Sunday, November 24, 2024

What Is Wrong With Complaining?

 What Is Wrong With Complaining?

It depends on the situation 



Is it complaining against God? Or complaining about life? or complaining all the time? Or is it actually speaking the truth against false things? Sometimes the Holy Spirit shows us things that are wrong, and we don’t know how to properly deal with it.

I have been involved in Christian Ministry for over 20 years. I’ve been to churches where the members are silent about the most ridiculous ungodly activities and projects, because they do not want to be accused of murmuring or complaining. 

In the book of Exodus Chapter 4 and Numbers 17, we see that the Israelites are murmuring and complaining against the Lord, and He expressly condemns it.

Some Leaders in churches use this verse and others as a tool to stop ALL dissent in a church.  According to these leaders, the flock are supposed to accept and silently go along with everything the leadership does. They are supposed to be silent in the face of abusive behaviors, and the latest fad that does nothing for the Kingdom.

That is false. Sin in leadership, is still sin. Does God support sin?

The scriptures speak of false teachers, false prophets, and false brethren. (2 Cor. 11:28, Gal 2:4, 2 Peter 2)

We are supposed to be wary of such things. That means we should rebuke and stand against it.

As the latter days get closer and closer things will get worse and worse. Believers need to stop being silent about the direction their churches are going in.

When the Holy Spirit reveals that something is not right. Your duty is to pray and ask the Lord, whats wrong. Pray for the people, and study the Word to make sure you are correct. Sometimes, it’s better to just pray, than to confront. Or speak out.

But, when the Lord leads you to speak out, do it in the right way, with love and respect.

 You will probably be rejected and ignored, or even attacked. You might be accused of causing division or murmuring and complaining. You might be treated as a troublemaker, and never asked to do anything in the church.

Yes…these are Christian people who do these sorts of things to other believers. There are people in churches who are about controlling things not building the Kingdom.

Understand that “Murmuring and Complaining” in the book of Exodus, was a specific thing. They were saying that they wanted to go back to Egypt. They spoke of all the good things of Egypt.

You have to understand what this really is.

It’s like if God delivers a man from alcohol abuse.(Egypt) and the man constantly says that his life was better as a drunk. He misses the parties, and fun. Even though God is moving him to a good place.

That’s what murmuring and complaining is. It is not speaking against false brethren or leaders, or opinions on how to spend money. If leadership must twist scripture to maintain control, then that should be a red flag. You need to know this because churches in these last days will be ran by false brethren and teachers. Look at China today. The legal above ground churches are all ran by pastors who are taught in government funded colleges and are government sanctioned, not God ordained. The churches from God are underground. In China, if you speak out against false doctrine they call the secret police and you find yourself beat. That is where we are headed globally.

Real murmuring and complaining is against the work God is doing in us. It is a tough work. It is a battle between spirit and flesh. The flesh wants to go back to Egypt, but the Lord is taking us to the Promised Land. The journey is hard. We might lose jobs and homes, and friends, and family, and reputation and everything that we hold dear. But, we are gaining the Lord. He is our promised land.

The minute He saves us we have Him. IF we really have Him. Then He works in our lives to change us.

The Israelites refused to confess Him as Lord and trust Him. It’s not about the Law. Joshua and Caleb were not saved because they obeyed rules. They were saved because they trusted in God alone for salvation. They did not trust in their own strength, but in His. They believed His promises. When we complain about the Lord, we are doubting Him. It destroys faith in us and others.

We are called to abide in Him. That is a relationship.

When we cry out to God, He comes running. But if we are not willing to really give ourselves to Him, then we are not saved. The Israelites refused to trust that God was good and doing good things. This is the same lie Satan told Eve in the Garden. He got her to doubt God’s goodness, and promises.

So, understand that murmuring and complaining is about a specific thing in the scriptures. It is not a blanket term to be used to silence people. In the book of Acts, murmuring led to the creation of the deacons. (Acts 6:1-8) So, as I said the Holy Spirit could have stirred some of the people to notice something was wrong, and used it to help the early church, and the deacons were formed. In today’s churches if someone said that the widows were being neglected, they would be called a complainer. They would have to speak to 5 different committees and then go before a business meeting, and then just maybe they might get something fixed. At least until the next committee takes over. Unless of course, they are a member with money. (James 2:1-9)

In Phillipians, it says “Do all things without murmurings and disputings:” (Phil. 2:14)

In context, this is referring to two things. God’s working in our lives, and our appearance before the unbeliever. 

