Sunday, September 15, 2024

Spies In A Promised Land

 Spies In A Promised Land

 Are You Wondering What To Do?


This is going to be some deep spiritual stuff.

Things that impact our lives.

Things that impact our walk with God and our future and service.

I want you to recall the story of the Exodus. (Book of Exodus)

The Israelites were in bondage to Pharaoh in Egypt. They did not know God at the time. They had forgotten. But, God had not forgotten them or the promise He made to Abraham.

God made a promise to Moses and the Israelites about a promised land. A home.

God delivered them out of slavery with a mighty hand. He showed himself to them. He proved He was with them and they could trust Him. He proved it.

He brought them through tough times and battles. This was not a love fest. This was war. He loved them, and was with them.

He brought them to the land He had promised them. To the very banks. They sent spies out into the land to see what was there. That’s what a leader does in a military conquest.

God already knew what was there and had already given it to them. It was all done except the dirty work.

Do you think God sat on His throne and said, “Boy I sure hope we can defeat these bad dudes?”


All the spies except for Caleb and Joshua brought back a report filled with fear and doubt that ignored how God had delivered them so many times. They had no faith in God. They did not know him.

The people listened to the faithless report and believed it. They feared. They refused to take the promised land, God had given them because they did not know Him or trust Him.

God could not take them into the Promised land with that lack of faith. They needed to trust Him to get through.

So, He sent them to wander until they learned to have faith. Till the old generation died off and the new was ready. To strip off that old flesh and bring out the spirit full of faith and trust in God.

Then, they went and conquered.

God fought beside them and before them, with His might hand and put them in the promised land.

They did not go there to farm. That was later. They went there for battle.

We find ourselves in situations where we must trust God. We come to places in our lives when it’s a choice of faith in God and His promises, or to run away in fear.

Understand that God is with you, no matter which way you go. You cannot escape God.

But, it’s better to trust God to deliver his promises.

I’m not telling you to let your kid die from some easily curable disease because you’re praying for God to heal. Remember, the Israelites drew swords and went to battle. Yes, God went before them. Yes, God fought among them. He even stopped the sun in the sky.

But, they had to go to battle, and not just on their knees in prayer.

That brings us to the spies. The spies are fear.

We face something, and our mind starts spinning. We start thinking scary thoughts. We lay in our bed agonizing. We struggle with what is happening.

But, God has promised us. He has been with us. He will lead us through. It might not look the way we think. But, He has given us a vision. He has given us a dream. He has promised, and He is with us where ever we go.

Those spies in our head keep beating us. Do we quit? Do we turn away from the promised land? Those spies in our head make a lot of sense.

But, are we listening to the still small voice of God? Are we listening to the Spirit and the love and the peace that defies all understanding? (1 Kings 19:11-14, John 16:13, Phil. 4:6-7)

Then like Job, things start happening around us. Great friends come and give us faithless council full of fear. They give us wise advise that excludes our Lord. (Book of Job)

Problems come. The car breaks down. A family member gets sick. We lose a job.

And the spies in our head, with those “friends” by our side tell us, we can’t trust God. All the troubles scream that we can’t trust God.

But, this is battle.

The chaos rolls around you as you struggle and see God fighting beside you and delivering you through even more of the devil’s attacks.

God has promised you and He is bringing you there with a mighty hand.

Unless you quit. Unless you let fear control you.

Pray to God. Talk to Him. He is not a slave driver. Remember Lot? God told Him to go to the mountain to escape the destruction of Sodom. (Genesis 19:15-30)

But, Lot said, “I’ll never make it! Can’t I just go to this little city Zoar?”

The spies in his mind had calculated all the angles and he was not strong enough, they told him.

And God said “Ok”

It got Lot moving. It got his family moving.

Lot watched the destruction of Sodom from Zoar.

Then the very next scene, we see Lot on the mountain.

The Bible doesn’t say this, but I will bet you that by the time Lot reached Zoar. God had filled him with strength, courage and faith to reach that mountain.

Just pray and get moving. Do what you know to do and trust God. He has promised things to you. He will do it. Whether it looks like what you envisioned or not. He has promised.

I have faced things in my life many times. I have come to the very edge and listened to the spies and turned back. I failed instead of trusting God. And I lost everything. I was sent to wander where God broke me and taught me and showed me who He was and let me know Him. He taught me to trust Him.

Not all situations are as clean and clear cut as this makes it seem. Sometimes there are very hard choices. Things that make us sick. Learn to listen to God. Then do the best we can and stand in the promises of God. ( Eph 6:10-18)

These times of trouble, come into our life. I’m facing one now.

The spies are screaming. The battle is swirling. But, my God is moving and He is with me.

He is with you too.

Do not let fear keep you from what God has promised.

Listen to Him.

Trust Him.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called “The Future is Coming” and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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