The Internet and Social Media
A Tool for the Last Days

God allowed the internet and social media to exist, for the purpose of spreading the Gospel, and His Word in these last days.
Yes, there is evil. Yes, the enemy is using the internet and social media to unite the world for his Kingdom.
Yes, it was brought into being by the spirit of antichrist in order to build the Kingdom of the Anti-Christ.
Yes, it is the modern equivalent of the Tower of Babel from the days of old.
It is a picture of the same battle that has been fought between good and evil since the Fall of man. Since the enemy rebelled against God. Since the Lord ascended and the promise of His return was given.
We can see throughout history, the struggle between forces.
We can see the common tongue, in Jesus day was Greek, and the violent Roman empire ruled the known world.
And it was through Greek, Latin and the roads of the Roman empire that the Gospel was spread, and the saints grew in number, till the Church became the religion of Rome.
Then, Satan used false leaders in the Catholic Church to suppress the Word, excommunicating and killing anyone who opposed them.
But, the Word was printed and translated into other languages so the truth and the Gospel could spread. But evil spread with it, and tried to stop it.
Kings of Europe, rose up and fought wars, colonizing, and spreading their power around the world. Satan’s servants enslaving, murdering, worshiping money, and annihilating entire people groups. Putting the whole world in debt to the fallen ones.
But, within it the Gospel and God’s Word spread around the world using The Spanish, French and British languages and empires, as a tool.
Till the world broke free from the Kings, and formed new governments, and Constitutions promising free religion and free speech to spread the Gospel and God’s Word around the world.
But a new last days empire has arose, and was taken over by the same desire to grow, and kill and exploit the world and create a New World Order Kingdom of the Anti-Christ.
In the midst of it, the Gospel is spread globally, even in restricted countries.
Then the internet came into being. The new Tower of Babel, to unite the world.
But, it allows the saints through social media and websites to spread the Gospel so the Word can be published in every nation, till the end comes. (Matt. 24:14)
As governments, corporations and religious leaders work to quell rebellion and to control free speech on line, working to silence opposition, and to prepare for the coming of the Mark of the Beast. The saints continue to work.
While things move towards the final persecution of the saints when the Anti-Christ over comes them. (Daniel 7:21, Dan. 7:25, Rev. 13:7)
Till the Lord returns and sets up his ever lasting kingdom.
Are you working?
Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.
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