God Will Come Running
When we turn to Him

It could be a kid going to college with his parents credit card.
Or a kid chasing a dream with his fathers support and blessing.
We know this guy. We have seen him or her in our families or neighbors. We have seen them in ourselves.
We are free. We don’t have to answer to anyone.
We are trying to make it. We are chasing a dream or forced to take care of ourselves.
But we get pulled off the path.
Like the man in Jesus’ story.
He started riotous living. He started making friends in low places. He was meeting all the best guys or best girls. He was getting drunk and using drugs of all kinds. He was down at the club, or local bar. He woke up next to all kinds of people.
And all the dreams died.
We’ve been there, or seen people there. We can smell the smells, taste the tastes and hear the sound of the music thumping. We’ve done the beer runs, and smoked the things that make us wanna go get some more.
They are living for the party. Living for friends. Maybe living the dream. But, it’s not the real dream. It’s not real hopes and dreams.
Jesus says that trouble comes. A famine in the land.
And trouble always comes. The party always ends.
It could be an accident that causes it. Maybe a divorce or break up. The loss of income and friends. Illness.
But, the party ends.
This causes us to get desperate. These times of trouble can lead us to draw more into the party life, trying to hold on. Drinking and drugging more to try to numb the fear and pain. Chasing things that is not good for us. Trusting people we should not trust. Waking up in places we do not want to wake up in. As our friends abandon us.
And we break. We have no choice. We are ruined.
Jesus said, the man went and got the worst job possible. The lowest of the low, just to keep himself from starving.
But, even that wasn’t working. He wanted to eat the pigs food.
We might end up homeless, digging in the dumpsters. We might even consider a life of crime. Stealing, selling drugs, stripping and prostitution to survive.
We hit rock bottom. We are as low as we think we can go.
Do not be deceived. There are always worst things that can happen. Rock bottom has a basement.
Jesus said, that the man woke up. He was willing to be a slave in His fathers house.
How desperate are you? Are you desperate enough to turn to God and say “I can’t do it! I don’t know what to do! But, I need you! Do whatever you want but please save me and help me.”
Are you so desperate to be free from your troubles and addictions and life, that you just give it all to God, and even if He kills you or throws you in prison or cripples you, it’s ok.
How desperate are you?
Jesus said the man went to see his father. He was desperate. He had ruined his life and was not worthy for anything good.
But, the father saw his child a long way off, and ran to him. And hugged him and held him.
That’s God.
He sees our broken and desperate heart, long before we even get to Him. And He comes running. He comes running to save us and help us.
He wraps His arms around us and makes us His child. He brings us a robe and a ring and we are with the father forever.
And our life changes. We see things happening. Good or bad, but it’s ok because the Father is with us. He shakes it out and gives us hope. He grows our faith as we draw closer to Him. And we see him move. And more faith grows.
The dreams come back to life and we see them growing in Him. We see good things coming into our life, and it comes even more abundantly.
God himself is working in our life and everything is fine.
He blesses us where we are because we are His. We are His child and we turn to Him and know Him.
And He always comes running when we turn to Him. He always moves to help us, even when we can’t see it. He is working and it will work out. He is with us.
And we will be with Him
Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger.
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