 “Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” (Phil. 2:12-13)

God’s work in our lives can be hard. If we are not careful it can open doors for a spirit of bitterness. Where we become snarky and talking trash about the hardness of the battle between the flesh and spirit, or the changes in our lives.

This phrase “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” often leads people to wrongly assume it refers to a works based salvation doctrine. but it’s actually referring to dealing with the work God is doing in our lives. Like a child whose parents have decided to move to another city for work. The child has to work out how to deal with this, while not becoming angry and bitter. They have to work out how to deal with the loss of a school, and friends and a life they had. Major changes happen when we really turn to God, and we need to work out how to deal with it and not become bitter.

This bitterness can lead to murmurings and disputing with others in the church. So Paul goes on to explain, that we should be of one mind and not murmuring and disputing in front of those who we are trying to help, and lead to Christ. Again, it is not a blanket verse to silence people from speaking out when something is wrong. It is an admonition to do it properly, at the right time, and in the right way, when possible. Course, understand that control freaks and oppressors, also control all the means of speaking out.

We can see in the next verses that Paul’s admonition for us to not murmur and dispute is to avoid driving people from Christ.

“That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;

 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.” (Phil. 2:12-16)

Our murmuring and complaining doesn’t hurt God. But, it can drive others away from knowing Christ. Because who would want to join a group that is so un-happy? And again, it comes back to false leadership. Leadership should solve things properly. Not just silence dissent. Leaders who do not treat people rightly, are actually engaging in the thing they seek to stop. Hiding it, doesn’t fix it. It is fixed through love, and a proper answer that heals.

Not only does complaining drive people away in church situations, but also in your own life. Nobody wants to be around that. If every time you come around it is always negative or complaining. No one will want to be around you. Drive that demon out.

A final word on murmuring and complaining is that when you do it, you are driving away your blessings. The tongue has power. You can speak the promises of God and believe them and watch Him work. or you can speak negative, complaining words, and watch it work. Both will reap a harvest. If you constantly speak negative things about yourself or others, do not be surprised if it doesn’t become true in your life. 

We reap what we sow.

As we get more and more into the latter days we need to get rid of the false beliefs and teachings we have clung to. God will do it if we don’t. Scripture says that we are to judge ourselves lest we be judged with the world. In these last days, the things we have done or not done can come back to haunt us if we refuse to see it and confess it to the Lord to change it. This goes for entire churches, not just individuals; as it shows in Revelation.  So, when we see wrong things in the church we need to speak out about it. This is judging ourselves as a body. It is not complaining. (1 Cor. 11:31-32, 1 John 1:9-10, Rev. Chapters 1-3)

As we move into these latter days we are going to face tough times. We will see that the things we complained about and disputed over, really do not matter. When you can barely afford heat, new carpet won’t matter. When you have to quietly meet in a hidden basement because of persecution, having the latest sound systems and praise music, won’t matter any more. There are believers all over the world, who have nothing. While we bicker and destroy peoples faith because of opinions on a building or types of paint, or views on doctrines.

Only God will matter, as He leads us through the dark dry desert in those days.

Don’t be like Lot’s wife, who desired the fine things and life of Sodom.(Gen. 19)

Understand that the Bible is full of these warnings for a reason. It is not about murmuring and complaining. God can handle your complaints.

It’s about looking back after putting your hand to the plow. (Luke 9;62)

It’s about never confessing Him as Lord, and never having a relationship, and never knowing Him. It’s about not trusting Him. The Israelites in the wilderness did not trust Him.

 If we do not know Him. We cannot trust Him. We cannot abide in Him. (John 15:4)

Our complaining is a reflection of our feelings toward God and His promises. It drives people away from Christ and us. It drives blessings away.

Turn to Him and trust Him.


Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Being Taught By The Spirit

 Being Taught By The Spirit

Do You Know Him?


