By Faith...
Faith Matters

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”—Heb. 11:1
Translation: Faith is made up of hope for things we do not see and have never seen, but have evidence for.
If we rightly divide this verse we first need to understand what “Hope” is.
Hope is not a “Gee I sure hope so.”
No, it’s “more like “My only hope”. It’s like a life preserver or like a harness that a steel worker wears when he is on a high rise and needs a safety line to prevent falling.
We hope for things we have never seen, but have been given evidence of.
We have never seen God. We have never seen heaven or hell.
But, things have happened in our lives that have given us evidence of the reality of these things.
We have seen God move in our lives and answer prayer. We have seen people get healed of disease. We have seen blessings come to us and to others. We have seen the beauty of nature and the signs it holds. We have felt God in our spirit, comforting us.
This evidence is our lifeline to God. God provides this evidence so that our lifeline will be stronger and cause us to reach out to Him more and trust Him more. God Himself is our lifeline and He provides faith for it.
He gives us faith at birth, and He builds our faith to believe in Jesus Christ and put our faith and trust in Him. Then, He continues throughout our life to build our faith. If we know Him.
Hebrews chapter 11 is called the faith chapter of the Bible. This is where we can get a definition of what faith is.
The very first thing it mentions is having faith in God’s creation. Belief that God created all things out of nothing, simply by speaking it into existence.
We believe in creation because God told us in His Word that this is what happened. So, by faith we believe His Word. Our belief in His Word makes us righteous. Abraham believed God and it was counted to Him for righteousness. When we are told of Jesus Christ, we have the chance to believe or not. If we believe, then we are believing the Word of God, and we put our faith in Jesus Christ and we are declared righteous. Jesus is the living Word of God. (Romans 4:3 Rom. 3:22)
God washes us and places us in Christ. This is what happened to all the Old Testament saints. They believed God and God declared them righteous and placed them in Christ. Just like us.
Remember God is not bound by time or place. God is not filled with doubt. He knows for a fact that His plans will succeed. So, when an Old Testament saint died, having never known Jesus, God places them in Christ because they believed God’s Word.
So, if that saint was alive to today, and heard a sermon on Jesus. This saint would have accepted Him. I know this might not be liked by some believers, but every person who has ever been saved has been saved by grace, through faith. Not by works. They did the works because they believed the Word God gave them.
Grace comes from God and we see evidence, then choose to put our faith in Him at His Word.
Obedience or works are nothing without faith.
They are just rule keeping or going through the motions.
There are some things we cannot do without faith first. Like Confessing Jesus is the Lord, or believing He came in the flesh. (1 Cor. 12:3, 1 John 4:1-3 )
Like Abel sacrificing the first of his flock, as a picture of the future sacrifice of Christ. That’s what ALL sacrifices are. (Heb 11)
He did this because He received a Word from God, or believed the Word of God given to Him from Adam.
He then became a picture of Jesus, when he was killed by His brother because of envy. Like Christ was killed by His brethren for envy. (Gen. chapter 4, Matt. 27:18)
And they were sent to wander the earth.
We see that Enoch walked with God. He had a relationship with him, just like we are called to have a relationship. But, it started by first seeing evidence of God from God, or it came from a Word given from God by someone else. Perhaps from Seth, or from Adam himself. (Gen. 5:22-24)
Remember Adam often walked with God in the cool of the day.
Do you see that our faith leads us to know God and walk with Him. it leads us to seek Him and turn to Him and let Him direct our paths.
It’s a relationship not rule keeping. No one is saved by keeping the law. We are saved by knowing Him. By confessing Jesus is the Lord and having a relationship with Him by faith. (Rom. 3:20-31)
Noah built an Ark. Because He believed the Word given to Him and he acted upon it. Who in their right mind would build an ark in the front yard?
Our faith might lead us to do crazy things. It might lead us to look strange or be persecuted. But, it might also lead to the saving of our family, friends and world.
We see that Abraham believed the Word God gave Him, and he was made righteous. He went unto a land that was not his own and trusted God. He trusted God even though Abraham never saw the promise fulfilled.
There are things we are trusting God for. And we might never see it fulfilled, until we stand with him on that day in glory. When we cross into Paradise to be with Him, and we see the new heaven and new Earth to come.
We seek a city, a country, a future place with God called Home. For this place is not our home.
Sara believed that God would give her a child in her old age. Even through her doubt, God provided. Despite her laughter the promise came and she was written in this book. Because God’s promises are not based upon our faith, and obedience. But, on His might, grace, and goodness. He does it. Not us. (Gen. 18)
Our faith often leads us to reject things in this life, knowing God has a better plan.
Like Moses who chose to reject the high living of Pharaoh and suffer with His own people. Because He knew that he would be the Deliverer and knew that Christ would deliver us all. (the book of Exodus, Acts Chapter 7, Hebrews 11:26)
All of the Old Testament saints teach us that God gives us a Word, and by faith we believe that Word and follow Him.
Jesus is that Word. And when we turn to Him by Faith, He saves us and directs our paths through His Holy Spirit and the relationship we have with Him.
Even through persecutions and a tough life we keep turning to Him and calling out to Him in faith trusting His Word.
And even if we do not see the promises fulfilled in this life, we know that there is a better day.
So, since we are surrounded by the great saints of old and the lives they lived we can turn to Jesus and trust Him through faith like they did. Setting down our burdens and letting Him wash away our sin. So, we can be free to live the life with him that he called us to live. (Heb. 12:1)
Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. He wrote it, and will bring it to pass in our lives. Not by our works but His.
And it was a joy to Him to endure the suffering and shame of the cross for us. Then sit down at the right hand of God in power. (Heb. 12:2)
Through faith we are saved and our faith grows as God builds it through our relationship. And every bad thing we face, and every good thing we receive, all works together to build our faith as we turn to Him and trust Him.
And His promises will come.
They come today. They come in the future. And they come forever.
Trust Him.
Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger from Southern Illinois. He has published in several magazines, and has written a poetry eBook called “Against the Man” and an Addiction Recovery eBook called “Made Free: Overcoming Addiction“ a collection of dystopian short stories.“The Future is Coming” and his latest book “The Latter Days‘ is a book on Bible Prophecy and avoiding the deceptions to come.
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