Friday, May 31, 2024

Judge Ourselves

 Judge Ourselves


Do You Judge Yourself, Or Others?


We are called to judge ourselves lest we be judged with the world.  (1 Cor. 11:31-32)

Paul says this to believers.

So what does he mean?

He means current earthly judgement and eternal judgement.

Because if you think you are saved and you think you don’t sin.

You need to check yourself. The fact is that the closer we get to God the more we see our sinfulness in thought and deed.

John says that if you say you have no sin you’re a liar and the truth (Jesus) is not in you. (1 John Chapter 1)


This is not only talking about Salvation. But, our walk in Christ as well. We can be judged or chastened in this world, and still be saved. (Hebrews Chapter 12)

So we judge ourselves and confess our sins to get our feet washed, even after salvation. When we walk in this world we get dirty. Confessing our sins to God is judging ourselves. It is when Christ washes our feet.

If we do not, then we risk falling into judgement with the world.  God will protect us if we are saved. But if we step outside that protection we could have a problem.

We might be saved for eternity but earthly judgment could put us there quicker.

But, the fact is that if you think you don’t sin, you don’t really know Him and you might be in danger of eternal judgement as well. If a person does not have a relationship with the Lord, they are not saved. That’s why God calls us to judge ourselves. When we know Him we are drawn closer to Him. The things of this world get less and less important. Serving him and trying to build the Kingdom become larger in our lives. Our spiritual growth and exercising our faith matters more and more.

Consider your death. If you were told you were dying in a month, what would you focus on? Pray to the Lord and ask Him to save you and show you. I’m not saying that many of the things we enjoy are wrong. I’m saying that there is a higher focus, and when we get closer to God that focus magnifies.

Now, let’s look at our churches. Because, the Bible teaches that the church is the Bride of Christ. We are his body. We are His representatives, and in essence, He considers us, as His own self. (1 Cor. 12:27, 2 Cor. 5:20-21, Acts 9)

We see in Revelation, that Jesus does hold churches accountable and could allow earthly judgement.  Which I believe will happen in the last days. When the Anti-Christ makes war with the Saints. A second cleansing of His temple. (Rev Chapter 1-3, Rev. 13:7)

But, we as churches need to confess and correct ourselves. I know for a fact that things go on with churches, and the church acts like it’s above reproach. It can do no wrong.

I’ve seen false teaching, unkindness, false brethren, pride, greed, and other things. I’ve seen people driven out and really treated wrongly. Then the church puts the blame on the victim. I’ve seen people complain about churches, and rather than listening, and trying to fix it. The church will double down and make excuses while blaming the victim.

It would be better to confess it to the Lord as a church. Then try to fix the problem.

We want to blame others. But, we need to judge ourselves to make sure we are alright, then we can see clearly to help someone else.

We must judge ourselves personally and as churches, so we are ready for His return.

: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“  a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.

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