 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”—Hosea 4:6

When you read this verse in context, you will find that the people of ancient Israel at this time did not know God.

They had all kinds of information about God. They had priests and prophets. They had God’s Law. But, they did not know God.

God is not concerned about whether we have knowledge of Him, or His laws. He wants us to know HIM. When we know HIM. We grow in our ability to Walk in the Spirit. Which means we grow in our ability to obey His laws. Because like Jesus said,

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”— Matt. 22:37-40

When you love. You are obeying. When we know God and are taught by the Spirit, we are in relationship with God. This is Walking in the Spirit.

It’s not about trying to beat yourself up to obey a set of laws because God is going to get mad at you or get His heart broke. That’s what knowing ABOUT God does to you.

But, when you know God, and have a relationship with Him. It’s not about obeying a set of laws. It’s about Him working in your life to grow you, so that you are just walking in the Spirit with Him.

The people of Israel at this time did not know God, and this allowed terrible trouble to come into their lives. Israel had made a commitment to be God’s people. They were supposed to be a shining light on a hill, designed to draw all people in the world to know God.

 Every person in Israel was supposed to be so learned of God, and know Him so intimately that they were ALL considered priests, in essence. But, the fact that they did not know God, opened doors for destruction into their lives.

Basically, since the parents didn’t know God. The children would suffer from it. Drunken parents who don’t know God, lead to drunken kids, who do not know God. And when the kids hit rock bottom, they do not know who to cry out to because they were never led to know God.

As Christians we are grafted in to Israel. That means that on a spiritual level; in the eyes of God, we are adopted children. We are in the covenant. We are treated as equals and joint heirs. (Romans 11)

So as believers we look at what happened in the past and we learn truth from it. Paul said,

“For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” —Rom 15:4

So, we can apply this verse in Hosea to ourselves, and what we see in our churches and our own households, and nation.

We are destroyed because we do not know God. We know about Him. We have heaped to ourselves teachers. We go to Church, Bible Studies, and read the latest fad book, from the best Christian authors. But, do we know Him? We sit in our church or car and clap to our favorite Christian music, but do we know Him?

If you knew Him, you could not help but tell others. You could not stop telling about the good things God has done for you. You could not help but want to grow closer to Him.

Do you tell people about Jesus? Have you read the entire Bible, or is all your Bible knowledge from what your Church told you?

You cannot know Him, unless you are born again and let the Holy Spirit teach you.

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Is not about more information. It’s about knowing Him.

Are you saved? Ask God to save you and grow you. (Acts 2:21)

Turn to God and confess to Him that you believe Jesus is the Lord, and you want Him to be your Lord. Believe that He rose from the dead. This is believing God. It is believing what God has told you in His Word. (Romans 10:9-10, Romans 4:3)

Ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit and teach you. (Luke 11:11-13, John 16:13)

The Bible says, “But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.”—1 John 2:27

This means that God himself is perfectly capable of teaching you. Believe this. Trust this, and let Him. This is the relationship.

Just talk with God. Just be real in prayer. Do you believe He is real? Do you believe He is with you always? Then, talk to Him like He is. Do you believe He is your father and friend? Then, talk to Him like He is. Be real with Him.

Do you really believe He can teach you? Then treat him like your teacher.

When you read your Bible. If you do not understand something. Or get confused. Instead of running to the preacher, or a friend or the commentaries. ASK GOD.

Pray about it. This is part of the relationship and growth. Ask Him. Then trust that He hears you and will open the scriptures to you. Then, move on. Keep reading and living and praying.

 It might take time. This is part of learning patience, and learning to trust God. But, as you read and study, one day you will come across a verse that will jump out at you. This is called “Quickening”. The Word comes to life.

Then, the question you asked will be opened up to you, and this new verse, will make connections to the verse you asked about and it will make perfect sense. It will be an “Aha!” moment. This is God teaching you. Not only does this teach you. But, it builds your relationship with God, and strengthens your faith.

But if you run to the pastor, and ask them about the verse or question. You miss the chance to know God. It becomes head knowledge about the author of the Word, instead of knowing the Author. When you take time and care to know the writer, a transfer of relationship occurs. God will teach you. Trust Him.

