Tuesday, July 9, 2024

...To Receive A Mark

 ...To Receive A Mark

A Message on the End Times



 In Revelation chapter 13 we see the rise of the Anti-Christ, and the false prophet.

We see that the Anti-Christ, using Satan's power makes war against the Saints and overcomes them.

It's my opinion, written in other places, that this is the time of the Great Falling Away. This is the second cleansing of the temple, which is the body of Christ. The first came in the early church persecution. There will be a second great persecution which will drive all the false brethren out of the church. It will happen before or around the time of the Anti-Christ's rising. It is, the separating of the wheat and the chaff. The dividing of The Wheat and Tares.  (Matt 3:12, Matthew Chapter 13)

The Anti-Christ, behind the scenes and with the spirit of antichrist overcomes the saints, and they are no longer able to be a restraining force. The Holy Spirit, in them is no longer able to restrain. He has been removed, effectively. He still remains in the saints but is no longer impacting humanity as before. The Spirit of Truth is removed. The times of deception are here.  (2 Thess. Chapter 2, Daniel 7:21, Daniel 7 25, Rev. 13:7)

This allows the Anti-Christ to come on, full force. This also leads to the False Prophet, and the New World Religion, that will worship the Anti-Christ as God.

I do not believe in a pre-trib rapture. The Bible doesn't teach it. Believers will meet Him in the clouds when He returns. Whenever that may be. (1 Cor. 15:51-53, Matt. 24:30-31, Matt. 24:36,)

I'm also not going to force you to agree with what I'm saying, or say that I have it all figured out.

I don't.

I am NOT claiming to be prophesying. This is a possibility.

All I'm trying to do is point some things out, so that when the time comes, you are not deceived. 

After the devastation of the four horsemen in Revelation, (Tribulation Matthew 24:29) persecution comes upon the saints. I think this is talking about the same "overcoming of the saints" spoken of in Daniel and Revelation 13. The fifth seal Revelation 6:9. Notice that the 6th seal describes  Matthew 24:29. Notice that Revelation 12:10-11 uses the same basic language as Rev. 13:7

The persecution of the saints and growth of the Anti-Christ starts behind the scenes, until the saints are weak enough for the Anti-Christ to appear.

Now back to the point of this writing. The Mark.

Revelation 13 spells it out.  

But, I want to show you some scripture, that might give us an idea of how this will happen.

In Genesis chapter 47 we see Joseph is ruler of Egypt under Pharoah.

Now you have to understand, this is a picture of these latter days.

Egypt is the world. Pharoah is Satan who is the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4). Joseph at this point is a picture of the Anti-Christ.

In other places, he is the picture of Christ. But, here he is the instead of Christ, or Anti. This shows that the Anti-Christ will probably call himself some kind of Christian. He will also probably be of Jewish decent, but he comes from "the sea" so He will be of the gentile masses as well. He will be the perfect mix of humanity. Here is a short story I wrote describing him in an interview.

Notice what the verses say in Genesis... "when money failed". This is an economic collapse. It is most likely a picture of the Black Horse to come. (Gen. 47:15, Rev. 6:5-6)

So, Joseph gets the people to trade everything they have for food. They trade lands and even their own selves. They give their souls. 

In today's terms, it would be like saying,  "there was an economic collapse and they received the Mark because they were starving and had no choice." 
See it?

Now Pharoah (Satan) owns everything.

Notice two things. The priests kept their lands. And Joseph's family was given a special place. Notice also that the people who had given everything are forced to leave their homes and move into the cities. (Gen.47:21-22, )

This is probably a picture of the priests of the New World Religion, getting privileges because they accepted The Anti-Christ willingly before hand, and betrayed people. So, they get to keep their lands and get the Mark.

Also, Joseph making an agreement with his family and giving them a special place, is probably a picture of the peace agreement, between Anti-Christ and Israel. (Daniel 9:27) It could also be showing us that God protects His saints, and Israel.

I have always wondered how "The Mark" would work if the world was damaged and there were rural areas and 3rd world countries without the infrastructure to sustain the electronic means for the Mark.

But, if people are forced to move into the cities, that would explain it.

What I'm saying here probably doesn't happen in chronological order. A lot of it is happening simultaneously and grows from a slow walk to a full gallop, of the Four Horsemen.. Like the pains of a woman in travail. (Rev.Chapter  6, 1 Thess. 5:3. Rev 12, Rev. 12:11 Notice the wording, )

Just bear this in mind as the time draws near, and do not be deceived. When the economic collapse comes. And they want you to start turning stuff in. Realize that the Mark is close.
We see inflation rising, trillions in debt, the Dollar failing and possibly being removed as a reserve currency. It could be leading to an economic collapse. The Black Horse.

Also, realize that the spirit of antichrist has worked for a while to set up the system and move things along. Understand that the Anti-Christ is probably behind the scenes pulling strings long before we see him.

He does not appear to us until after the great falling away. (2 Thess. Chapter 2)

That's after he has driven the church into hiding, and all the false brethren have joined the Apostate church, or New World Religion.
It's getting closer.

Behold Jesus comes quickly.
 Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called “The Future is Coming” and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

Follow Him on Medium: https://chris-bunton.medium.com/

Read His Spiritual Writings on Blogger: https://chrisbunton.blogspot.com/

Follow Him on Free Life Blog: https://myfreelifeblog.com/

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