Evil Is With Me
We have a corrupted nature

“I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.”—Rom. 7:21
Romans chapter 7 explains to us the purpose of God’s Law.
It’s purpose is to reveal sin in us, so that it can be dealt with.
Paul describes the struggle between law and flesh. He says that when he saw the law “Though shalt not covet” it was revealed that he had covetousness in his life.
He sinfully wanted what others had. The law revealed this and since he realized he had broken the law, he was slain by it. The law killed him, because the punishment for sin is death. He died in God’s eyes the moment he knew He had sinned. That’s the law.
But, he did not want to commit the sin. You can plug any sin into this box. Paul used covetousness, but it could apply to any sin. It was revealed to him that he sinned, and he was slain by it. He agreed with the law, because it is good. So, he did not want this sin in his life any more.
But, he discovered that he could not quit. The evil thoughts continued. The lusting or fear or doubt or whatever sins continued in his mind and heart; even though he did not want it anymore because he saw it was wrong in the Word of God.
Now, God revealed to Him a massive truth that opened his eyes. A truth that many people miss.
If he did not want to do it any more, then it was not really him doing it. He hated the sin, but yet still did it. He still thought the thoughts and did the deeds. He could not escape.
This showed him that there was something wrong with him. That he had a corrupted nature, beyond his control. Something in himself that he did not want or desire. He hated the sin, but still did it anyway. Therefore it was not him, but SIN in him.
This is important because when we think about obeying God’s law and put burdens on ourselves and others; we ignore the truth that we cannot obey it ourselves because of our corrupted nature. We are fallen. We are plagued with sin from Adam.
Our sins we commit are like symptoms of a deeper plague in us.
We don’t see how wicked we are until the light of God’s Word reveals it to us. Our flesh is totally corrupt and we are incapable of stopping it, in such a way that is true. If we stop one thing, we sin somewhere else. Trying to quit sinning is a torturous never ending hell, full of fear that God is watching and wants to destroy you.
When we have a works based doctrine, that’s where we are. We believe we must quit sinning, but we cannot. We want to please God, but fail constantly.
But, the law actually is supposed to reveal that you cannot quit and that it is not even really you committing the sins, it is something in you. The corrupted nature.
God’s law is far more than just the ten commandments. We can’t even obey the ten, let alone the rest. And don’t even start on the sins of thoughts. The sins of omission. or sins of Pride, Doubt, Fear, and other things we do, that we do not even realize we are doing.
The law reveals it. This is why the law is good, as Paul says.
It is like a mirror.
But, our response is to change. We cannot. It won’t work. A sinful being cannot change his sinful nature, he needs God to do it.
Now, ask yourself, why would God provide a means to have your sins covered through the sacrificial system?
Because He knows we cannot obey. He wants it. He demands it. But we cannot, because of the corrupted nature in us from Adam. He knows this.
God is not ignorant of our sins and failures. We try to hide these things and try to quit or deal with it ourselves but it doesn’t work. It gets worse.
Have you ever seen a child who plays with magic markers? They color themselves, they color the walls, they color everything. But, there often comes a point where they realize they messed up. Sometimes they realize it on their own (Spirit or Conscience), or sometimes it’s when the parent reveals it to them (law).
The child tries to fix it and might get a wet rag to wash it with. But it just smears it on themselves and the wall. They cannot fix it, and it’s there before them all the time. They need an adult to help them.
That is what happens with us. Even if a person doesn’t believe in God or has some other belief system, it doesn’t matter. God created us and this is what happens. This is what ALL religions deal with. This is why people go to therapy or drink to escape.
This thing in us torments us, because we know we are wrong and cannot get right. We try to fix it by fleshly means because that is all we know. But, it won’t work for eternity. It is a fleshly band aid at best, or makes things worse.
Look at Adam and Eve. When they fell from God, they saw they were naked and tried to cover themselves with fig leaves. That is religion, and every other thing we do to fix our problem in us. It’s nothing but fig leaves.
But, God showed up and revealed the sin in them and fixed it Himself. That’s Jesus.
We cannot fix it ourselves.
Paul says “O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?”—Rom. 7:24.
In the very next verse He thanks God.
“I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.”
He thanks God that the law has revealed to him that there is something wrong, and it is not him doing it. He serves God, but there is also the corrupted nature and he realizes that it is not him that does it but sin in him.
The very next verse is Romans 8:1, a new chapter and he reveals why he is thankful.
“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”
He reveals the solution. God came in the flesh to die for us, because of our sins and corrupted nature. He washes us clean in the Blood of Jesus when we turn to Him.
Our eyes are opened to the truth and we believe it. We turn to God, and ask Him to save us, confessing Jesus is the Lord, and we make Him our Lord.
God washes us clean of all sin. Past, present and future. He fills us with His Holy Spirit, and we grow in relationship with Him. We are no longer condemned. We are friends of God. We are righteous. Not because of what we do or don’t do. But, because of what Jesus did for us.
Our growth in Christ works to reveal and purge the things that we do in the flesh, as we confess our sins to Him. But, it is Him that does the work in us, not us. Even in our saved state, if we get in the habit of living a life trying to not sin, we are not really living in faith that Jesus has washed us. We think we must obey and do it ourselves. We forget that we cannot. This is why Paul says there is power in weakness. We admit our failure and give it to God and let Him do it.
If we go a few verses more in Romans chapter 8 we see this struggle continues in us even though we are saved. The flesh battles with the Spirit. We walk in the Spirit, by abiding in Christ, growing the relationship, turning to Him and confessing our sins, being in prayer, loving God and others. We realize that the sinful nature is not us anymore. We are dead to it. We died with Christ and rose with Him to new life. Those fleshly things no longer impact our spirit or salvation. They can cause trouble in this world, by opening the doors for demonic forces to attack us, but not our souls. Not our eternal spirits.
Here’s the verses
“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”
It’s about knowing Him, and He works to heal us and change us.
Walking in the Spirit is walking with Him. It is letting Him take care of it. because if we try to do it ourselves, or ignore it, we are walking in the flesh, and that leads to death.
What is death? Death is separation. It is not an end, as we suppose. When someone dies, they do not end, they are separated from us and from this fleshly world, and that body of flesh stays behind.
Eternal death is also separation. Nothing really dies or ends. it just changes form and continues on. We will all get a spiritual body that can never die. A vessel for our souls and spirits to dwell forever.
But, if we are not washed, that spiritual body will become corrupted by the corrupted soul, and dead spirit. It must then be separated to another place where nothing good dwells, because all good things are wrapped up in God. God is love. There is no love in separation. There is not love in that quarantine place of separation called Hell and the Lake of Fire. It is darkness and no light. It is separation from God.
If God allowed the corrupted nature into Paradise or Heaven, then all of eternity would be full of pain and evil just like this world. Separation occurs to protect God’s eternal kingdom and creation.
If we know Him we shall be with Him forever in Paradise. That’s the promise. Just like He told the thief on the cross.
All we have to do is turn to Him and ask, and believe. He will take care of the rest. We cannot change ourselves, He will do it, if we trust Him. And that is the difficulty of walking in the Spirit. Trusting and believing He’s got you. It builds patience. It builds meekness. We submit to Him and grow. Not by works, lest any should boast.
We can trust Him.
Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger.
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Photo by pexels/cottonbro studio
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