You must remember that on Judgement day. The worst thing to hear is “Depart from me I never KNEW you.” (Matt. 7:21-23)

What I am telling you is how you come to know Him. Did you really get saved? Or is it just words you spoke and words you hear every Sunday? Our salvation, opens the door to knowing Him. If you never got saved, then you can’t know Him. If you don’t care to know him. Then, you probably did not get saved.

Jesus said, “Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.”

If you won’t tell people about Jesus, then you gotta ask if you really know Him? Are you really saved?

Look at the story of the Gadarene demoniac. (Luke 8)

Jesus cast demons out of a man and saved his life. Jesus then told Him “Return to thine own house, and shew how great things God hath done unto thee.”

That is our testimony. That is how we overcome the enemy. We tell people about Jesus. We tell people about the great things God has done in our lives. (Rev. 12:11)

But if we cannot do this, we gotta ask ourselves, why? Do we really know him? Have we really seen Him doing great things in our lives? Or are we just going to church?

If every Christian told all their friends and family and Facebook friends about the great things God has done in their lives, what would our country look like?

But, you can’t tell others if you don’t know Him.

How else does the Spirit teach us? He teaches us through our lives. If we read scripture and do not understand something, we can ask God. Now, sometimes God might show us in the Word. Or He might bring a teacher to us. Or He might open something else up to teach us from our lives.

For example, we can learn a lot about how God loves us and treats us by looking at how we love our own kids. We are His children. If we love our kids, how much more does he love us?

Does this lead to more questions? Then, ask God and He will show you.

God has gifted people to be teachers of the Word. Teachers of the Spirit. God will lead you to the ones He wants you to learn from. Again, this is something between you and God. HE is teaching you. But, He has led you to someone that is teaching what God wants you to learn. God can lead you to different teachers or many teachers. But, it is God who is teaching, if you let Him guide you to the one He wants you to learn from.

You are not here by accident.

 There are times of trouble which can come into our lives. If we turn to God, He will help us and can use it to show us things about Himself. Again, we want to KNOW God. Not know about Him. When we face trouble, and draw closer to God we learn of HIM, when we see Him move in our life.

Our life turns to shambles, when we don’t turn to Him and know Him. This shambles is a call to turn to Him. It’s a chance to know Him.

Do you know Him? Let Him grow you.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Sunday, November 17, 2024

The Truth of the Gospel

 The Truth of the Gospel

A Word on How God Works in Our Salvation.


In order to understand the Gospel. We must accept God's power and authority. God has awesome power and can save whoever He wants. However He wants.

1. God calls us. No one is saved without first being called by Him. If you are saved. Then you are called. God calls everyone. If you are reading this, then you are being called. God uses many methods to call us and draw us to Himself. He might call us many times in life. He calls everyone. 
God speaks into our mind and hearts. When He calls we hear it and we know it's Him. We can either accept or reject.

We might not understand. We might not want to hear Him. We might put it off, or reject, but we cannot say He didn't call, and we didn't hear. He is God. He knows. Be real.

But what about the guy in the jungle somewhere?  Yes. God has called him somehow, and he has heard. Perhaps he looked at a starry night and thought someone made this, and God spoke to him and said "I made it" and the man believed and wanted to know more.  
Whether he accepted or not is between him and God. Not all saved people will look like you.
God is working. Trust Him.

2. Belief!  A person hears the call and believes it's from God ( Full understanding is not required) and the person turns to God (repent) God knows, God sees, God understands. Whether we do or not is irrelevant. 

The picture in the scriptures is Jesus calling His disciples. He said, "come follow me" and they knew they should listen and they followed. They did not know the cost. They just heard and followed. Jesus did not require anything else.

Another picture is the prodigal son. He "comes to himself" and goes home in humility to the father, and the father comes running. The father demanded nothing. When the son woke up, that is what happens when we hear the call. We realize the Truth.

Another picture is the thief on the cross. He was guilty. He knew it. He was one step above death. And he realized who Jesus really was. He heard the call in his heart and woke up. He called Jesus "Lord" and put his faith in him. Nothing else.

