How Do We Pray?
It’s simpler than we think

Prayer, is a conversation with God.
For me, I just talk to the Lord. Jesus says that God is our father. The Apostles tell us that God is our father as well, if we know Him.
When we believe Him, He calls us friend.
Abraham believed what God told him, and it was counted to him for righteousness, and he was called the friend of God. (Romans 4:3)
So I just talk to God. And when I pour my true self into prayer with God, I know He hears.
I go for a walk and talk with him alone. I rant and rave around my home or where ever, when things are crazy. I give Him my real self. Just like a friend or father.
When you give your real self to God, you are showing belief. You believe the Word, which says he is our friend. He is our father. He is our physician. You trust Him.
Pray the Word to God.
Such as,
“Dearest heavenly father, You are not willing that any should perish so I pray for my child who is far from you. They are addicted to drugs and living a life that is harmful to them. By your stripes we are healed and I pray you will heal them of this addiction and trauma. We have power over demons and I pray in Jesus name that the you’ll drive the demons out of them. They are bound and cast out in Jesus name. Thank you, Lord. For it’s in Jesus name I pray, Amen.”
Praying the Word to God, is not a commanding of God, Although I don’t think God is offended by it. He is love. He does not respond with prideful rage. Praying the Word is more like an attorney quoting laws in court, to make a case. Does the human judge get offended by a passionate attorney who brings up cases and laws of the past?
But you have to know the Word, and believe the Word to pray the Word.
Why do we pray in Jesus name?
Because the Lord told us to. When we do it we are exercising belief in His Word, and faith that He is able. We show that it is not by our authority but by His. We are weak, but He is strong. (John 14:13)
The disciples asked Jesus how to pray, and He gave them the Lord’s prayer. (Luke 11, Matt. 6)
“Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.”
You can pray this prayer, word for word. There is power in it. You are praying the Word. You are believing and following the directions of Jesus, and the prayer covers everything.
It praises God. It acknowledges Him as Lord. It places trust in Him and His decisions. It covers our daily needs. It covers forgiveness for our sins, as we forgive others. It covers protection and guidance.
When you read Matthew 6, Jesus speaks a lot about prayer before He gets to the Lord’s Prayer. All of it matters. Our repetitions do not move God. Praying in front of people to be seen by them or ‘As a good witness” to them, is wrong.
We should seek alone time with God. Not that corporate prayer is wrong. We should pray with others who also believe. But we need alone time with God.
Now, look at how simple the Lord’s prayer is.
Because God is omnipresent. He is omniscient and eternal. He can read your heart and mind. Past, present and future.
When you consider this, it brings some of our notions about prayer into question.
He already knows what you are going to pray. He already knows what you need. He has probably already put the wheels into motion to bring about what you need.
That’s why our prayer time is really more about spending time in His presence. Our words and desires are about coming into alignment with His character and will.
We are finite. We are not omnipresent. Which means, present everywhere at all times in all times.
But, we can be present with Him right now.
And when we are present with Him we can pray the things He brings to our heart. We can be aligned with His will, asking for good things for people. Praying for protections. Praying against the enemy. Praying for peace, love, joy and salvation. Forgiving others. Praying for healing.
Often our faith in prayer and speaking the Word, will move mountains and drive out the enemy who opposes us. The one who seeks to deceive and to steal, kill and destroy everything in our lives.
God uses our faith. He recognizes it because it is based in Him. All humans have natural faith. But, not all humans have faith in God and His Word.
The most powerful prayer you can pray, is simply praising and thanking the Lord.
Every morning, when I wake up, I try to let my first words and thoughts be, “Praise Jesus, thank you Lord for all you’ve done, and are doing.”
I trust Him. He’s got me. He knows what I need, and want. Like Job said, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him.” (Job 13)
We agonize over our lives. We feel that we should get more. I do it too.
But, this life is but a breath. It is a moment in eternity. Our desire should be to know Him and spend time with Him. The relationship is all important.
Our prayer is time with God.
“Dearest heavenly Father, please forgive me for my sins and help me to overcome. I thank you for everything you have done and are doing in my life. I praise you and ask you to help me with the things I need. Please help me to serve in the manner you desire. I ask that you will drive out the enemy, from my life. I trust in you, for it’s in Jesus name I pray, thank you Lord, amen”
The words, do not have power. The power rests in Faith, the relationship and the Lord who is over all.
Paul says that the Holy Spirit can take even our groaning and translate it into a faith filled message that God receives. He knows our heart. He hears us. Our weaknesses is not a hindrance to His ability to know us. (Rom.8:26-28)
Again, after all is said and done. Just talk to God. Let Him teach you and guide you. Be real with Him. Not putting on airs. Not trying to be more than you are.
Spend time with Him and get to know Him.
Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger.
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