Friday, July 19, 2024

Wisdom From God

  Wisdom From God

The Wisdom Of This World Is Foolishness With God



Something that needs to be understood is the explanation of wisdom.

There's a worldly wisdom and a wisdom that comes from God. ( 1 Cor. 3:18-23)

There's knowledge and there's understanding. (Col. 1:9, 1 John 5:20, Rev. 13:18, Hebrews 5:11-14)

Have you ever met someone who was book smart, but had no common sense?

That's the difference between knowledge and worldly wisdom.

You gain knowledge by studying and learning. You gain wordly wisdom by living. Street smarts so to speak.

Earthly understanding is when you can apply both of these things and know how they connect and can use them properly.

Look at a mechanic. He might learn a lot about cars from books and classes. That's knowledge.

He might be able to repair a car with ease because he has done it over and over. 
When he was a kid, he was under the car with his dad getting told to hold the light straight. That's wisdom.

He can manufacture, and build you a functioning engine, because he understands how it works. He knows how the whole thing goes together. That's understanding.

Now, we apply these same concepts to spiritual things. Because earthly knowledge, is not the same as heavenly knowledge. (John 3:9-12)

Worldly wisdom is not spiritual wisdom. God's ways are not our ways. Man's ways are foolishness with God. (1 Cor. 3:18-23)
"Give and it shall be given unto you..." This is a spiritual truth from Jesus. (Luke 6:38, Matthew 6:19-20)
But this is not earthly truth. Earthly truth says "horde, because tough times are coming."
Earthly wisdom says "Don't give money to that person, they might not use it right."
I'm not saying we shouldn't save for a rainy day. I'm pointing out the difference between earthly and spiritual wisdom. There are many spiritual truths which contradict the earthly. The world says we should fear things. God says we should trust Him instead. The world says to get revenge. God says "Revenge is mine" (Rom. 12;19)

Humans are fallen. We cannot see or understand the ways of the Spirit. We are born into this world where it makes sense to save up for a rainy day. We know there are lots of rainy days in life. It's a fact.

This is why we must battle in ourselves, and let our faith grow, so we can really trust God. We trust him by doing the crazy things that go against worldly wisdom. This leads us to see that He is there, and we can trust Him even more. But, if we are not faithful in the little things, then how can He trust us with the bigger spiritual truths, or more faith? How can we walk if we won't take our first steps? (Luke 16:10, Gal. 5:17)

Understanding of spiritual things comes through the Holy Spirit, and your willingness to let Him work in your life.

And that's the key.

The beginning, is to hear God's call. Realize you need Him. Believe Him, and turn to Him.

In Proverbs, it says "the beginning of wisdom is to fear God." (Proverbs 9:10)

You cannot "fear" Him, if you don't believe and hear Him. Your "fear" causes you to realize your need for Him and turn to Him. (Or Not)

When you know Him. You will understand what it means to "fear" Him.

It is not a worldly, fleshly, demonic fear. It is higher.

You must realize that you do not know everything. You need Him. You need to learn and grow. You cannot learn till you admit you do not know.

The wise of this world, think they know it all. They think they have it all figured out. They gather with others who think they know it all, and pat each other on the back. (Rom. 1:22, 1 Cor. 1:19-20, 1 Cor. 10:12)

They surround themselves with "Yes, Men" and do not listen to views outside their little circle.  They will never grow or hear or learn.

That's worldly wisdom. They are the ones who doubt spiritual things. They explain away miracles. They destroy beliefs in anything that doesn't match their Godless explanations of reality. Even if they include God, He is distant and able to be controlled by them. They believe He follows the rules they have made for Him.

Satan uses them, like he used the magicians in Pharoah's court and the Wiseman of Babylon, to cause doubt and keep people from knowing God. Those same wizards, magi, and alchemists, exist today. There is nothing new under the sun. (Eccl chapter 1,  Exodus Chapter 7, Daniel)

The Professors, Doctors, Scientists and even Religious leaders all hold each other accountable to the doctrines and learning they have built up. It's called peer review. They will not hardly allow anything new to be discussed. It's pride. They cannot accept that they do not know it all.

We can see this over and over again. Back in the past, a man named Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis said that doctors should wash their hands to help prevent infection. He was attacked by the establishment. They used to practice blood letting of patients, as a cure for disease.
How many things have the scientific community thought was true, only to learn they were wrong?  And usually destroyed a lot of careers until it was finally accepted.
"Trust the Science"  They say, while destroying you if you question it. Why trust people who are willing to destroy you? If something is good and true, it will become obvious.

Look at religion. Jesus himself was crucified because he taught things that rocked the boat of the establishment. Martin Luther rocked the boat of established beliefs. How many believers have been killed by the Establishment for serving God?

There's a difference between the puffed up knowledge of the learned, and the broken understanding of the prophet.
We are heading into a time of great deception. Jesus said, that it will be so bad that "Even the Elect" are in danger of being deceived. (Mark 13:20-23)

When the Establishment controls everything. When the Beast System is complete. Only the doctrine of the Establishment will be allowed to exist. All Professions, All Media, All Corporations, All Laws, Everything; will parrot the same ideologies, and you will not escape.

The brainwashing has been going on for a very long time. From childhood we are filled with the ideology of the New World Order to come. More and more psychological tricks and technologies will come into being to drive it into our brains.

We won't even be able to trust our own eyes, and ears and dreams. The intelligence of AI will be able to make arguments that cannot be refuted. All proof will turn to support the system. Deep Fakes will make us see things we cannot prove true or false. Virtual Reality will invade the reality.

The New World Religion to come, will give spiritual understanding that no one can deny with our fleshly mind.

It will draw away Christians into the Great Falling Away as the Anti-Christ makes war with the saints and overcomes them.(Rev. 13:7)

But, the Elect.

The true Elect who have turned to God and let Him save them and lead them into all truth with see through the deception. (1 John 2:27, John 16:12-15)

The Elect, who listen to the Holy Spirit and let Him grow them, having a relationship with the Lord.

By our testimonies we shall overcome Satan. Because what God has done for us in our lives cannot be taken from us or twisted into a lie. (Rev. 12:10-12)

Our testimony comes from our relationship, trust and faith in Him. It comes from knowing Him.

God is love.

God's wisdom is love.

Our flesh cannot comprehend it.

Only God in us can help us understand.


Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ His newest book is called “The Future is Coming” and is a collection of dystopian short stories.

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