Just turn to God and trust in Him. Be real with Him. Just ask.

3. God will bring you to Jesus Christ. It might happen immediately or it might happen later. But, God will show you that Jesus Christ is the Lord. When we see it, we confess Jesus is the Lord and believe God raised Him from the dead. ( Roman's 10:9-10)

When you hear the call, then turn to God and confess Jesus is the Lord, putting your faith in Him for salvation you are saved. You cannot lose it or give it away. God holds it. He owns you. Your salvation is totally on God. Not you.

4 What about works?  Faith without works is dead?  Well, confessing Jesus is Lord with your mouth is a work. And that's all God requires. Your faith and confession of Christ.

When you get saved The Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you and He teaches you. He grows you. He helps you in your relationship with Jesus.

He leads you into works. He leads you into Baptism which is a work..  He leads you into Communion which is a work. He leads you into Fellowship with other believers . He gives you a hunger to read God's Word.. The Holy Spirit helps you to Love God and others. He gives you a ministry to serve God and others
5. Sin and sanctification. Notice I said nothing about sin so far. Because before we are saved we do not really know how fallen We are. We do not know how wicked we are. Sure we might realize something is wrong. Or that we do things wrong. But we do not fully know.

And we are not required to. God knows. He calls us, and loves us anyway. He wants us to turn to Him and confess Jesus is the Lord, so He can save us and cleanse us.

But we are not required to understand all that. We might know we sin. We might know we fail. We might know we need Him. But, we might not understand. We just know He called us. And we need Him.

After we get saved. God washes us in the Blood of Christ. This cleanses us of all sin. Forever.
It is finished.

Then as we walk through our lives, the Holy Spirit teaches us and grows us. He molds us and shapes us and we become different people. We sin less and less as He sanctifies us. But, we were already forgiven the day we were saved.

When we sin we confess our sins to God. This is a work. This brings it up between you and Him. And as you keep confessing over time, the Lord changes your mind and heart and you find that you no longer do those things. Confessing sin to God and growing and abiding in Him is a work. But you were saved the minute you turned to Him.

It's all totally God. Not you. We are to turn, believe, confess and abide.  All of which He helps us to do.

Praise Jesus. God does it. He has made it as simple as possible. We have no excuse.
 Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Sunday, November 10, 2024

Love One Another

 Love One Another

Do You Back Up The Saints?



The early church had three things that helped them grow and take over the Roman Empire.

First, they had the Holy Spirit. They were saved and filled with the Holy Ghost, who led them and guided them in their work.

If your church never speaks of or teaches the Holy Spirit. If they do not listen to or operate through the Holy Spirit. That should be a big red flag. Especially in these last days.

Second, the saints of old were willing to die for what they believed. They faced terrible persecution. They were fed to lions, crucified and burned. They faced it with joy. This led the people of Rome to see that they really believed, and therefore the Gospel might be true. The early church put their money where their mouth is, so to speak.

Now, many have faced death for what they believe. But, the difference is that the early church saw death as a door to going home to be with the Lord. Their belief was real. Our attitude towards death is to be different than the world’s. We see death as an escape from this world, and being with Christ. (Phil. 1:21-30)

We get saved, and the Holy Spirit works in our life. We see that God is real and we trust Him. This leads us to see death as a gateway to new life. We are going home.

The third thing is love. The Holy Spirit works in our life and develops love in us. It is a love that defies our fleshly reason. Love that speaks against our corrupted nature.

The early church grew because of this love.

The ancient world was harsh. It is said that over 90% of Rome were slaves. We could say the same about modern America. These slaves were totally controlled by their masters. They had to ask permission for everything. They could be fired (Killed) for no real reason. Every aspect of their lives was controlled by the master. They were considered a reflection of the master (business)

 I say this, to make the connection between conditions then and now. They were very similar in spirit. The same Demon or Spirit that ruled behind the scenes in Rome, still rules today around us.

These slaves had nothing of their own. It was all owned by their master. (Bank/State)

So here comes the early Christians. They acted weird. They had faith which made them willing to die spiritually and physically to this world. They showed crazy love, not abuse. It was so much different than the world around them. Not because they stopped sinning, but because they loved and had faith.

