Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Steal, Kill And Destroy

 Steal, Kill, and Destroy

Satan Works to Destroy Us


Jesus said that the thief or Satan has come to steal, kill and destroy. What does this mean? (John 10:9-10, John 8:43-44)

Well the very first thing. Is our soul. The enemy does everything in his power to keep people from salvation. He fights to keep people from hearing the call. From knowing God. From having a relationship with Him. ( Matt. Chapter 13, verses 4, 19)

But, once God has broken through into our lives and we have heard Him, believed Him and accepted Him. He saves us.

Even after salvation, the enemy still attacks us. He still seeks to steal, kill and destroy.

He gets us to waste our money on things that won’t bless others, or survive the fire.

He gets us to focus on things that don’t matter, stealing our time and our life, and our finances.

He gets us to see only this world, instead of storing up treasures for the next.

Because where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (Matt 6:19-21)

Overcome evil with good. Turn everything over to God. Surrender it all and use all of it for His glory. That redeems our waste. That turns uselessness into value. (Romans 12:21)

That enemy seeks to destroy our health, and to murder us. He gets us to worry about the belly. What we shall eat and what we shall wear. He gets us addicted to this life, and the filth of it. Feeding us garbage to make us sick, to destroy our health and make us doubt God. Our sickness from the garbage of this world, gets us to focus on our bodies, instead of the things of the Spirit. (Matthew 6:24-34, )

We eat like kings, and gain all the diseases that come with it. And the enemy uses it to turn our minds from the things that matter. 

He sends us to early graves, because we seek the things of the flesh.

All things are lawful, but not all things bring us closer to God. (1 Cor. 6:10, 10:23)

Our spirit matters more than the body, but the body can be used to distract us from the spirit. We need to try to prevent that. Like a soldier shoring up a weak position. Our health, both spiritual and physical matters.

That enemy wants to destroy our service to God, and others. He distracts us into things that doesn’t matter. He does things to make us look evil to others. He throws monkeywrenches into our work, and leads us to do things that cause people to not listen to us, when we preach the Gospel or share truth.

He destroys our families. Our lives. Our hopes and dreams. He gets us to blame God and run from Him. Which allows more destruction, death and loss.

Like a lion going around seeking whom he may devour, he makes a loud roar. And the fear, causes the weak, young, foolish, and sick to run. And the lion can find you away from the shepherd. (1 Peter 5:8)

The enemy destroys us by getting us to leave the presence of the shepherd. 

He makes us feel that God is mad at us. That God is hurting us. That God is deceiving us or tricking us. He tells us that we are too far gone. That we have lost our salvation, or given it away. (Gen. Chapter 3)

He does everything in his power to keep us from our only savior, Jesus Christ, the Lord Almighty. (Matthew Chapter 13)

The Parable of the Sower shows that the enemy tries to steal the Word from our heart, while trouble and temptations come to draw us into the distractions of this life and get us to ignore God or hate God. These troubles cause us to fear, and doubt and forget. (Matt. Chapter 13)

The soil of the heart can only become good when we turn to God, get saved and let Him work in our lives. Even then we have attacks of the enemy. The heart never fully turns good. It is deceitful and wicked. Do not trust it. Trust God. (Jer. 17:7-12)

The answer for everything is to turn to God. Confess to Him. Grow in Him. Trust Him.

No matter what it is. Turn to God, and let Him work. Have faith that he loves you. Have faith that He is working, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Heb. 11:6)

Turn to God. Always.

Our protection stands in God. When we get saved we are in Christ.

But, the question must be. If trouble comes, where do you turn? A person who knows God and trusts God and has put everything in God turns to Him. We trust His promises in His Word. We trust the relationship He has shown us that we have with Him.

A person who never really knew God or never really accepted Him does not turn to Him.

People do not lose their salvation. They never had it.

Of course we question things. That is the enemy putting doubt into our hearts. That is a temptation.

But, what do we do with it?

Do we reject Satan and turn to God? Or do we reject God, who is our only Hope?

God wants us to seek Him and question Him in these times. It helps build the relationship. He shows us His love and power and we grow in Faith. Even Jesus in the Garden had questions and concerns. (Matt. 26:36-46)

A person who really knows God, turns to God. This is abiding. (John 14:6, John Chapter 15)

Some believers, will act as though we should not concern ourselves with the enemy. But, that is the exact opposite of what the Word teaches.

We have an enemy. We are at war. We need to understand his devices and wage war. Our protection lies in Christ, not our own works. But, we are called to serve in this war. (2 Cor, 2:10-11)

We are called to abide in Him. We are called to endure. (2 Tim. 2:3, Matt. 24:13)

We endure and abide by knowing Him and trusting Him. By turning to Him always, confessing to Him, and building that relationship.

Not by works. But, by His Grace in Him.

Tough times are coming. The Flood is coming.

Is your faith in Him built on the Rock of Christ?

Or is it built on the shifting sands of your own efforts, and worldly things? (Matt. 7:24-29)

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called “The Future is Coming” and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

Follow Him on Medium: https://chris-bunton.medium.com/

Follow Him on Free Life Blog: https://myfreelifeblog.com/

Read His Spiritual Writings on Blogger: https://chrisbunton.blogspot.com/

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