grow, you learn and your faith is strengthened.

“rightly dividing the word of truth.”--- 2 Timothy 2:15c

So, how is the Word of Truth rightly divided? Well again, it stands to reason that the Word of Truth can be divided rightly by The Spirit of Truth.

Doesn’t that make sense? The Holy Spirit wrote the scriptures. The Holy Spirit can bring them to life in you. This is not about digging into the Bible and breaking out the concordance. This isn’t about listening to the latest fad preacher with his multi-media, multi-million dollar sermon.

It’s about believing that the Holy Spirit is real and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. He will lead you into ALL Truth.

Do you believe that?

 Do you trust Him? 

Let me ask you. If you were trapped in a prison cell with nothing but a Bible. Could Jesus find you? Could the Holy Spirit teach you? Could He bring the Word to life in your spirit as you read the Word? Could he bring things in your life to your remembrance as they apply to the Word? Could He give you other verses of scripture to match what you just read? Could He wake you up in the night with a verse on your mind or an answer to a question? 

Yes He can.  He can also do it on your couch.

My desire is for you to be saved and to have a relationship with the Lord.

What I am telling you will save you, and give you an abundant life in Him, and protect you from the deceptions to come.

Always seek that relationship or chance to hear from God. He will be there. He promises.


Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming AddictionHis newest book is called "The Future is Coming" and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

Photo by the author

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