They had church gatherings where they shared food and money to help each other succeed. They sold everything for this cause. They jumped in with both feet, loving each other and the cause of Christ.

The other slaves were drawn by the Holy Spirit to be a part of this. They wanted to know what this was. Of course some wanted to take advantage, but many were for real. And even those who wanted to take advantage were loved and got saved because of how they were treated in comparison to how the world and the system treated them. They saw the Holy Spirit working, they saw the faith, they saw the love. Real love.

Jesus said, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”—(John 13:35)

Our success as believers comes through the Holy Spirit, Faith and Love. It comes from God. We cannot do any of these things without Him. We cannot love the way we should without Jesus. Without the Holy Spirit growing and molding us.

Our success in this life as believers comes through the love and support we give each other by the power of the Holy Spirit through faith.

We see someone hurting and we help. We see someone fallen, and we help them rise back up because the Holy Spirit leads us to show love to them. We do this to everyone.

But, how much more should we help other saints?

Our love for our fellow saints shows whether we are even saved or not.

When we see someone who goes to our church hurting, suffering, fallen or in need; do we help them or ignore them? Do we cast them aside because they fell or do we go to them? Do we support them in ministry, business and life? Or do we ignore them because they don’t measure up to traditions of men? I shouldn’t even need to post bible verses to prove it.

Shouldn’t the leaders of the church be leading the church in love? To help others? to support the saints in life and in their ministry work for Christ? Not to be seen of men or to look good because you’re supporting the latest fad. But, to help those people Jesus speaks of in Mathew 25. It’s easy to love children in need. But, our love is supposed to be big enough to love the prisoner. To love the enemy.

This love can only come by the Holy Spirit. Course, if your church doesn’t really believe in the Holy Spirit, that could be a problem.

All saints are gifted for service. Our service comes by the Holy Spirit working through us and developing the fruit in us. Is that happening in you or in your church? Does all your church love terminate on a few “obedient” people?

Do you have little cliques in your church? Groups of people who control everything and no one else can get inside or be a real part of? Are you a respecter of persons? Like James spoke about; embracing the rich while destroying and ignoring the poor or lower class? (James 2:1-9)

Is that love?

 Real love is shown in Christ, when he died for those who hate Him, and forgave them.

Love is explained in First Corinthians chapter 13.

Love is shown throughout the Word.

Love is shown in how God has loved you.

Love is shown by doing unto others what you would have them do to you. (Luke 6:31)

We are to overcome evil with good. (Rom. 12:21)

Loving others, is good and is a form of spiritual warfare. When we see evil such as poverty, or oppression or disease, we respond with love. We don’t victim blame. or make unrighteous judgements. We help. When evil is done to us we turn it around for good, by faith and love with the Holy Spirit.

We are saved by Grace,through faith. Not by works. (Eph 2:8-10)

We are not saved by Love. We are saved by God’s love and grace, but not our own. However, our love for the saints and others is a reflection of what God has done for us. It is a reflection of Jesus. It is the Holy Spirit working in and through us.

We win the fight of faith through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in us. Our love is through Him. All our failures work to lead us and grow us in Him if we turn to Him. These failures and hurts teach us to love, and have faith in Him. (Rom 8:28)

We succeed in Him.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Tuesday, November 5, 2024

The Lesson of Job

 The Lesson of Job

When we face trouble, we have one focus


We all face trouble in life. It is something we can all agree upon. No matter who you are, something bad will eventually come to cause you trouble. Something will break your heart. Something will break you down. Something will make you crazy, concerned or confused.

When we look at the story of Job in the Bible. We see a lot of spiritual truth that we can apply to our lives.

Now, understand that trouble is relative to you. Just because someone on the other side of the Earth is in extreme poverty with nothing. Doesn’t make your problems any less concerning. Just because someone else is dying of some terrible disease, doesn’t make your troubles any less destructive to your life.

Evil is evil, in whatever form it manifests. We need to stop belittling peoples troubles and start solving problems. It’s very possible that if we solved the petty problems, they would not become the huge problems. If we cared about the person who can’t afford simple things, we might also care about the person in total poverty and solve the problem. If we care about the person with a flu bug, we might also care about the dying man, or even prevent disease from growing.

