God Will Establish You
It's a promise

This world is a tough place.
It’s supposed to get us to wake up and turn to God, so He can save us and help us.
We fall on tough times. We have a spouse who betrays us. We have kids who reject us. We have friends and family who throw us under the bus. We lose jobs and homes and friends. We are ruined, even by people who claim to be good Christians.
But, God will establish you. Just turn to Him.
He promises.
“the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.”—2 Thess. 3:3 KJV
Speak this promise to yourself to build up faith. Faith comes by hearing the promises of God. Speak it to yourself and hear what it says, and believe it.
“The Lord is faithful. He will establish me and keep me from evil.”
Jesus prayed for you, “I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.”—John Chapter 17 (verse 15) KJV
It’s going to happen.
Just turn to Him. Pray and ask Him to save you and help you. Trust Him. Follow Him.
We can look at Joseph. ( Genesis Chapter 30-Chapter 50 KJV)
His brothers betrayed him and threw him into a pit.
That’s just like how you’ve been betrayed or lied to or destroyed by people claiming to be family or friends or others.
They were going to kill him, but God used one of the brothers to speak mercy, because God had a plan.He has a plan for you. He has made a way for you to escape. Trust Him.
They sold him into slavery.
They lied to his father, and anyone else who might need to know. They covered up their lies and betrayal.
When you do good you don’t have to hide it. When you do God’s will, it’s ok if you get found out.
But, God was with Joseph.
I’m sure there were some times, when it was scary, and Joseph didn’t know what was going to happen. There were probably times the devil whispered into his ear to get him to fear and doubt.
I’ve had the same. You probably have to.
But, God came through.
Joseph went to work for a decent man named Potiphar, who God used to lift Joseph up to the highest place in that man’s household.
God established Joseph. He set him in charge of everything. Simply because Joseph trusted God.
What the devil tried to destroy, God saved and established. What his brothers sought for evil, God turned around for good.
And He can do it for you. He’s done it for me, and will again.
But, the devil wasn’t done with trying to derail God’s plan.
Potiphar’s wife came tempting Joseph.
The type of temptation is irrelevant.
The devil can use all kinds of things to try to trip us up.
He tempts our flesh to see if we will bite. Then he destroys us. It could have been theft, or too much wine. It could have been an accident or misunderstanding. It could be a bad boss who the devil uses to get you to fail. If you fail, just turn to God, confess it and let Him grow you.
But Joseph did not fail. He resisted and resisted.
He wanted to be right with God. The God who had established Him. The God who had given him everything.
But, Potiphar’s wife lied and falsely accused Joseph. And he was thrown into jail.
You might have been lied on. They might have twisted things to destroy you because you would not submit to their evil ways or abuses. They might have listened to the rantings of a petty person who always wants to get their way.
Remember God sees. Revenge is His, He will repay.
And He will establish you. Which is probably the best revenge. Keep your heart pure, despite their evil.
God established Joseph again. He made him head trustee in the jail.
That’s God. He can bless you in the midst of terrible things.
When they seek to do you wrong, know that God will establish you and keep you from evil. He will bless you. He turns all things around for our good. Just turn to Him and love Him.
All that time in Potiphar’s house, and being trustee in the jail was preparing Joseph and training him. Not just in practical things, but preparing him in spirit. Joseph continued to abide in God and trust Him.
Till the time came for the blessing to break free.
And God raised him up and established him again, as the head of Egypt. It was an Egypt who needed a wise worker from the darkest pits.
God established him, and He will establish you.
“The Lord is faithful. He will establish me and keep me from evil’
It’s a promise.
Turn to Him. Trust Him. Abide in Him. Have a relationship with Him. Endure the attacks that come and stay with Him.
God will establish you.
Your faith in Him and His promises will move mountains.
And on that final day, you will be with Him in Paradise.
Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.
Follow Him on Medium: https://chris-bunton.medium.com/
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