Saturday, December 9, 2023

No King, But Jesus

 No King, But Jesus

A Word on Real and False Leaders



 When we look at scripture, we see Samuel rebuking Saul. He says “Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as idolatry. (1 Sam. 15:23)

Now, a lot of preachers love to preach that this means we should bow down and obey false authority. But, this verse is talking about rebellion against God. It’s about being stubborn toward God.
How are we saved? We are saved by confessing that Jesus is our Lord. We are saved by surrendering to God, and letting Him guide our lives, and sanctify us. When we don’t it is rebellion, and stubbornness.
 Some folks will tell you that this is referring to being obedient to them. They put themselves in the position of God. God is real, and He can lead us. He does it through His Spirit, and by such means that develops the fruits of the Spirit in us. He allows things into our lives that cause us to be patient, loving, joyful, and peaceful. Be brings things that cause us to learn these fruits. Not as men see it, but as God sees it.
So, where did Saul come from? He was made King by God, when the people demanded a king (1 Sam. 8:1-22)
 Before Saul, the people had no king but God Himself. They listened to His Spirit, and went as the Spirit led. They also followed their own flesh and did not follow God. They refused to keep Him in their heart. They refused to keep Him before their eyes. Just the same as we do. They had the law and followed it or not.
The scripture says “They did what was right in their own eyes.” (Judges 21:25)  Now, a lot of preachers condemn this. They see it as rebellion. I disagree, because there is no evidence of God condemning it. He had Samuel the prophet, but there’s no evidence that God told Samuel to preach against it. God was fine with the way things were. Not saying God accepted sin. But, this was the system God set up. A system whereby He was in charge, and the people had a means to have their sins cleansed if they continued to abide in God. It wasn’t the sin, it was that they did not really believe, and did not really confess sins on the sacrifice. Why would God oppose His own system?
 So, what happened? The people demanded a King. Why? Because they could not handle the freedom God had given them. They wanted someone to control their neighbor. They wanted someone they could buy and control, in order to get their way. They rejected the Spirit of God. They rejected His freedom and grace, for rules and control.
 So, they cried out for a king, and God plainly states, “They are rejecting me”. He does not applaud them. He doesn’t have a problem with them doing what was right in their own eyes, because they are listening to His Spirit as He guides them. Not perfectly, but not wickedly either.
So, God gives them Saul. Saul is a curse. Saul is there to take over and impose the law, and all of the things God says will come upon them, if they reject Him. (1 Sam. 8:10-18) So, by accepting a king, they are bringing these curses. This is a foreshadowing of what will happen with the Anti-Christ. We accept that king, instead of the real King.
 Real authority loves the people. Real authority does not steal from them. Real authority allows freedom, not control. Real authority is a picture of Christ. Not a perfect picture, because we are humans and we sin. But, there is a difference between real authority from God and false authority.  Understand what I am saying here. The scriptures teach that God gives us the Authorities. It teaches that we should respect them for the position they hold, but Jesus said not to be like them. God put Saul in authority, but Saul became wicked. He was put there as a curse and to teach a lesson. Just because someone is in authority, does not change the nature of their authority. Some is real, and some is false.  Understand this, and realize that we have freedom from God to speak against evil, to resist evil, and to not be like them. However, we still respect the position of authority, and try to be wise and fair. Prophets spoke against evil kings. Jesus spoke against evil authority.
So, remember the crucifixion of Jesus. He had been beaten terribly, and was brought to Pilate again, and he presented him to the people. The religious leaders, who were listening to demonic entities, got the people to demand His death. They got the people to choose Barabbas instead of Jesus.  They chose Satan, a murderer, rebel, and thief  instead of Christ. This is the same spirit that led the Israelites, to reject God and demand a false king. God gave them Saul. This is the same anti-christ spirit, which will eventually lead people to reject Christ, and choose the final false king. The Anti-Christ. That spirit will likewise use religious leaders who have accepted a one world religion, so they can keep control, wealth and power, just like they always do.
 That spirit has worked in the children of disobedience since before the Flood. It led humans to build the tower of Babel, in order to be united and fight God.
That spirit is building a tower today, and uniting humans against God; preparing them to choose a different king.
Don’t fall for it, no matter what; even if the whole world is facing a plague, and economic collapse, and starvation, and destruction. Choose God. Follow His Spirit. Confess Jesus as your Lord. Ask Him to save you. Choose freedom, and reject the enemy. The love of money is the root of all evil. Be wise. Be content. Love your neighbor enough to allow them to be free.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming AddictionHis newest book is called "The Future is Coming" and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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 Photo by the writer. The Bald Knob Cross of Peace in Southern Illinois.

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