I say this because Job, faced terrible tribulation. He lost everything he owned, His children were all killed, and his health was attacked. On top of that, his wife was against him.

Just because Job’s troubles were really bad, doesn’t mean yours are not concerning to you. The Bible often gives us the most extreme vision of things so that we will see that our troubles are also able to be overcome. The same faith can overcome all of it. The same God is with us in all of it, no matter how big or small.

In the book of Job, Satan comes to God and asks to test Job. He claims that if Job is mistreated he will turn from God.

That is the focus of the story and that is our focus. Nothing else matters.

 It doesn’t matter how bad the trouble was. It doesn’t matter if God allowed it. It doesn’t matter if Satan did it, or God did it. None of it matters.

Because Job had no clue. He just knows he is having trouble. His whole life has been upended. We even see toward the end of the book that Job is confused and has questions. It’s ok to have questions, doubts and confusion. But, Job turned to God. Job stayed with God. That’s the point.

When we face trouble, we often have no clue what’s going on. We might think it’s nature. Or God is punishing us or the devil is attacking us. We might know exactly what we did or didn’t do. We might be suffering because of something done to us by people who claim to love us.

None of it matters.

The answer for all of it is the same. Turn to God.

Pray to Him, ask Him to save you and help you. Listen to His guidance.

Job said, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him” (Job 13:15)

He turned to God and trusted Him. Even if God chose to kill him, Job knew God was good and had good reasons. He trusted God, and continued walking in the way that he was walking in his life, because he did not see that he had done anything wrong. And he hadn’t. God will let you know.

The whole point of the story is that Job turned to God and stayed with Him. No matter how bad. No matter what philosophies, or good intentions from friends. No matter how much a friend called him a sinner. No matter how much pain and humiliation. Even when his wife, was led by Satan to say, “Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die.”

Job stayed with God. He trusted God and turned to God.

Now understand that I am not talking about going to church. You can go to church all you want and still not know God. You can be the greatest member of your church and still be lost.

Do you know Him? Do you trust Him? Turn to Him.

This can be seen in the Garden when Satan through the Serpent, tempted Eve. He caused her to doubt God’s promises and His goodness. (Gen. 3)

That is the the devil’s favorite tactic. To get us to stop trusting God and to not reach out to Him. Once that’s done, we have no real hope or real help. We are defenseless and powerless.

This is why God brought the curse. It is designed to cause us to turn to God.

When Adam ate of the fruit all humanity gained a corrupted nature through him. The only solution is to turn to God for salvation and help. The Curse causes us to seek that help, if we are willing.

Always turn to God. Turn to Him in everything, and He will save you, lead you, grow you and know you.

You have a choice. Do not let trouble or the enemy drive you away from God. Turn to Him and let Him work.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Photos by the pexels/edited by author.


Sunday, November 3, 2024

Grace Cannot Exist With Works

 Grace Cannot Exist With Works

If you seek to save yourself you've destroyed Grace. 




"Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace. And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work."---Romans 11: 5-6 KJV---all verses are KJV

In this verse in Romans, Paul makes a statement regarding grace that should settle all matters regarding salvation by faith, or works, or whether you can lose your salvation, or whether you must do works to maintain it.

He plainly states, that it cannot truly be grace if you have to do anything to obtain it, or keep it.

The whole idea of grace is negated by any notion of effort on our part.

The King of everything is offering us salvation, adoption, total forgiveness, mercy, joint ownership of the Kingdom, all for free, forever, if we just turn to Him, and ask. Confessing Him as our Lord, believing and trusting Him alone.
" For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

Not of works, lest any man should boast.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."--- Eph. 2:8-10

We are saved by grace. THROUGH faith. 

Faith is a medium. It's like a telephone line that connects us to God's Grace. We are not saved by faith, we are saved THROUGH faith.

God does not want anyone boasting or acting like they did some great deed to be saved, or that they were obedient servants. We must accept our fallen state and inability to save ourselves, in order to receive God's Grace. That's part of it. You must acknowledge your need for him alone.

But, here's where we encounter a problem.

