Sunday, February 2, 2025

Trust God's Goodness

 Trust God's Goodness

He wants us saved and growing in Him. 


We can trust God’s goodness in this fallen world which seeks to destroy us. Everything around us might scream that God has abandoned us or that He doesn’t care. But He is there. He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Even in the Garden. In the midst of Paradise, Satan was able to get the first couple to stop trusting God. He got them to doubt His promises and His goodness. The same thing happens to us.

They were in a perfect place with all of their needs met and no troubles at all, and the enemy was still able to drop a little nugget of doubt into their mind. Just enough to get them to do the one thing God told them not to do.

God’s rules are not to keep us down or to hide things from us. They are designed to protect us, from things we do not understand and the dangers of this world.

We can trust His promises. We can trust His Word. We can trust His goodness.

We no longer live in a Paradise. We live in a fallen world and bad things happen to us. Trouble comes into our lives, whether it’s by our own making or not; we face difficulties. We see the evil around us, and we are again tempted by the devil to say “Where is God?” “Where is His Goodness?”

Like Job. Satan attacked him in order to get Him to doubt and curse God. But, Job said, “Though He slay me, still will I trust in Him.” (Job 13:15a)

He trusted God and refused to be pulled away from the Lord, or caused to doubt Him. Job questioned. But, he never doubted God’s goodness or curse Him.

When we face trouble in life, we are also tempted to reject God. We are tempted to go do things that set us up for failure and more trouble.

Remember, the enemy seeks to steal, kill and destroy. He will use everything to rob us of finances and joy and life and health, he will work to kill us and ruin us.

That’s His plan. It starts with getting us to doubt God’s Word, His promises and His goodness.

If He can get us to ignore God, or doubt Him, He can lead us down dark paths and slay us.

When we look at the terrible things in this world it’s hard to imagine that God is good. We even hear things like “A good God would not allow such and such.” That is the devil. He cause the terrible things, then he points at it and says “Look! God did that!”

 If we do not know God, or trust Him we can be deceived by it.

In these last days it is going to get harder and harder, as deception grows.

But, we can trust Him. He is good. Learn of Him. Study the Word. Confess Jesus as your Lord, and believe that He is THE Lord.

Confessing ‘Jesus is The Lord” is the only thing that separates the Christian from every other belief system on Earth. Remember that.

God is good, He came to Earth to die for us and set us free. He saves us. Do not be pulled away by the deceptions of the enemy.

Trust God

Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger.

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