Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Burden Of Prayer

 The Burden Of Prayer

Sometimes We Have A Feeling We Cannot Get Rid Of.



I’m not a very good Christian. I’m just not.

If you followed me around everyday with a camera. You’d be like,

“What’s wrong with this guy?”

God saves us despite our sinfulness. He works to change us.

Trust me. I’m better than I used to be.

I say this because I don’t want you to think I’m some perfect person. I’m not.

No one is. But, God uses us in our sin and failure anyway.

I say this again because I want you to realize that if we wait till we are perfect, we will never get busy serving God.

We are perfect because God washed us in the Blood of Christ, if you are saved. Not because we act perfect.

We grow in the Lord by serving Him. By working with Him. By confessing our sins to Him and building the relationship with Him.

Henry Blackaby used to say, “Find where God is working and join Him.”

A burden is a call from God to join Him.

So, what is a “burden”?

A burden is when you can’t get rid of a feeling or thought. It has weight. It burdens you. You perceive that there’s more to it than just some passing thought. Because it doesn’t pass. It stays with you. It keeps coming to your mind.

Now, a burden can be for anything, but let’s start with simple things.

You’re laying in bed and you wake up and someone is on your mind.

Pray for them.

Usually a burden will not leave you alone. It just keeps bugging you until you take care of it. Keep praying. As your mind runs wild, keep praying for what comes, or about what comes.

Sometimes, it’s a burden to pray. Sometimes it’s a burden to contact this person and just say “hi” and see what’s up. (Of course not at 2am)

You’ve been thinking about Uncle Joe all day. That’s a burden. Pray for him. Reach out.

You saw the woman sitting by the road with a sign. You’ve thought about her the whole time you’re in the store. That’s a burden. Pray for her and help her.

Sometimes a burden can be something you know about. You have no excuse.

Your friend’s spouse just died, and you feel a burden to reach out.

Do it.

You hear someone in need and feel a burden to help.

Do it.

Let’s get back to prayer, because no matter what the burden is, it needs to be answered firstly, by talking with God.

Nehemiah used to say short quick prayers under his breath when needed. (The Book of Nehemiah)

It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate. Just pray until the burden is lifted or you know what to do. Just talk to God.

I will often whisper prayers to God that no one sees. Even while I’m surrounded by people. God hears. You do not need to make a big show of prayer. Actually it’s best you don’t.

Sometimes, you won’t know what the burden is about. Just go. God will be there.

Sometimes you won’t know what to pray for. Pray what I call “Blanket Prayers”

You are throwing a blanket of prayer power over a person, place or situation.

Pray for salvation. Pray for protection. Pray that the people will draw closer to God. Pray for healing. Pray for help.

You are covering them in prayer.

You don’t need to know specifics. God will reveal those as He sees fit. Sometimes, it comes by contacting the person to see how they are doing.

The Holy Spirit guides us, and He can take our generic prayer and translate it into something specific. Even if we have no clue and are in agony, groaning for someone or ourselves, the Holy Spirit can understand. (Romans 8:26-27)

That brings us back to trying to be perfect. You can’t be. You already are perfect, in Christ.

The devil will get you to wallow in your own doubt and fear in order to keep you from serving. Just get up and do it.

Go, and let God guide you. it’s hard. You might fail. But, you went. And that’s really all we are called to do. (Eze. 3:17-22)

As we go, we listen for God’s guidance. The more we do it, the better we are at hearing Him.

As Saints, we are called to fight the enemy, help people, and spread the Gospel. We gather together in churches to do that work and help each other. This life is hard and we are often under attack. Our fellow Christians are supposed to pray for us and help us with our burdens and our troubles so we can fight the good fight of faith, and help them as well.

It all starts with prayer and often a burden to pray.

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called “The Future is Coming” and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

Follow Him on Medium: https://chris-bunton.medium.com/

Follow Him on Free Life Blog: https://myfreelifeblog.com/

Read His Spiritual Writings on Blogger: https://chrisbunton.blogspot.com/

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