Some people want to use Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 as an excuse to try to save themselves. It will not work. We cannot save ourselves or even help God at all. The second you try or think you are, grace ends.

After Adam fell humans became corrupted with a sin nature. We are not able to do right or fix ourselves. This is why God gave us the law. The purpose of God's law is to show us we cannot obey it and need to turn to God for salvation. This is why Jesus came to save us. We are not saved by doing the works of the law. We are saved by Grace. We are saved through faith in Christ alone. We follow the law because it helps us avoid trouble in this life. But, it does not save us.

Let's rightly divide the Word, in verse 10.

"We are HIS workmanship"=  It is God's Work not ours.

"created in Christ Jesus unto good works"= We are "Born Again" or Created in Christ, to build the Kingdom, to Spread the Gospel. to love and help people. These are the works we do.

"which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."= God already had a plan for our lives in Him and wants to work through us.

This is not about our salvation. We cannot do the works God desires without first being saved and letting Him work through us, by His Spirit.

But, some continue to use this verse and other verses to attempt to prove that we must  pay for our salvation or do something to earn it.

The fact that they think they can earn it, is proof that they really do not understand how wicked we are. It proves God right, when He says "None seek God". We seek ourselves, when a person wants to save themselves. (Romans 3:11)

When you wonder if someone can lose Grace. The answer is no. But, many "Christians" have never received Grace. Because they have chosen to earn it themselves, And force others to do the same.

They don't lose it.  They never had it. They never fell on their face and said "Have mercy on me a sinner". They never really had any oil in their lamp because they never had faith in God. ( Luke 18:10-14)

Let God save you.
Just turn to Him and ask Him to save you. (Acts 2:21)
Confess that Jesus is your Lord and believe He rose from the dead. (Romans 10: 9-10)

Believe He has saved you and is working on you. Trust His promise. It's not a feeling.

God has saved you, if you asked him to. Now He will start working in your life to help you to have more faith and grow in Him. To help you serve Him. He will lead you to study his Word and find a place where you can be with other saved people.
 Trust Him.

Let me give you a little analogy.

Let's say there's a parent and a child.

Which is better?

The child that ignores the parent, and goes its own way and is hurt or has a ruined life?

The child who chooses to read about the parent and rules and laws, obeying them perfectly but never really knowing the parent?

The child who turns to the parent and says. "Please help me". The child who chooses to turn to the parent and ask them to help them and grow them. The child who wants a relationship?
Which is better?
It's kind of a no brainer.
Turn to the Lord and trust Him.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Photo by the writer, Gulf Shores, Alabama

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Not As The World Gives

 Not As The World Gives

God Is Not Like This World

Jesus said. "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."---John 14:27  (John 14:1-31--in context)

When God calls us, and we turn to Him, confessing Jesus is the Lord, asking Him to save us and putting our faith in Him.
He saves us, and fills us with His Holy Spirit, washing us clean.

This brings us peace. Not our peace. But HIS peace. This must be understood. Because we do not nor cannot maintain this Peace ourselves. He does it as we continue to turn to Him and grow in Him, and know Him. The Word He gives us is Jesus. The Word He gives us are His Promises.

The second part of the verse is what I want to focus on.

"Not as the world giveth, give I unto you"

Because God doesn't give as the world gives. (You've lived in this world long enough to know how this world and the people of it give.)

When God gives, it's free to you. He paid for it.

It's a gift not a loan. There is no interest and it doesn't have to be repaid.

He doesn't take it away from us if we fail.

He doesn't use it against us.

He doesn't use it to guilt trip us.

He doesn't hold it over our head.

He doesn't give us something cheap and shoddy.

He doesn't give us a hand me down.

He loves us. He understands us. He works with us. He knows us, if we choose to know Him.
He fixes us and helps to grow us. He doesn't cast us aside.

He is with us always even till the end of the world.

And that's why we have the peace that defies all understanding. (Phil. 4:6-7)

Praise Jesus.

So what do we do?  We remind ourselves of his promises. We speak them aloud to hear them and drive the enemy away. We remind our selves of the great things God has done for us. We thank and praise Him for it. This brings peace as the Holy Spirit works in us.


Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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Photos by the author/pexels