Standing on Faith
What does it mean to wait upon the Lord?

There’s a verse in Isaiah that people like to quote.
“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”—Isa. 40:31
Tough times come into our lives.
It doesn’t matter what kind of tough times, because it all does the same thing to us. It brings us to a place where we are faced with trusting God or not.
When you look at the temptations of Christ, you will find that they all end in the same basic question.
Do you trust God?
Do you trust God to provide?
Do you trust God to protect?
Do you trust God to answer?
Do you trust God to guide?
I am in the same boat. Destroyed and abandoned by people I called friends. People who claimed to be friends. People who call themselves believers in Christ, but do not love the brethren, like He commands.
I’m waiting upon the Lord.
What does that mean?
Well, it means to continue doing the things you know for a fact He called you to do. It means doing what is right and abiding in Him; keeping the relationship with Him.
He called Abram to follow Him out into the wilderness and Abram went. “Come unto a land that I will show you.”
And Abram followed as God led. It was a daily walk. But, God led him to a place where Abram was fulfilling his purpose.
Abram listen to God’s leading, as frustrating as it is to not know the whole plan. But, the following and the waiting and the learning the voice of the Lord was the real plan. That was the relationship.
And Abram, became Abraham, the father of nations. A powerful prophet in the land where God led him.
As sheep we follow the shepherd. We know his voice because God teaches it to us. We see Him moving and we remember what He tells us. We trust in the things He has shown us and confirmed in His Word.
He leads us by the still waters. His rod and staff comfort us. Not because of where we are, but because of Who is with us. Nothing can harm us for real. He is there.
Our faith grows in the relationship. It grows when we hear God’s Word and we put our faith in it and stand on it despite all odds. His promises are true and no matter what happens He is with us. He will never leave us nor forsake us. We can stand on the Rock of Christ, the Rock of His Word.
Turn to Him and He comes running. Seek and you shall find. Ask and it shall be given to you. Knock and it will be opened. We have not, because we ask not. We are his children, we can come boldly to the throne and seek Him in our despair.
While we wait on the Lord to show us the next step, we stand on faith. We stand on His Word, and the things He has shown us in our lives, which is our testimony. The testimony of the great things He has done for us.
We can trust Him. He is coming fast.
Like the Israelite’s in the desert waiting on the pillar of smoke and fire to move. He will move.
Faith comes by hearing the Word. Speak it to yourself.
“Whatsoever I ask in His name He will do.”
Believe it.
Trust it.
Drive the doubt out of your mind with it.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”
Say it.
Believe it.
Stand on it.
Let the promises fill you with faith and drive the demons of doubt and fear and infirmity away.
“By His stripes I am healed”
Believe it.
“Take up your mat and walk”
Believe it.
Get up and get busy.
Do what you can do.
Grab that promise and run with it.
Dance before the Lord and trust that He has your back.
He is coming. He promises.
You will run and not be weary.
Believe it.
Our relationship with Him forever is being built.
We know Him, through the relationship He is building. We know Him as we walk with Him through the desert. We know Him as we wait upon Him and continue in well doing till he comes.
And He is coming.
You will hear His voice and see Him move to help you.
Trust Him.
Bio: Chris Bunton is a writer, poet and blogger.
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Photo by pexels/Graeme Travers
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