Sunday, November 17, 2024

The Truth of the Gospel

 The Truth of the Gospel

A Word on How God Works in Our Salvation.


In order to understand the Gospel. We must accept God's power and authority. God has awesome power and can save whoever He wants. However He wants.

1. God calls us. No one is saved without first being called by Him. If you are saved. Then you are called. God calls everyone. If you are reading this, then you are being called. God uses many methods to call us and draw us to Himself. He might call us many times in life. He calls everyone. 
God speaks into our mind and hearts. When He calls we hear it and we know it's Him. We can either accept or reject.

We might not understand. We might not want to hear Him. We might put it off, or reject, but we cannot say He didn't call, and we didn't hear. He is God. He knows. Be real.

But what about the guy in the jungle somewhere?  Yes. God has called him somehow, and he has heard. Perhaps he looked at a starry night and thought someone made this, and God spoke to him and said "I made it" and the man believed and wanted to know more.  
Whether he accepted or not is between him and God. Not all saved people will look like you.
God is working. Trust Him.

2. Belief!  A person hears the call and believes it's from God ( Full understanding is not required) and the person turns to God (repent) God knows, God sees, God understands. Whether we do or not is irrelevant. 

The picture in the scriptures is Jesus calling His disciples. He said, "come follow me" and they knew they should listen and they followed. They did not know the cost. They just heard and followed. Jesus did not require anything else.

Another picture is the prodigal son. He "comes to himself" and goes home in humility to the father, and the father comes running. The father demanded nothing. When the son woke up, that is what happens when we hear the call. We realize the Truth.

Another picture is the thief on the cross. He was guilty. He knew it. He was one step above death. And he realized who Jesus really was. He heard the call in his heart and woke up. He called Jesus "Lord" and put his faith in him. Nothing else.

Just turn to God and trust in Him. Be real with Him. Just ask.

3. God will bring you to Jesus Christ. It might happen immediately or it might happen later. But, God will show you that Jesus Christ is the Lord. When we see it, we confess Jesus is the Lord and believe God raised Him from the dead. ( Roman's 10:9-10)

When you hear the call, then turn to God and confess Jesus is the Lord, putting your faith in Him for salvation you are saved. You cannot lose it or give it away. God holds it. He owns you. Your salvation is totally on God. Not you.

4 What about works?  Faith without works is dead?  Well, confessing Jesus is Lord with your mouth is a work. And that's all God requires. Your faith and confession of Christ.

When you get saved The Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you and He teaches you. He grows you. He helps you in your relationship with Jesus.

He leads you into works. He leads you into Baptism which is a work..  He leads you into Communion which is a work. He leads you into Fellowship with other believers . He gives you a hunger to read God's Word.. The Holy Spirit helps you to Love God and others. He gives you a ministry to serve God and others
5. Sin and sanctification. Notice I said nothing about sin so far. Because before we are saved we do not really know how fallen We are. We do not know how wicked we are. Sure we might realize something is wrong. Or that we do things wrong. But we do not fully know.

And we are not required to. God knows. He calls us, and loves us anyway. He wants us to turn to Him and confess Jesus is the Lord, so He can save us and cleanse us.

But we are not required to understand all that. We might know we sin. We might know we fail. We might know we need Him. But, we might not understand. We just know He called us. And we need Him.

After we get saved. God washes us in the Blood of Christ. This cleanses us of all sin. Forever.
It is finished.

Then as we walk through our lives, the Holy Spirit teaches us and grows us. He molds us and shapes us and we become different people. We sin less and less as He sanctifies us. But, we were already forgiven the day we were saved.

When we sin we confess our sins to God. This is a work. This brings it up between you and Him. And as you keep confessing over time, the Lord changes your mind and heart and you find that you no longer do those things. Confessing sin to God and growing and abiding in Him is a work. But you were saved the minute you turned to Him.

It's all totally God. Not you. We are to turn, believe, confess and abide.  All of which He helps us to do.

Praise Jesus. God does it. He has made it as simple as possible. We have no excuse.
 Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Photo by the writer.

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